AVID 9 Syllabus

2017 – 2018

Ms. Cvejic

310.529.6458 / Ms. Gerber


AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is an elective course that prepares students for entrance into four-year colleges and universities. AVID places emphasis on analytical writing, preparation for college entrance and placement exams, study skills, test taking, note-taking, and research.

Goal: Every AVID student enters a two-year college orfour-year university after graduation from ESHS. To achieve this goal, students must:

  1. Complete all “A-G” requirements as well as Honors and AP courses and exams.
  2. Participate in collaborative tutorial sessions twice a week, using Socratic Seminars and the inquiry method to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate course concepts.
  3. Complete writing prompts that prepare students for college writing.
  4. Prepare for and take standardized college admission tests entry exams such as PLAN, PSAT, SAT, and ACT tests.
  5. Demonstrate academic survival skills including Cornell note-taking, public speaking, time management, and test-taking and goal-setting strategies.
  6. Demonstrate proficiency in research and computer skills.
  7. Research and visit universities of interest
  8. Explore career paths and opportunities.
  9. Practice and complete college applications and financial aid forms.

Course Description:

The AVID week consists of instruction in:

  • The AVID curriculum where students focus on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading (WICOR) (Monday and Wednesday).
  • Tutor-led group study (Tuesday and Thursday).
  • Motivational activities and academic survival skills (Friday).


The AVID curriculum emphasizes:

  • College and Careers
  • The Strategies for Success
  • High School Writing

College and Careersfocuses on test-taking skills. Preparation includes instruction in math and English language concepts frequently seen on college entrance tests, as well as practice on “mock” SAT and ACT exams. In the ninth, tenth and eleventh grades, students are encouraged to take the PSAT or the PLAN (Preliminary American College Test). In the eleventh and twelfth grades, students take the SAT and ACT (American College Test).

The Strategies for Successhighlights practical skills such as time management, note-taking, textbook reading, library research, and maintaining the AVID binder. This binder is key to the student's organizational success; therefore, students will maintain a binder that includes an assignment calendar, class and textbook notes, assignments, and homework. The binder is collected and graded regularly

High School Writingunderscores the importance of writing as a tool for learning.Students practice writing in all subject areas. Students will come to appreciate writing as a process. Students will use this process in all grade-level writing assignments.


Tuesdays and Thursdays, studentsengage in Tutorials for the entire period. Tutorials provide an opportunity to collaborate in groups to address academic challenges. These groups are led by college tutors, many of whom are former AVID students and/or graduates of El Segundo High School, who assist students in the process of learning through inquiry and the Socratic method. Tutorials present a very specific process, and students are required to prepare for and fully engage in this process. Students ask questions and take notes as they work together to address their own academic challenges and the academic challenges of others.


AVID students move beyond academic instructions through motivational activities designed to develop emotional intelligences. These activities highlight how students engage in and communicate with others in their home, school, community, and the world at large.

Required Materials to be Brought to Class Daily:

A 3-inch, three-ring binder that has dividers for all classes (including AVID). The AVID binder holds material for all classes and is organized by:

  • Subject area, including AVID (see teacher instruction for your individual classes)
  • AVID section will include (a divider for each section):
  • Tutorials
  • Cornell notes
  • Writing
  • Grade Log
  • Please include plenty of lined notebook, pens, pencils and highlighters

Binders are reviewed for a grade every Friday


We are so excited to welcome you to AVID 9 and look forward to this four-year adventure together. Let us remember that AVID is first and foremost a family that will see you through all of your successes and challenges for the next four years. Please think of yourself as a vital and essential member of this family! We would not be the same without you.

We encourage you to ask questions, to seek our help when you need us and for whatever reason you need us. Remember, we succeed together.

Please sign and return this sheet by ______

I have read, understood and will adhere to the expectations, requirements, and conduct for AVID 92017-2018.


(Print Student Name) (Date)


(Student Signature)(Student Phone Number)

I have read, understood and support the expectations, requirements, and conduct for my student’s AVID 9course and will help my student adhere to them.


(Print Parent/Guardian Name) (Date)


(Parent/Guardian Signature) (Parent/Guardian Phone Number)