Adress:Yeditepe University, Faculty of Engineering and
Architecture, Department of Genetics and Bioengineering,
26 Ağustos Campus, 34755, Ataşehir, Istanbul, Turkey
Birth Date/Place:1986/ İstanbul
Languages:English (Advanced)
Driving license: B class
Ph.D.: T.C. Yeditepe University, The Institute of Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, Biotechnology Department, Istanbul (full scholarship)(2014 +)
Ph.D.: Istanbul Technical University, Graduate School of ScienceEngineering and Technology, Molecular Biology-Genetics and Biotechnology, Istanbul(2011 – 2014; transfer to Yeditepe University)
M.Sc.: T.C. Yeditepe University, The Institute of Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, Biotechnology, Genetics and Bioengineering, Istanbul (full scholarship)(2009 – 2011)
CGPA: 3.84/4.00
B.Sc.: T.C.Yeditepe University,Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Genetics and Bioengineering, Istanbul(2004 – 2009)
CGPA: 3.38/4.00
Sarıyer Vehbi Koç Foundation High School, Istanbul(2000 – 2004)
Sarıyer Elementary School, Istanbul(1996-2000)
Mareşal Fevzi Çakmak Primary School, Istanbul(1991-1996)
Academic Experiences
Research assistant at Yeditepe University, Genetics and Bioengineering Department (2009+)
Summer internship– Istanbul Technical University, Dr. Orhan Öcalgiray Molecular Biology - Biotechnology & Genetics Research Center (MOBGAM), Biomimmetics and Protein Engineering Laboratories, Istanbul (Under supervisions of Asst. Prof. Nevin Gül Karagüler and Prof. Dr. Candan Tamerler) (2007)
T.C.Yeditepe University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Genetics and Bioengineering, Tissue Engineering Laboratory,Istanbul (Under supervision of Assoc. Prof. Gamze Torun Köse)(2007-2008)
Teaching Experiences
GBE 216 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Laboratory
CHEM 215 – Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
Technical Skills
Cell culture techniques
Gene delivery
Confocal microscopy
Fluorescence microscopy
Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
Scope of Research
Cartilage tissue engineering
Stem cells (mesenchymal SC, human tooth germSC)
Lentiviral gene delivery
Published Articles
S.Onder, A.C.Çalıkoğlu-Koyuncu, G.T.Köse, K.Kazmanlı, F.N.Kok,M.Urgen, “Effect of magnesium and osteoblast cell presence on hydroxyapatite formation on (Ti,Mg)N thin film coatings”, JOM, 2016.
J.Svobodová, V.Proks, Ö.Karabiyik, A.Ceren Çalıkoğlu Koyuncu, G.Torun Köse, F.Rypáček, H.Studenovská, “Poly(amino acid)-based fibrous scaffolds modified with surface-pendant peptides for cartilage tissue engineering”, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 2015.
S.Onder, A.C.Çalıkoğlu-Koyuncu, K.Kazmanlı, M.Urgen, G.T.Köse, F.N.Kok, “Behavior of mammalian cells on magnesium substituted bare and hydroxyapatite deposited (Ti,Mg)N coatings”, New Biotechnology, 32:6, 747-755, 2015.
A.C.Çalıkoğlu, G.Gürel Peközer, M.Ramazanoğlu, G.T.Köse, V.Hasırcı, “Cartilage Tissue Engineering on Macroporous Scaffolds Using Human Tooth Germ Stem Cells”, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, DOI: 10.1002/term.1975, 2014.
Erde Can, Seyda Bucak, Emre Kınacı, Ayşe Ceren Çalıkoğlu and Gamze Torun Köse, “Polybutylene Succinate (PBS) – Polycaprolactone (PCL) Blends Compatibilized with Poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(propylene oxide)-block-poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO-PPO-PEO) Copolymer for Biomaterial Applications”,Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 53: 1178–1193, 2014.
A. B. Ertan, P. Yılgor, B. Bayyurt, A. C. Çalıkoğlu, Ç. Kaspar, F. N. Kök, G. Torun Köse and V. Hasırcı, “Effect of double growth factor release on cartilage tissue engineering”, J Tissue Eng Regen Med, Feb; 7(2):149-60, 2013.
Meeting Abstracts
Sakip Önder, Ayşe C. Çalıkoğlu-Koyuncu, Kürşat Kazmanlı, Mustafa Ürgen, Fatma N.Kök, Gamze T.Köse, “Magnesium Doping in Titanium Nitride Coatings to Increase the Osteointegration of Hard Tissue Implants”, Oral Presentation, BIOMED 2015, Antalya, Türkiye, Oct 22-24, 2015.
S.Önder, A.C.Çalıkoğlu-Koyuncu, K.Kazmanlı, M.Ürgen, G.Torun Köse, F.N.Kök, “Effect of magnesium doping in titanium nitride coatings on the behavior of mesenchymal stem cells”,Oral Presentation, Nanobiotechnology Days 2015, Istanbul, May 14-15 2015.
F.N.Kok, S.Onder, A.C.Calikoglu, K.Kazmanlı, M.Urgen, G.T.Kose, “Osteoblast cell proliferation on magnesium-substituted hydroxyapatite (Mg-HA) coatings”, New Biotechnology, 31, S52-S53, 2014
S.Önder, A.C.Çalıkoğlu, K.Kazmanlı, M.Ürgen, G.T.Köse, F.N. Kok, “Osteoblast Cell Proliferation on Magnesium-Substituted Hydroxyapatite (Mg-HA) Coatings”, Poster Presentation, European Biotechnology Congress, Lecce, Italy, May 15-18, 2014.
G.Torun Köse, A.C.Çalıkoğlu Koyuncu, Ö.Karabıyık, M.Ramazanoğlu, J.Svobodova, V.Proks, H.Studenovska, “Comparison of Hydrogel-like and Fibrous Poly(alpha-Amino Acid)-Based Scaffolds for Cartilage Tissue Engineering”, Poster Presentation, 25th European Conference on Biomaterials, Madrid, Spain, September 8-12, 2013.
H.Studenovska, V.Proks, J.Kučka, Ö.Karabıyık, A.C.Çalıkoğlu Koyuncu, M.Ramazanoğlu, G.T. Köse, “Effect of biomimetic modification of porous polypeptide hydrogels on stem cell chondrogenesis”, Poster Presentation, TERMIS-EU 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, June 17-20, 2013.
Ö. Karabıyık, J. Svobodová, A. C. Çalıkoğlu, V. Proks, M. Ramazanoğlu, G. Torun Köse, H. Studenovská,“Fibrous Poly(α-Amino acid)-based Scaffold For Cartilage Tissue Engineering”, Poster Presentation,Career in Polymers IV, Prague, Chezck Republic, June 29-30, 2012.
A.C. Çalıkoğlu, G. Gürel, G. Köse, V. Hasırcı, “Chondrogenic Differentiation of Human Tooth Germ Stem Cells on Three Dimensional Scafolds”, Poster Presentation, BIOMED 2010, İstanbul, September 28-October 2, 2010.
A. B. Ertan, P. Yılgor, B. Bayyurt, A. C. Çalıkoğlu, Ç. Kaspar, F. N. Kök, G. Torun Köse, V. Hasırcı “Controlled Release of IGF-I Loaded in Nanospheres Improves In Vitro Cartilage Formation”,Poster Presentation,14. Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı (Biyomut), İzmir, Türkiye, May 20-24, 2009.
Projects Involved
2014+ – Ph. D. Project (Under supervision of Prof. Gamze Torun Köse and Assoc. Prof. Dilek Telci): Use of tissue transglutaminase transduced stem cells in cartilage tissue engineering.
2011- 2014 – (Ti,Mg)N İnce Film Kaplamaların Yüzeylerinde Magnezyum Katkılı Hidroksiapatit Büyütülmesi ve Sert Doku İmplant Malzemesi Olarak Potansiyellerinin Araştırılması, TÜBİTAK 1001.
2011- 2013–Biodegradable Polypeptide-Based Hydrogels for Soft Tissue Regeneration, ASCR-TÜBİTAK, 111M031.
2009-2011 – M.Sc. Graduation Project (Under supervision of Prof. Gamze Torun Köse): Cartilage Tissue Engineering on 3-D Scaffolds Using Human Tooth Germ Stem Cells, TÜBİTAK 1002, 2011-2012.
2010-2011 – Production of drug-eluting biodegradable polymeric stents, SAN-TEZ, 00155.STZ.2007-2, 2007-2010.
2007-2008 – B.Sc. Graduation Project (Under supervision of Prof. Gamze Torun Köse): Use of pH and temperature sensitive nanospheres in cartilage tissue engineering, DPT-2006-İAP, 2005-2008.
Conferences Participated
The 21st International Biomaterial Science and Technology Symposium (BIOMED), Akka Antedon Hotel, Antalya, Türkiye, October 22-24, 2015.
The European Chapter Meeting of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS-EU 2013),Harbiye Convention Center, İstanbul, Türkiye, June 17-20, 2013.
The 18th International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium (BIOMED), Gaziosmanpaşa University, Tokat, Türkiye, September 10-13, 2012.
ATCC Hücre Kültürü Semineri, Green Park Hotel, Bostancı, İstanbul, October 20, 2010.
International Symposium on Biotechnology: Developments and Trends (BIOTECH METU 2009 to commemorate the 20th year of the establishment of the Biotechnology Graduate Program at METU), Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey, September 27-30, 2009.
The 15th International Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium (BIOMED), Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus (METU-NCC), Güzelyurt, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), August 16-19, 2009.
Nanobiomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Nanobiotechnology Workshop, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey, September 1-2, 2008.
The 14th Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium (BIOMED), Maritim-Hotel Grand Azur, Marmaris, Muğla, Turkey, May 3-7, 2008.
The 13th Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium (BIOMED), Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, August 26-28, 2007.