Salesbury Nursery
Class T-Rex
Autumn Term second half 2017
Week 5
Dear Parents and Carers,
Firstly a big thank you to everyone who supported the Christmas fair on Saturday. Your support at such events is really appreciated.
It might be the penultimate week but that does not mean we have been doing any less work! On Monday this week the children discovered two kindness elves in the classroom with a note to say they would be returning every day. They had a poem about how smiles can be passed on to others and how they can make people feel better. We also read a story called “Grumpy Gertie” (you can find it on Youtube) about a character that makes everyone she meets feel grumpy. The children thought about how their mood may affect the people around them. We played a game of passing the smile round a circle and noticed the affect it had on others. We also made a banner full of smiling faces! The elves returned on Tuesday with another message: this time they asked us to think about how we can use our hands to be kind. We made a list of things we could do to help others such as helping our friends with their coats, opening doors or helping with jobs at home. As promised, the elves returned again on Thursday: this time they brought a photograph of a group of elderly people in a rest home. The children thought about how the people might be feeling and why. We also discussed what we could do to make the old people feel happier.
We have also been thinking about different aspects of the nativity story. We looked at two dolls, one dressed in swaddling clothes and one in modern clothes. The children compared the two babies and talked about similarities and differences between them, focusing on their clothes, where they were born and where they slept. We also looked at paintings from different countries depicting the nativity scene and compared them.
· Nursery nativity: this year we are going to do two performances. The first on Friday 15th December at 2.30pm and the second on Monday 18th December at 11am. Each child will be allocated 2 tickets for each performance. Please return any tickets that you do not require so that we can try to redistribute them.
· Costumes: Costumes need to be in named carrier bags and brought into school no later than Monday 11th December.
· Friday 15th December: Christmas jumper day! Children and staff are invited to wear their Christmas jumper.
Friday 15th December: Children who have school dinners will be having their Christmas dinner.
· Wednesday 20th December: The children will be going to church for the end of term service at 9am. Doors will open at 8.50am. (If you are able to help walk the children to church and back, please speak to a member of staff.)
· Wednesday 20th December: party day! Please bring a small paper plate of food for your child to eat mid-morning (Please write their name on). This is not intended to be their lunch so children who have packed lunches will still need to bring their lunch as usual. Drinks will be provided for the party.
Thank you for your support
Nursery Staff
Telephone: 244580