Author Proposal Form for QuakerPress and QuakerBridge Media of FGC
This form is essentially the same as the online manuscript submission form. It is offered as an alternative for those who prefer to work offline.
Before completing this form, please review our submission guidelines, which explain what content we consider for publicaiton and what form we need that content to be in.
Author Info
Phone (if including more than one number, please identify work, home, cell)
Mailing Address
Project description:
Working title:
Format: Is it a pamphlet, book, or digital production? If print, is a particular format (e.g. loose-leaf binder) called for? Is an ebook or pdf format appropriate as an alternative?
Please describe purpose of project (30-50 words):
Expected length (word count):
Expected completion date:
If not explicit from information above, please say more about how this project relates to Quaker interests and/or faith:
What kind of research will be necessary, or has already been undertaken?
Are illustrations or other images (e.g. diagrams) essential to the publication?
If yes, please elaborate.
Will it need an index?
Does the publication rely on other existing works (e.g., a study guide for the Journal of George Fox)?
Please describe briefly your process of discernment about writing this manuscript and offering it for publication.
What kinds of counsel, spiritual support, or advice have you received from others, Quakers or non?
The Market
At what age level are you directing your manuscript? Adult, teenage, children? Please be specific.
At what readership are you directing the work:
Is it intended as a resource for learning?
If so, in what contexts?
What other publications have been written in this area that might compete with your project or complement it?
How is your publication different from these, and what will it add?
Please explain any reason why your project might be especially timely now (or at an anticipated future time).
Does your project have any specific anticipated readership outside of North America?
Does it have an anticipated readership outside of the Quaker community?
If yes, please explain.
Is there anything more we should know about you that especially qualifies or calls you to create this publication or assist with its promotion and marketing?
Please send or attach:
- Synopsis (a description of approximately 250 words about the subject and structure of your proposed publication, as if you were describing it to the intended reader.)
- Chapter headings or table of contents. (If possible, include subheadings and a brief description -- up to 50 words -- for each.)
- Sample chapters: preferably the introductory chapter and one or two others.
Please email this form to us at and use the subject heading “manuscript submission”
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