Please use this information as you wish.
Ref: New Scientist 26 April 2003.
Article: "Bright New World"
"The next big thing in nanotechnology!"
I quote:
"A strange discovery could spark a nanotechnology revolution, bringing perfect lenses, rapid medical tests and super-fast computer? Bruce Schechter welcomes the dawn of plasmonics."
"Surface plasmons compress electromagnetic energy into a tiny volume, creating an intense electric field that holds the key to their many applications"
An intense search of the Internet found a large number of references to Plasmonics. This is a term crafted by the professors at the Californian University of Technology. I discovered that Universities around the worldare engaged in experimental research to determine uses for this discovery.
In fact, the discovery of this "New Science" was made in 1950, but was put in the too
hard basket. Interest surfaced again in the early 1990's and now many well qualified
brains are engaged in finding ways for the world to benefit in the fields of medicine
and many other fields of human medicine and endeavour. The race is on to make the
perfect lens!
We have an inventor in Queensland who is an ignored genius.
Ignored by the same Australian Governments who boast of having "A smart State'',
promising to "Increase growth and employment", claiming to "Encourage business"
It is time to publicise THESE FACTS'
1 do have permission to name this genius -- and I do know that the FACTS, which 1
am about to reveal, are 100% true! Yes! Everything 1 write is factual, proven or
experienced my wife and 1, or people I can trust. Most of all I know the inventor and
I have witnessed the benefits derived from his inventions- In fact for eight years my
wife and I have had several of his miraculous inventions in use,
My good friend has said in the past that he used a NEW SCIENCE, few believed him
He has been ignored. Now it can be told. Several years ago this genius made a
discovery which has the potential to do so much for mankind and our Earth. Others
have now discovered this same NEW science and coined the phrase
"PLASMONICS" Yes! He discovered and has used this "strange discovery" as the
basis for some wonderful inventions.
We are bombarded by invisible radiations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days
a year. The worst is caused by electromagnetic radiation.
Consider these facts: the source was a newspaper report in England. A family moved
into a change of home. Almost immediately they reported tiredness. After some
time, a boy developed leukaemia and died. This prompted an official investigation
The tiredness was caused by the radiation from high tension wires not far away. The
meter box was attached on the outside wall of the house, directly in line with his
pillow – and – conclusion, "The boy suffered intense radiation which caused his
Think about this: There are an unknown number of people who are forced to live in
the bush as they are so sensitive to this electromagnetic radiation caused by electricity!
I met a lady who was forced to live in the bush. She now has a device which allows
her to live in town.
Think about this: Tony, who employs 27 people in his business which is preparing
computers for use in business (I think he mentioned for Governments). I met Tony
and he told me this interesting story. He knew there was something wrong with the
wellbeing of his staff. They tended to be "quarrelsome, "bitchy" and at the end of the
day they were “so anxious to get out.". Tony heard of the device I have described later.
Without telling a soul, he purchased one and put it into the electrical system. Within a
matter of days there was a tremendous change in his workplace. He said, "Some who
formerly were hard cases became cheerful. I even heard jokes at the end of the day.'"
My wife and I have these devices in use:
1. Modulator™ Every place where electricity is in use must have one"
I believe the ever-growing reliance on electricity, the use of computers and TV in
schools and in the home are the basic cause of childhood unrest, headaches and eye
problems These dangerous radiations can cause severe medical problems, especially
for the young,, but may well be controlled by the straightforward installation of a
1. We have a Modulator™ in place between the refrigerator plug and the wall socket.
Parents, ensure your home and schools have a Modulator™ installed. A mere $300
could be the answer to so many problems with children in schools and in your home.
Iris and 1 regard the Modulator™ as our favourite. Here is our testimonial to justify
our choice:-
A true story by Horace Ball.
1 met the inventor just on 8 years ago. During this time so many users of his
inventions have praised his inventions. In particular described the improvements
gained to their health and general wellbeing. Our testimony is 100% true - it
happened to us. Iris suffered childhood rheumatic fever. During WW2 Iris was a
Radar operator/technician – a deadly combination. 1995, after 30 years of heart
problems and two open heart operations, (she was one of the first), Iris was in a bad
way, in fact by July 1995 we were preparing for the worst. 1 well remember Iris
saying,'' We can't expect this tired old heart of mine to last for ever."
In late July 1995 new tenants moved in to the house next door to us. We were living in Mudgeeraba at the time. The new tenant informed us that her husband, Noel Orchard, was in W. A. until October.
In early September Iris came to me and said, "My heart pains are receding!" 1 answered, "I have not had no haemorrhoids since the end of July”.
We met Noel early in October 1995. I asked him what he did for a living, he answered, "1 am an Inventor and I have invented a device called a Modulator™. "When installed in a home it makes the electromagnetic radiation caused by electricity, harmless, People have testified to many benefits including…"
Noel described various health improvements. We were amazed and told him that we
too had various improvements. It was explained to us that the benefits from the Modulator™ next door would benefit house as close as ours due to being on the same delivery line.
To date Iris has had an extension to her life of just on 8 years, with moreto come! I continue to be free of haemorrhoids. In addition I have an X-ray taken of my spine during the first part of 1995 showing a bad case of arthritis. This has not been a problem since September 1995! We both enjoy excellent energy.
2. U.F.O.™, Unbelievable Flat Object
This is a vital kit for care, trucks, lawn mowers, tractors - in fact any operation where petrol or diesel fuels are used. That pulsating current from the alternator is controlled.
Our car, a 1.8 Lancer, purchased September 1999, shows the typical benefits from fitting aU.F.O.™ . *We have zero problems with emissions - the inside of our exhaust pipe is in new condition! *We use far less petrol! *Tyres stay cooler. They show very little wear! *There is no static electricity! *The engine is very, very clean! *The oil stays light coloured! *The car is a delight to drive, it seems to float! *Tiredness is obviously absent!
These benefits are backed up by other users. Perhaps the greatest beneficiaries are long distance drivers such as truck and bus drivers – Not only do they use far less petrol but they are not so subject to tiredness as at present.
3. We have aWet Set™ on our side of the water meter. The water we drink is clear and sparkles in the sun. The inspection panel on our water jug is as clear as it was when we purchased it a little over two years ago. It was a great investment.
4. We have aMini Lightower™ in use, This benefits our general well-being as there is protection from below as well as from above. Our garden loves its effects.
The inventor has various sizes and thicknesses, Lightowers™ are lined up with the North-South magnetic meridian.
NOW! I am going to make some statements which you, the reader, will find difficult to accept. In view of the results scientists in Universities worldwide are hoping to achieve - nothing can be impossible - indeed this is a New Science. Take a deep breath then forget all prejudices. Do not close your minds.
All of the following have happened during the past few years -All have followed declarations of intent by the inventor!
1. It was announced on Melbourne radio that, "Platypus were returning to the streams around Melbourne." There are powerful Lightowers™ in use in Melbourne!
2.We have used Lightowers™ for years, A muddy, lifeless creek flowed past the boundary of our property. After we installed the Lightower™ we noticed the water clearing. Then there was evidence of small fish. Best of all a platypus was sighted, for the first lime in many years!
3.1 have a lot of unexpected energy. My daughter claims I am growing younger.
4. Now this is a good one: My wife and I stopped driving at night soon after we
passed 70 and did not drive again in the dark for seven years! We always planned to
be home before nightfall. Then one day we were detained and had to drive home in
the dark. 1 remember it was an Easter Monday. The lights caused no problem. Since
that day we drive at night with no problem.
5. We witnessed the water in a stretch of Queensland's Coomera River change from an unpleasant lifeless stream to being clear with plenty of life. We made several spaced out visits to see the change take place. A medium Lightower™ was in use not too far away.
6. We both feel the benefit of wearing our Disks - These are attractive and worn as a necklace so that the disk is over the thymus. The top of the disk is the width of two
fingers down from the V shaped boneunder the chin- It is very helpful when we are away from home. We are protected athome by the Modulator™ and by the Disk whenout. They are actually small plates.
I like to help the inventor when I can. He cannot do it all himself. When someone
listens to our story it is a thank you to the inventor. When someone purchases the
goodies, it is a positive move towards helping that person live a less stressful life and
a contribution towards helping planet earth.
I believe all the information in this article to be true.
Horace Ball
+617 5577 4492
Tuesday, 6 May 2003