(Project Name / Activity Name)

Pre-activity Evaluation Questionnaire

Participant no.: ______

Please read each item carefully and decide on the most appropriate option.Drug taking refers to the use of prohibited or legal psychotropic drugs e.g. ketamine, marijuana, “ice”, ecstasy, cough medicine, thinner etc. without doctor’s prescription.
disagree / (2)
disagree / (3)
can’t say / (4)
agree / (5)
1. I understand the various stages of change experienced by drug abusers before they decided to quit drugs /     
2. I know when to provide quitting advice and information to drug abusers /     
3. I understand the specific challenges faced by drug abusers in the treatment process /     
4. I am confident that I can provide good support for my drug abusing family member /     
5. Iknow how to keep a balanced body and mind, and to seek timely support from social workers and relatives /     
6. I am confident that I can encourage my drug abusing family member to seek help /     
7. I am able to cope with the stress arising from taking care of my drug abusing family member /     
8. I am able to communicate withmy drug abusing family member in a peaceful and effective manner /     
9. I understand the various reasons behind relapseand feel sympathetic towards drug abusers /     

Gender: 1□ Male 2□ Female

Age: years old

Have you joined any of the following activities: (select all that apply)

1□Please list other activities in the programme2□Please list other activities in the programme

3□Please list other activities in the programme4□Please list other activities in the programme

5□Please list other activities in the programme6□Please list other activities in the programme

~ Thank you ~

Beat Drugs Fund Evaluation Question Set No. 20(2012)

(Capacity to support drug abusing family members)

(Project Name / Activity Name)

Post-activity Evaluation Questionnaire

Participant no.: ______

Please read each item carefully and decide on the most appropriate option.Drug taking refers to the use of prohibited or legal psychotropic drugs e.g. ketamine, marijuana, “ice”, ecstasy, cough medicine, thinner etc. without doctor’s prescription.
disagree / (2)
disagree / (3)
can’t say / (4)
agree / (5)
1. I understand the various stages of change experienced by drug abusers before they decided to quit drugs /     
2. I know when to provide quitting advice and information to drug abusers /     
3. I understand the specific challenges faced by drug abusers in the treatment process /     
4. I am confident that I can provide good support for my drug abusing family member /     
5. Iknow how to keep a balanced body and mind, and to seek timely support from social workers and relatives /     
6. I am confident that I can encourage my drug abusing family member to seek help /     
7. I am able to cope with the stress arising from taking care of my drug abusing family member /     
8. I am able to communicate withmy drug abusing family member in a peaceful and effective manner /     
9. I understand the various reasons behind relapseand feel sympathetic towards drug abusers /     

Gender: 1□ Male 2□ Female

Age: years old

Have you joined any of the following activities: (select all that apply)

1□Please list other activities in the programme2□Please list other activities in the programme

3□Please list other activities in the programme4□Please list other activities in the programme

5□Please list other activities in the programme6□Please list other activities in the programme

~ Thank you ~

Beat Drugs Fund Evaluation Question Set No. 20(2012)

(Capacity to support drug abusing family members)