Au cancellata (L.)Druce

(Protea Atlas Code: AUCANC)

Synonyms: bracteata Thunb 1781, pinifolia Berg 1767,

Common names: Channel-leaf Featherbush, Pine-leaf Aulax, Naaldblaarkanariebos, Geelveer,

History: Current Proposed: EN; 1997: N; 1987: N; 1985: N; 1982: N.

Red Data Book status: EN

EN, B2b(i+ii)c(iv) Occupancy: 379 km2, and declines in area and fire-related population fluctuations;

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

4% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

0% of sites have dense aliens, 38% have light alien infestations - 61% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 14% of occurrence and 70% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 88% with 4% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Au pallasia Stapf

(Protea Atlas Code: AUPALL)


Common names: Needle-leaf Featherbush, Dunbeentjiebos, Kersbos, Naaldblaarkanariebos,

History: Current Proposed: LC; 1997: N; 1987: N; 1985: N; 1982: N.

Red Data Book status: LC

VU, B2b(i+ii)c(iv) Occupancy: 909 km2, and declines in area and fire-related population fluctuations;

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

3% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

1% of sites have dense aliens, 49% have light alien infestations - 50% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 12% of occurrence and 27% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 39% with 8% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Au umbellata (Thunb.)R.Br.

(Protea Atlas Code: AUUMBE)

Synonyms: aulacea (Thunb) 1781, cneorifolia SexK 1809,

Common names: Broad-leaf Featherbush, Featherduster, Fluffy Featherbush, Widow wail-leaf Aulax, Veerkanariebos, Christmasblom, Sekelbos,

History: Current Proposed: VU; 1997: N; 1987: N; 1985: N; 1982: N.

Red Data Book status: VU

VU, A4c population reduction = 45% (occurrence);

VU, B1b(i+ii)c(iv)+B2b(i+ii)c(iv) Occurrence: 11730 km2, Occupancy: 1439 km2, and declines in area and fire-related population fluctuations;

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

11% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

4% of sites have dense aliens, 65% have light alien infestations - 32% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 9% of occurrence and 24% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 52% with 16% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Ba coccinea

(Protea Atlas Code: BACOCC)


Common names:

Red Data Book status: NE

Not Evaluated

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

**% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

0% of sites have dense aliens, 0% have light alien infestations - **% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Ba ericoides

(Protea Atlas Code: BAERIC)


Common names: Needle-leaf Banksia,

Red Data Book status: NE

Not Evaluated

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

55% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

0% of sites have dense aliens, 73% have light alien infestations - 27% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Ba hookeriana Meissner

(Protea Atlas Code: BAHOOK)


Common names: Hooker's Banksia,

Red Data Book status: NE

Not Evaluated

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

0% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

0% of sites have dense aliens, **% have light alien infestations - 0% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Ba integrifolia

(Protea Atlas Code: BAINTE)


Common names:

Red Data Book status: NE

Not Evaluated

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

0% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

0% of sites have dense aliens, **% have light alien infestations - 0% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Ba speciosa R Brown

(Protea Atlas Code: BASPEC)


Common names:

Red Data Book status: NE

Not Evaluated

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

50% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

0% of sites have dense aliens, 75% have light alien infestations - 25% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Ba sphaerocephala

(Protea Atlas Code: BASPHA)


Common names: Round-head Banksia,

Red Data Book status: NE

Not Evaluated

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

0% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

0% of sites have dense aliens, 0% have light alien infestations - **% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Br stellatifolium L.

(Protea Atlas Code: BRSTEL)


Common names: Wild Almond, African Almond, Bitter Almond, Cape Almond, Hottentot's Almond, Kaffir Chestnut, Starry Brabeium, Wild Chestnut, Wilder Mandelboom, Wildeamandel, Bitteramandel, Doboontjie, Doboontjieboom, Geelamandel, Ghioekoffie, Ghoboom, Ghoboontjieboom, Ghoeboontjie, Hotnotsamandel, Hottentotsamandel, Kafferkastaiing, Wildebitteramandel, Gu (Khoi),

History: Current Proposed: LC; 1997: N; 1987: N; 1985: N; 1982: N.

Red Data Book status: LC

VU, B2b(i+ii)c(iv) Occupancy: 1280 km2, and declines in area and fire-related population fluctuations;

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

8% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

7% of sites have dense aliens, 60% have light alien infestations - 33% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 11% of occurrence and 37% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 53% with 25% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Di buekii (Gand.)Rourke

(Protea Atlas Code: DIBUEK)

Synonyms: humifusa SexK 1809,

Common names: Franshoek Silkypuff, Trailing Diastella,

History: Current Proposed: CR; 1997: E; 1987: E; 1985: E; 1982: E.

Red Data Book status: CR

CR, B1b(i+ii)c(iv) Occurrence: 47 km2, and declines in area and fire-related population fluctuations;

EN, A4c population reduction = 66% (occurrence), 65% (occupancy);

VU, B1ac(v)+B2ac(v) Occurrence: 47 km2, Occupancy: 26 km2, and locations =9 grid cells, and fire-related population fluctuations;

xNT, D2 Occupancy = 26 km2 ;

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

42% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

9% of sites have dense aliens, 89% have light alien infestations - 2% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 2% of occurrence and 3% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 0% with 27% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Di divaricata (Bergius)Rourke

(Protea Atlas Code: DIDIVA)

Synonyms: intermedia SexK 1809, parviflora Kotch ex Krauss 1845, serpyllifolia SexK 1809, vaccinifolia SexK 1809,

Common names:

History: Current Proposed: LC; 1997: N; 1987: N; 1985: N; 1982: N.

Red Data Book status: LC


Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 53% of occurrence and 62% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 98% with 5% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Di divaricata divaricata (Bergius)Rourke

(Protea Atlas Code: DIDIVAD)


Common names: Peninsula Silkypuff, Serpyllum-leaf Diastella, Vaccinium-leaf Diastella,

History: Current Proposed: LC; 1997: N; 1987: N; 1985: N; 1982: N.

Red Data Book status: LC


Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

3% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

0% of sites have dense aliens, 35% have light alien infestations - 65% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 53% of occurrence and 62% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 98% with 5% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Di divaricata montana Rourke

(Protea Atlas Code: DIDIVAM)


Common names: Mountain Silkypuff,

History: Current Proposed: EN; 1997: N; 1987: N; 1985: N; 1982: N.

Red Data Book status: EN

EN, B1b(i+ii)c(iv)+B2b(i+ii)c(iv) Occurrence: 2143 km2, Occupancy: 281 km2, and declines in area and fire-related population fluctuations;

VU, A4c population reduction = 45% (occurrence);

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

6% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

2% of sites have dense aliens, 75% have light alien infestations - 23% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 24% of occurrence and 55% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 79% with 12% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Di fraterna Rourke

(Protea Atlas Code: DIFRAT)


Common names: Palmiet Silkypuff,

History: Current Proposed: LC; 1997: R; 1987: N; 1985: N; 1982: N.

Red Data Book status: LC


Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

3% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

0% of sites have dense aliens, 43% have light alien infestations - 57% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 59% of occurrence and 71% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 70% with 7% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Di myrtifolia (Thunb.)Salisb. ex Kn.

(Protea Atlas Code: DIMYRT)

Synonyms: dichotoma (Lam) 1792,

Common names: Tulbagh Silkypuff, Myrtle-leaf Diastella,

History: Current Proposed: CR; 1997: R; 1987: R; 1985: R; 1982: R.

Red Data Book status: CR

CR, B1b(i+ii)c(iv) Occurrence: 29 km2, and declines in area and fire-related population fluctuations;

VU, B1ac(v)+B2ac(v) Occurrence: 29 km2, Occupancy: 20 km2, and locations =7 grid cells, and fire-related population fluctuations;

xNT, D2 Occupancy = 20 km2 ;

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

0% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

3% of sites have dense aliens, 59% have light alien infestations - 38% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 39% of occurrence and 68% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 100% with 9% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Di parilis Salisb ex Kn.

(Protea Atlas Code: DIPARI)


Common names: Worcester Silkypuff, Matched Diastella,

History: Current Proposed: CR; 1997: V; 1987: V; 1985: V; 1982: R.

Red Data Book status: CR

CR, B1b(i+ii)c(iv) Occurrence: 57 km2, and declines in area and fire-related population fluctuations;

EN, A4c population reduction = 55% (occupancy);

xNT, D2 Occupancy = 34 km2 ;

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

23% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

5% of sites have dense aliens, 91% have light alien infestations - 5% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 0% of occurrence and 0% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 0% with 29% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Di proteoides (L.)Druce

(Protea Atlas Code: DIPROT)

Synonyms: ericaefolia SexK 1809, homomalla Reichb ex Meisn 1856, purpurea (L)RBr 1770,

Common names: Flats Silkypuff, Flats Silkystar, Flats Starlet, Heath-leaf Diastella, Vlaktesterretjie, Sterretjie,

History: Current Proposed: EN; 1997: V; 1987: V; 1985: V; 1982: N.

Red Data Book status: EN

EN, A1c population reduction = 70% (occurrence);

EN, B1b(i+ii)c(iv)+B2b(i+ii)c(iv) Occurrence: 1496 km2, Occupancy: 166 km2, and declines in area and fire-related population fluctuations;

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

46% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

29% of sites have dense aliens, 70% have light alien infestations - 1% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 3% of occurrence and 9% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 27% with 32% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Di thymelaeoides (Bergius)Rourke

(Protea Atlas Code: DITHYM)

Synonyms: bryiflora SexK 1809, concavus (Lam) 1792, villosa Jacq ex Meisn 1856,

Common names:

History: Current Proposed: LC; 1997: N; 1987: N; 1985: N; 1982: N.

Red Data Book status: LC

xNT, D2 Occupancy = 85 km2 ;

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 56% of occurrence and 54% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 55% with 5% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Di thymelaeoides meridiana Rourke

(Protea Atlas Code: DITHYMM)


Common names: Hangklip Silkypuff,

History: Current Proposed: NT; 1997: R; 1987: N; 1985: N; 1982: N.

Red Data Book status: NT

xNT, D2 Occupancy = 85 km2 ;

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

5% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

0% of sites have dense aliens, 47% have light alien infestations - 52% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 56% of occurrence and 54% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 55% with 5% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Di thymelae. thymelaeoides (Bergius)Rourke

(Protea Atlas Code: DITHYMT)


Common names: Kogelberg Silkypuff, Bryum-flower Diastella,

History: Current Proposed: NT; 1997: R; 1987: N; 1985: N; 1982: N.

Red Data Book status: NT

xNT, D2 Occupancy = 71 km2 ;

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

1% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

0% of sites have dense aliens, 56% have light alien infestations - 44% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 28% of occurrence and 20% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 11% with 6% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Dr formosa

(Protea Atlas Code: DRFORM)


Common names:

Red Data Book status: NE

Not Evaluated

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

50% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

0% of sites have dense aliens, 0% have light alien infestations - **% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Em species (various)

(Protea Atlas Code: EM)


Common names:

Red Data Book status: NE

Not Evaluated

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

**% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

0% of sites have dense aliens, **% have light alien infestations - 0% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Fa delevoyii De Wild.

(Protea Atlas Code: FADELE)


Common names: Delevoy's Beechwood,

History: Current Proposed: ; 1997: ; 1987: ; 1985: ; 1982: .

Red Data Book status:

CR, B2ac(v) Occupancy: 0 km2, and 1 location (0grid cells), and fire-related population fluctuations;

CR, D Population = 0 plants;

VU, D2 Occupancy = 0 km2 ;

VU, D2 Locations = 0 grid cells;

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

0% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

0% of sites have dense aliens, 25% have light alien infestations - 75% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 0% of occurrence and 0% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 0% with 0% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Fa galpinii Phill.

(Protea Atlas Code: FAGALP)


Common names: Forest Beechwood, Bush Beechwood, Bosboekenhout, Rooiboekenhout, Magulugulu (?), Monengenenge (N-Sotho), Sicalaba (Swazi),

History: Current Proposed: LC; 1997: ; 1987: ; 1985: ; 1982: .

Red Data Book status: LC


Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

16% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

4% of sites have dense aliens, 51% have light alien infestations - 45% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 0% of occurrence and 0% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 0% with 0% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Fa intermedia (to be checked)

(Protea Atlas Code: FAINTE)


Common names:

History: Current Proposed: ; 1997: ; 1987: ; 1985: ; 1982: .

Red Data Book status:

CR, B1ac(v)+B2ac(v) Occurrence: 1 km2, Occupancy: 0 km2, and 1 location (0grid cells), and fire-related population fluctuations;

CR, D Population = 0 plants;

VU, D2 Occupancy = 0 km2 ;

VU, D2 Locations = 0 grid cells;

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

0% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

0% of sites have dense aliens, 0% have light alien infestations - **% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 0% of occurrence and 0% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 0% with 0% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Fa macnaughtonii Phill.

(Protea Atlas Code: FAMACN)

Synonyms: natalensis Phill,

Common names: Terblanz Beechwood, Egossa Beechwood, Terblans, Bosboekenhout, Egossaboekenhout, Rooiboekenhout, iSafo (Xhosa), isiSefo (Zulu),

History: Current Proposed: VU; 1997: ; 1987: ; 1985: ; 1982: .

Red Data Book status: VU

VU, D1 Population = 409 plants;

xNT, D2 Occupancy = 68 km2 ;

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

47% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

3% of sites have dense aliens, 39% have light alien infestations - 58% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 2% of occurrence and 1% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 6% with 6% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Fa rochetiana (A.Rich.)Pic.Serm.

(Protea Atlas Code: FAROCH)


Common names: Broad-leaf Beechwood, Pussycat Tail, Breeblaarboekenhout, Mogwapi (N-Sotho), mutsatsati (central Shona), Segwapi (N-Sotho), Sicalaba (Swazi), umdwadwa (siNdebele),

History: Current Proposed: LC; 1997: ; 1987: ; 1985: ; 1982: .

Red Data Book status: LC


Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

27% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

5% of sites have dense aliens, 48% have light alien infestations - 47% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 0% of occurrence and 0% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 0% with 0% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Fa rubriflora Baker

(Protea Atlas Code: FARUBR)


Common names:

History: Current Proposed: ; 1997: ; 1987: ; 1985: ; 1982: .

Red Data Book status:

CR, D Population = 9 plants;

EN, B1ac(v)+B2ac(v) Occurrence: 32 km2, Occupancy: 6 km2, and locations =2 grid cells, and fire-related population fluctuations;

VU, D2 Occupancy = 6 km2 ;

VU, D2 Locations = 2 grid cells;

Distribution: Confined to South Africa


Habitat preferences: Fynbos

Major threats:

0% of sites are transformed (agroforestry or urbanization).

0% of sites have dense aliens, 0% have light alien infestations - **% are alien free.

Conservation measures:

Conservation status - 0% of occurrence and 0% of occupancy conserved.

Proportion of Protea Atlas plots conserved = 0% with 0% trashed.

Data Sources: Protea Atlas Project, Sept 2003

Assessor: A.G. Rebelo and Protea Atlas Project

Fa saligna Harv.