2014 - 2015 President 2013 – 2014 Treasurer
Avery Hall Sr. Brad Rogers
2/2/15 EFHS ABC Meeting Minutes:
Call to Order at 7:15pm (Roll Call: Sign In)
Attendees: Patricia Gainey, Allen Plaster, Sue Smith, Kevin Bugg, Jerome Gray, Anna Crisp, Cindy Swaim, and Avery Hall
Welcome: New Members or Guests.
Approved Minutes from January 5, 2015 Meeting
Principal Report: Trish Gainey: Thanked ABC for supporting the HOF banquet.
Athletic Director’s Report: Allen Plaster : Winter sports are wrapping up , and spring sports parents meeting is on 2/23 at 7pm. EFHS will host the conference basketball tournament on 2/16, 2/17, 2/18 and 2/20 (concessions help needed).
Treasurers’ Report : Brad Rodgers provided financials and report given by Avery Hall; highlights were $5,500 transferred into LAX Capital fund. $6,000 loan payment made towards basketball gum floor to WSFC, normal field maintenance paid for Feb., and fall stadium seats paid for under eaglewear.
Committee Reports:
1. Concessions: Les Gray No Report
2. Membership: Kevin Bugg gave us an update; we are at 202 members and looking forward to Spring Sports parents meeting
3. Eagle wear: Lisa Bugg report given by Kevin Bugg; looking to set up at Freshman Orientation on 2/4 and Spring Sports parents meeting on 2/23 (will probably deplete inventory during these events and the balance of the school year)
4. Sponsorships: Kevin Bugg reported that we are excited that Mac Allen has decided to renew his baseball sponsorship early (actually due Nov 2015) for $3,500. If all sponsorships are renewed for the 2015 -2016 school year (May to May), revenue generation should be approximately $46K. The majority of the sponsorships were for baseball’s capital project but will renew and go towards the ABC general fund.
Team Representative Report:
Old Business:
1) Update on Reverse Raffle Fundraiser: Successful: Raised $27, 028 +/- w/ Expenses of $11,180 +/- for $15, 848 ($11,094 to ABC and $4,754 to PTSA)
2) Revisit 2014 – 2015 Plans: goal is to control expenses, stabilize the P&L, and underscore our known expenses for 2014 before committing to anything else. Known commitments and expenses for 2014-15: $1,000 EFHS HOF (Paid ; January 2015), $6,000 payment for Basketball Gym Floor (Paid; January 2015), $3,000 for Senior Scholarships, $3,000 for Bagley’s Maintenance (TOK obligation ??), $18,884 for Bagley’s Bleachers ($18,000 from WSFC Capital fund and $884 from ABC) , $5,500 committed to Bagley’s project owed (was $6500 but transferred a $1000 for Bleachers in September 2014; transferred $5,500 in January 2015), $800 for Concessions (Softball field steamer and cheese dispenser), $7, 650 for Baseball and Softball field maintenance ($637.50 per month), $2,500 for FB Chutes &sled (approved on 2/2/15, END OF YEAR BANQUETS ($8.50 X # of athletes), access to team funds, and the below punch list.
3) Softball Punch List & final payment: All items are complete (Per Kenny Cooper): Fencing done (per P. Lamendolal in January meeting), Todd Pendley will give EFHS a proposal for the Canopy Netting and sponsorships will be sought to cover the outlay (P. Lamendolal; January 5th meeting), A/C, Men & Women bathroom: need signs, bathroom light sensors need adjusting, need hand towel racks, and need mirrors in both bathrooms. Need counters below both front Windows. Open invoice of $650 to be paid by school.
4) Bagley Update: Decided not to play on the Championship Field to allow for field to mature; Fields, Lights, and Debut
5) Softball Naming Received parental support of $1K on 2/2/15 (Reynolds matching gift) ; Softball Dedication on April 9th versus East Surry; rain date is April 15th VS Reagan.
6) Gym Floor Naming
7) EOY Team Banquets & Senior Gifts
8) Senior Blankets: Les Gray donated $3,500 and ABC will paid the difference of $1,268
9) 2015 Scholarships: Anna Crisp is meeting with Mrs. Hubbard in guidance on Wednesday (1/7/15) of this week to iron out details for the scholarship. Mrs. Hubbard has actually already taken the liberty to put the scholarship info out right before Christmas. April 17 th deadline for submitting applications and must be an ABC member prior to March 9th.
10) Revisited the ABC Master Plan and approved funds transfer of a couple known commitments for 2014-15 (prioritize)
New Business (15 minutes):
1) Freshman Open House on 2/4: Spiritwear , memberships, etc
2) On 2/2/15 rolled out plans for the April 11th EFHS ABC Annual Golf Tournament at Pine Knolls with a 1pm shotgun start (no prom, no major events in town; avoids Easter/Mother’s Day); Pearce will leave open the 8pm slot just in case we have a lot of teams (he want to know three weeks in advance if we’ll need an 8am and a 1pm shotgun start). $27.00 per player (not bad and has worked well for two other golf tournament that I’ve done there). We would Charge $60 per golfer, $240.00 per team, and $300 for a team and hold sponsor. Hole Sponsors are $100.00 if purchased sans a team. Nothing to do now, just an FYI. As we look at the above known expenses, the RR and golf tournament revenue will definitely help.
3) 2015-16 EFHS Board Nominations
Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm
East Forsyth High School
2500 W. Mountain St. - Kernersville, NC 27284 - 336-703-6735
The East Forsyth Athletic Booster Club, Inc. is a federal 501© 3 corporation