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Adustable Autonomy in Pervasive Intelligent
MM Hasan, Most. Tajmary Mahfuz
Abstract— Pervasive intelligent environment, such as digital homes or workplaces, has enormous potentials in modern world especially in eHealth services. In recent years, this area has achieved to draw numerous attentions for future living habits and lifestyle. In the meantime, a lot of question has been taken place which is become real challenges such as how to configure and manage these types of environment as well as controlling security and privacy issues to create and sustain the intelligent environment properly and effectively in health care sectors. For this reason, it is important to figure out context –awareness system in health care based on patient’s demand in the smart environment. In this paper, we have focused to analysis the basic requirements for context–awareness to create a persona in eHealth based system. Hence, we have developed a model to create a digital persona which reflects individual’s wishes to configure the intelligent territory. Moreover, we simulate a smart phone app to collect data from digital persona to create a collaborative approach to control the intelligent environment.
Keywords— adjustable autonomy; context –awareness; digital persona; human agent teamwork; pervasive intelligent environment;
· MM Hasan is serving himself as a lecturer in Daffodil International University and has completed his MSc from University of Essex, UK.
· Most. Tajmary Mahfuz is working as a lecturer in Daffodil International University and completed MS from Jahangirnagar University.
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1 Introduction
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ervasive intelligent environment is a promising computing paradigm in smart computing age. It has created a lot of dimensions in the intelligent environment especially in personal appliances and health care services. A pervasive intelligent environment can be seen as a daily life such as living and workplaces, which is comprised with computer based devices including a number of intelligent agents to improve the quality of life. [1] It offers a huge potential in health care services and in personal life. In this work we have followed an adjustable autonomy system [2] where agent –in this case an application on smart phone has the ability to control the environment based on user’s requirement. In this case, we have developed a requirement analysis based on users demand on their required temperature in a room for the whole day.
According to our project, a digital persona is a set of rules linked to a digital territory. [1], [3] In other words; a digital persona is a scale where a person’s wishes can be identified and implemented in an intelligent environment.
To figure out the context-awareness system for creating a digital persona, we have clearly defined very simple criteria such as temperature to identify the typical demand of end users to live in a room. By this kind of information, we have shown a relation of what could be done in such a way that an app on smart phone can sense the requirements of end users
and acts accordingly. In this work, we have selected random patients in National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR-Bangladesh) to participate to create such types of digital persona for an app. Most notably, since we are dealing with a smart phone (i.e. iPhone), we have provided necessary devices to the patients to control the temperature via app.
2.1 Background
Pervasive intelligent environment has been an emerging topic to evolve our lifestyle. As the new generation’s wishes and desires are changing very rapidly towards a brand new technology day by day, it is the peak time to create an innovative initiative towards them.
On the other hand, in recent years, the number of senior citizens has increased significantly. That is why; there is a worldwide concern of taking care of them especially in health care sector. It is noticeably that, the elderly suffer more due to the lack of proper care. Therefore, to make their lifestyle easier and healthier, it needs to accumulate a new smart environment more sophistically and effectively.In this research work, we have taken the initiative and developed a digital persona which is based on human-agent teamwork in eHealth based pervasive intelligent environment.
2.2 Approaches in previous research
In this section, we describe the previous works on how to manage and configure an eHealth based pervasive intelligent environment. There are basically two types of mainstreaem approaches towards the Intelligent Environment (IE) management. The first one is end-user driven approach (e.g. Humble jigsaw puzzle) approach and the other one is autonomous driven approach. [4] In an end user driven approach users has the full control to manage the IE.That is why it encourages creativity. Neverthless, there is a concern about lack of confidence of user’s to program and maintain an IE system. On the other hand, in an autonomous agnet type of approach it decreses the opportunities to end users contol the IE system.From 3C model, it has well known that an adjustment or understanding is required between agent and end user. [1], [5]
It is obvious that collaboration is required between end user and agent to effectively handle the IE system. Fig. 1. shows an approach of human agent teamwork, where the end user and agent become one entity.
Fig. 1. Human – agent teamwork based IE system [1], [6]
Figure. 1. Depicts the core idea behind our proposed solution to create a digital persona – where an app and end user can take decision together to manage the Intelligent Environmentn (IE) system. The following section describes our proposed system to develop the digital persona.
3 Digital persona
According to the Oxford Dictionary, a persona is the aspect of someone’s character that is presented to or perceived by others and in other words, a role or character adopted by an author or an actor. [7] A persona can be seen as how we act to others and how we allow others to interact with us. Therefore, a digital persona would define how some other digital entity characterizes us digitally. [1], [8] In the context of our research work a digital persona is a glimpse of individual’s wishes which is comprised with one’s comfort and reassure. Here, digital persona is the scale of one’s requirements of an intelligent environment or in a digital territory. [9], [10] On the other hand, a digital persona can be created based on one’s wishes on how they want to configure and manage the smart environment. [11][12] It can be formed by manageing the following parameters:
a. light and temperature in an intelligent environment ,
b. entertainment such as music, watching movies and so on and
c. controlling security and privacy issues.[13]
To create a digital persona, a high level architecture (fig. 2.) has been followed.
Fig. 2. Adjustable autonomy for creating a digital persona [1], [14]
Implementing the above rules of adjustable autonomy, our developed digital persona has the following characteristics:
i. it allows human – agent teamwork,
ii. the users are able to provide data whenever the wish and
iii. the digital persona has the management system to control different pervasive environment based on temperature context.
4 Results and discussions
As we have discussed in the previous section, a digital persona would define of one’s act to others or digital entity and expectation to interact with them.Hence, we have only considered temperature for simplification to draw such type of digital persona of patients on a hospital. Here, we have just emphasized on the context of temperature that a patient would require while he or she is in treatment in Pre-Intensive Care Unit (pre-ICU) or in ICU.
In the National Rehabilitation Centre, where the survey was done, we have surveyed and observed twenty patients over three months to figure out the requirements of temperature to them in a smart room. Table- 1 shows mean analysis of requirement of temperature from 10:01am to 20:00pm - where n represents the number of patients who has respond on that specific time.
Mean of temperature(°C) / N10.01-12.00 / 20.43 / 7
12.01-14.00 / 21 / 2
14.01-16.00 / 19 / 2
16.01-18.00 / 24.8 / 5
18.01-20.00 / 23.75 / 4
Table- 1: Mean analysis of temperature respect to time from morning to evening.
From the above table, it is clear that at the morning 10:01am, seven patients has requested to set the temperature at 20°C, while at evening from 18:01 to 20:00 , only 4 patients have asked for to set the temperature approximately 24 °C.
From the above analysis of data we draw a very simple and effective solution named a digital persona based on patient’s requirement on temperature in eHealth based pervasive environment which is shown in fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Mean analysis between time and temperature
From the above figure, we can wrap up the scenario into a digital persona of patient’s requirements in different times.
From the digital persona, we have calculated mean temperature of different patient’s requirement to configure the room and sent it to an iPhone app via webservice (i.e. http fetching via JavaScript Object Notaion) and that app sent necessary commands to the digital entities such as air conditions (AC) to set the desired temperature.To give a visual scenario of this, we can describe the whole picture at a glance with the help of fig. 4.
Fig. 4. A smart phone application handling the temperature based on time such as morning, noon and evening.
5 Creating an iPhone digital persona app
It is noticable that, in this paper, we are not dealing with the hardware integration with the application. It has assumed that the app has the ability to interact with the digital entities especialy for temperature purpose such as interacting with ACs with necessary sensors and circuits. As our project objectives are not focused on that area, we have developed a very simple app based on iOS platform to collect mean temperature and sent to the ACs and configure the digital territory. We have used Lion OS with XCODE 4.1(i.e. IDE to develop iPhone Apps) including COCOA framework to develop the app. In this phase of our work, we have just revealed the User Interface (UI) of this app. After completing the second phase we will upload the app in iTunes with the concern of the technical supporter named of this project. Fig. 5 shows the user interface of simulator of the Digital Persona Application.
Fig. 5. iPhone app for Digital Persona
From the above figure, it is clear that, the end users can tune temperature based on their requirements. In addition, an adjustable-autonomy – which has been described in section 3, has completely satisfied with the feature of slider where the app can sense and act according to user’s requirements.
6 What were the CHALLENGES?
Context – awareness based computing is always challenging specially in eHealth based pervasive intelligent environment. We have focused three key aspects of such types of challenges to create the digital persona and the app which will act in this environment. [15]
The first point was the mobility, the device which was act with digital persona has limited power and memory size.So, handling the cognitive load was a major concern. [1], [16]
Secondly, limited sensors were available in mobile phones.
The final point dealt with the small number of sample size that we had to consider.
7 Conclusion
In this research work, we have tried to set an overview of context awareness in health care to create a digital persona. However, we have not enclosed all the features of research in this area; we have attempted to provide a glimpse that how to create a digital persona based on a very simple and typical aspect such as requirement of temperature in a room. This kind of digital persona has been designed such a way that the app can easily configure it and manage the temperature without involving others such as medical professionals and nurses. In addition, we have developed an app based on iOS platform where the app can sense the requirement or demand of a user in temperature and it can send necessary data to configure the room or digital territory accordingly.
To sum up, for simplification, a digital persona has been designed and created based on temperature whereas the other essential features such as light, entertainment, security have been ignored. Moreover, this app has been used in several patients and they have found it convenient to use. As a final point, we must mention, the development of such persona will need to be more accurate and furnished including the concerns of human psychology. Our hope is that this research paper will inspire discussion, debate and aid more research in this area and will enrich health care in pervasive intelligent environment.
8 Future work
It is very difficult to predict what the future scenario of a hospital will be, aspects such as context – awareness will help to change the hospital environment dramatically in both perspectives. It can be presumed that there will be a lot of changes of how the health care professionals will shift their activities towards the machines and bio-medical equipments.At the same time, the patients will express their difficulties via agents or smart apps while they are in medication or in treatment.
From our research point of view, the following future works could be done to improve this sector:
1) A further study could be emphasized to classify (i.e. based on different context) the digital persona.
2) A complete application could be developed which will sense not only temperature requirements but also the other aspects such as light, entertainment and so on.
3) Investigate the scope and opportunities of digital persona in mHealth based pervasive intelligent environment.
4) A comprehensive research could be accomplished for these sorts of apps in multiple digital territories.
This work contributes to the National Rehabilitation Project (NRP), a collaborative research effort between National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (NITOR-Bangladesh),, Daffodil International University.