Attention To:. Donna Kakonge
500497RR Planning a Research Paper and Evaluating Sources
3. In general, a source that claims to summarize research or provide facts would not be considered reliable if it
A. is written by a popular author.
B. does not provide a list of works cited. – yes
C. uses charts or other visuals.
D. cites only secondary sources.
5. Which of the following types of readers are least likely to read articles in scholarly journals?
A. Students
B. The general public – yes
C. Other researchers
D. Other scholars
6. While researching a paper about airlines raising fees for luggage, Kiri contacts a representative of an airline to discuss the company's rationale. In this case, she's using a source to
A. review key ideas about her topic.
B. provide an example to illustrate her point. – yes
C. obtain technical information.
D. make a general statement.
9. James has just accessed a website he thinks may be relevant to his essay topic. He finds a likely document and then checks to see when it was posted to the site. It is most likely that James is concerned about whether the document information is
A. scholarly.
B. current. – yes
C. accurate.
D. interesting.
10. Jake is interested in writing on "children of divorce" for his research paper. However, he's correctly concerned that the topic is probably too ______to be workable.
A. controversial
B. creative
C. narrow
D. ordinary – yes
11. If you're not assigned a topic for a research paper and are looking to choose an interesting topic, which of the following terms would you probably avoid as a criterion for your choice?
A. Current – yes
B. Practical
C. Original
D. Manageable
13. One way you can determine a source's ______is to ask yourself whether it's appropriate for your intended audience.
A. relevance – yes
B. reliability
C. credibility
D. bias
15. Using ______searches in digital articles can help you locate topics you're researching.
A. citation
B. keyword – yes
C. database
D. index
16. Prewriting can be helpful when trying to narrow a topic because it
A. helps you eliminate ideas that would support your thesis.
B. can usually be submitted as the final essay.
C. sorts good ideas from bad.
D. can reveal an interesting angle that may become your thesis – yes
18. Which of the following is not considered an objective of synthesizing sources?
A. Reviewing key ideas on a topic
B. Exploring different points of view – yes
C. Understanding the topic in depth
D. Combining opinions and general statements
19. In academic writing, why should you primarily rely on information from scholarly journals rather than magazines?
A. The primary purpose of many magazines is to entertain rather than educate.
B. Scholarly journals are more difficult to find, and therefore more valuable.
C. Authors in scholarly journals are generally specialists in their field. – yes
D. Scholarly journals never include visuals.
20. An ancient king once asked three blind sages to identify a creature he called a pachyderm by examining it with their hands. The first sage described the creature as a thick, wrinkled hose, possibly some kind of serpent. The second sage said the creature was wide and flat, almost like a wall. The third sage reported that it was like a tree trunk with rough, wrinkled bark.
What aspect of determining an idea for an essay topic does the above fable illustrate?
A. Analyzing a topic from different perspectives – yes
B. Thinking outside the box
C. Narrowing a topic to manageable proportions
D. Gathering sources for research
500498RR Finding Sources, Taking Notes, and Synthesizing
1. Mendely, RefWorks, and Zotero are all
A. citation (or reference) managers. – yes
B. newsgroups.
C. listservs.
D. paraphrase generators.
2. Jennifer has decided to conduct an interview as part of her research. Because she wants to generate discussion with her subject, she should create a list of ______questions.
A. open – yes
B. closed
C. complex
D. general
4. While conducting research for a paper on voter suppression in the American South, Phillip finds a quotation from an author that is particularly compelling. What should he do when taking notes on this source?
A. Write down the quotation word for word – yes
B. Write down only the part of the quotation that he finds most interesting
C. Rework the quotation in a way that slightly alters its meaning
D. Paraphrase the quotation
5. Suppose you're paraphrasing an article into your own words to better digest the material. What should you aim to do?
A. Read first, and then write. – yes
B. Use the same sentence structure as the author.
C. W
D. Jot notes in the margins.
16 Aug 2016, 2:29 PM