Australia’s Geography: Can you predict where most people live?
Why do people live where they do?
1. Before opening your atlas, brainstorm and discuss the following as a group. When you think about where most people live, what conditions do people look for?
- What type of climate do large numbers of people prefer?
mild,not too hot and not too cold , some precipitation
- What physical features seem to attract the most people?
Oceans,rivers,coastlines (bodies of water), and plains.
- Analyze the world climate map on p.22-23 and describe Australia’s climate.
Tropical, mild, and dry. Note: Most of Australia is dry.
- Look at the physical map of Australia on page 175.
- Based on the landforms, where do you think people live? Would not live? Use examples to support your opinion!
Most Australiansmight prefer to live near coastlines, or around the plains Many people might also live in central low lands where major rivers are located (trade corridors). You might find less people in mountainous areas and deserts.
- Based on the political map on p.173, use relative location to describe the part of the country where you think most people live. Hint: use the key for this map.
Most large cities are located on the eastern and southern coasts
- Now turn to p.176-177. Compare the precipitation, resources, and land use maps within your group. Where do you think most people live based on these maps? Use evidence to support your opinion!
Precipitation- everywhere but the center because it is so dry
Resources- scattered throughout, but mainly on the SE coast
Land Use- most urban areas are located on the SE coast
5. Now turn to p.178 and look at the population map. How does your prediction compare to the map? Were you close? If so, write a statement that explains why people live in that region. If you were not correct, why do you think more people live in that region than you had thought? Answers will vary
6. Use the map provided to label the following physical features in Australia:
Great Barrier Reef, Coral Sea, Ayers Rock, Great Victoria Desert
Now read the information provided about each location. Write 3 bullet points telling why each is an important feature in Australia.
Great Barrier Reef / Coral Sea / Ayres Rock / Victoria Desert