14th May 2013
AttendeesSarah SeddonKeith Burns
Suzanne HollandJane Dunlop
Lyn ClemsonFrancis Leigh
Graham Lowton
ApologiesAlan Blood
In AttendanceViv Smith, Wigan Borough CCG
Alexia Mitten, Wigan Borough CCG
Welcome and Introductions
The group welcomed new members Jane and Graham, Dr Van Spelde, new partner at the practice and Viv and Alexia from the CCG.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting (12.03.13)
Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true reflection of the meeting.
Matters Arising
TV Screen
Suzanne reported that the company is now not offering this deal and therefore the tv screen will not go ahead. It was agreed that the group would speak to other PPG groups to understand how they accessed such equipment.
Suzanne welcomed Sarah Seddon back to the group.
Matters for Discussion
Wigan Borough CCG Members
Viv and Alexia from Wigan Borough CCG gave the group an overview of their new roles within the new organisation. This included working with and developing the six localities PPG’s. Viv explained that the CCG was looking to develop a patient forum and all will be invited to the initial member group. Health Watch will also be part of this group.
The group was updated on the changes within the PCT / CCG following the Governments organisational change. Alexia explained to the group about the CCG board meeting which is held on the 4th Tuesday of each month and is open to public members to attend where they can hear discsussion about previously submitted questions. The website can be accessed for the board papers one week before each meeting.
ACTION: Suzanne agreed to add this lnk to the surgery website.
PPG Network
As Alan was unable to attend the meeting please see attached minutes of the PPG network for information.
Any other Business
Feedback from Patients
The group discussed the issue of the differing times that the practice and the chemist have their lunch breaks. Suzanne explained the historical issues and conversations that have happened regarding this issue. Keith agreed to speak with the Chemist and will feed back to the next group.
Date and Time of Next Meeting
Tuesday 9th of July 2013, 6 – 7pm. Aspull Surgery.