Audio Postcard Days
Day 9 of the Twelve Day Program- Goodness
Dr. Alex Loyd: Hello this is Dr. Alex Loyd and welcome to category number nine of The Healing Codes, Goodness. This is a huge category for many, many people. Why? Because the negative emotions here are fear and shame. You may have noticed there is fear is several categories. That’s because it’s such a foundational feeling and emotion. Pretty much everything negative emotionally comes from fear at some point. When you come back to these categories after going through the twelve days, if fear is you issue don’t be confused there in thinking, “Now wait a minutes, there are two or three categories that have fear in there, which one do I do?” It’s very, very simple. You determine which one you do by which of the other components of the other categories are most relevant to you. If there are three categories that all have fear, look through the other things in the category and the one that is most relevant to you, meaning you struggle with several other things in that category, besides just the fear, you say, “Well, all three of these have fear, but boy this one really pegs me because it has two or three other things that I really struggle with too.” That would be the one that you would focus on, or you could rotate through all three of them because remember ninety percent of the issues are unconscious so you want to get all of those—so you could rotate through all three of them. That’s your choice, however you feel best about doing that.
The really huge issue here in the Goodness category is the unhealthy belief associated with this category, it is: I am bad, I am not good enough, I am unforgivable. For how many people the root of their stuff goes down to feeling like they’re not good enough or they’re bad. I know Tracy, my wife, who was clinically depressed for twelve years, she is one of the best people I have ever known and just about everybody that knows her says that too. But she felt bad, like she bad her whole life because the message she got growing up was that if she was not perfect, then she wouldn’t be loved. So one little tiny thing for her made her feel like she was bad. And of course that’s not the truth and we need to clear away those cellular memories and that stress. Those are then non-physical issues of this category. The cellular memories and stress of those issues tend to cause problems in the respiratory system—that’s the body system related to that. That makes perfect sense because fear is the number one negative thing here, and fear tends to cause shortness of breath, everybody knows that, in medicine, or psychology, or nursing, or anything. That’s exactly what happens. Common symptoms of the respiratory system: emphysema, difficulty breathing, coughing and mucous inflammation, coughing up blood, shortness of breath, asthma, cough, bronchitis, and lung issues. Parts of the respiratory system: lungs and the pulmonary arteries and veins.
Do the category for Goodness. Find that page in your pocket guide. Remember also on that same page it gives you the page number in the large manual for that category where you can find all those related issues and body systems and a lot of other stuff we’re talking about. Remember that. The code is in your pocket guide. Code number one is four positions, seven to ten minutes, one to four times a day. Code number two is one position. You can do those as much or as little as you want. Alternate between Code one and Code two through out the day. Of course if you just do one, you would Code one. You do the Code the same way: pray about all those issues that we talked about in the Goodness category, focus on the one bothering you the most, rate it zero to ten. Do the Code and either relax or focus one the positive virtue of goodness until you get that thing that’s bothering you the most down to zero to one. If you don’t get it down to zero to one today, come back to it sometime after you finish the twelve days. That’s how you do the Codes for Goodness. What a wonderful day to be able to clear away some of that fear and shame, the beliefs that you’re not good enough, that you’re unforgivable, that you’re bad. Wouldn’t it be a great day to be able to get rid of some that garbage that you’ve been carrying around for fifteen, twenty, or thirty years. If you’ve been carrying some of that like my wife Tracy had, and I had too, but mine was from a different perspective, I had done a bunch of things I shouldn’t have done, Tracy’s was just perfectionism. I didn’t need to feel guilty either, even though I had done a bunch of things I shouldn’t have done, but I did have maybe a little more reason to experience that. So clear your stuff out today, what you don’t get cleared out today, you can come back after the twelve days. Have a fabulous day and we will talk to you tomorrow where we will go to trust. Trust can be the difference-maker category for a lot of people—where they get the healing and success in their life. We’re going to tell you how to clear that stuff out tomorrow. Thanks and have a wonderful day. Bye.