Attention Emerson Climate Tech suppliers to Suzhou, China:

Due to the ongoing migration to Oracle within our business, slight changes to the Emerson Climate Tech supplier portal will occur. On July 1st, 2017, the supplier portal will change the way the orders are displayed and organized for the Suzhou, China facility, which includes Plants 38 and 72 for company codes EES and EAS.

Currently, to view these orders you would either select company code “EES”, “EAS” or “All” when you query the orders in “Open PO Summary”,“Aggregate Demand”, or “Create/Review ASN”. This will change so that China will now have a new company code called “EAA” indicating “Emerson Asia & Australia”, so if you currently select “All” in the company code field, you will still see these new orders grouped along with other orders; however, if you select “EES”, “EAS” specifically, then you will also need to query “EAA” orders separately or you will not see them. To avoid this, we would recommend choosing the “All” option. Also, you will have a new supplier number assigned to you for this new company code. So, if you previously had one supplier number for EES or EAS, you will now have a new one for EAA. Any other supplier numbers you may have with Emerson Climate will remain the same.

Plant numbers that you ship to will also be changing. Currently when you receive orders from China they will either be with a “Ship to” or “FDest” plant of 38 and 72. They will now be P20, P21, P23, P38 and P72.

These changes may impact some of you more than others. Any existing electronic data or integration that includes the company code, supplier number, or plant will need to be changed. Below is a summarized list of areas where this may impact you:

  1. FTP Communication
  2. If you receive your orders via FTP, they could be impacted since the supplier number, and plant number will all be different going forward.
  3. Daily Change Emails
  4. Your daily emails that you currently receive from the supplier portal will be impacted in that you may now receive an additional one for the Daily Changes, and another one for the unconfirmed release notifications. The new files will detail the order changes and notices specific to Reynosa orders.
  5. Labels
  6. If you currently print barcode labels from the supplier portal, the labels that you print will be automatically updated to the correct supplier number and plant number.
  7. If you print your labels via any other method, some modifications to your label printing software may be required.

All other orders for Emerson Climate Tech will not be impacted at this time. As we continue our efforts to roll out the Oracle system company wide, similar changes will occur and you will be notified ahead of time. If you foresee any issues with these changes, please contact with a detailed email explaining your concerns and we will respond. We may contact you directly ahead of time if we expect specific impacts to you.

Thank you for your understanding and support as we continually roll out our new ERP system.

ECT Supplier Portal Administration

Emerson Climate Technologies, Inc.