Consumer goods
Automotive industry

Brussels, 25 February 2013

ENTR.F1/KS D(2009)

Audio-/web conference

1.Web & Audio conference

The web conference allows to share documents online, normally in parallel to the audio conference.

(1)Please go to the web portal:

(2)Enter your name and organisation

(3)Click on the option "Enter as guest" (if you are a registered user of the Commission audio/web system you may also enter with your username and password, which provides additional functionalities).

(4)Click on "Enter Room" and follow the instructions. You may disconnect from the web-conference at any moment.

(5)Hit the "Audio" tap[1]

(6)There is a window opening asking you to start your "Audio": click OK.

(7)Then another window asks you:

–if you want to be called by the system: enter the number on which you would like to be called and pick up the phone when the system calls you (no more actions necessary)

–if you want to call in yourself, click the option "phone" and follow the next steps

(8)A window with local access numbers appears with a scroll down menu on the right hand side.Drag the tap down and you will see the personal "token" of the format*65*XXXx#.

(9)Connect to the audio conference as described below.

2.Audio Conference only

(1)Dial the international access number of your country, see list in the same Circabc folder. For Belgium it is +32 28081363

(2)When asked enter the conference room number: *1321572#. You may disconnect from the audio-conference at any moment by hanging up.

(3)You are connected to the audio-conference. If it has not been opened yet, please wait.

(4)If you are also connected to the web conference, please enter the token received as described at step 1(8).

Meeting One Customer Service:+32 (0)2 808 56 09, . For a full description of all functionalities please refer to the user's guide in the respective Circabc sub-folder.


[1]Normally you would be logged in twice to the web conference since the system by default logs every audio web participant into the web conference. Since the number of participants of the web conference is limited to 50 (i.e. effectively 25 if everybody is logged in twice) you have to ensure that you finally are only connected once by the "merge yourself with a token" process described in steps 1(5) – (8) and 2(4).