Spring Lake Park Youth Hockey
Board Meeting
Date: 9-13-17
Attendees:Will WackmanMissy GilsrudPaul MeyerJon Tranby
Scott ObergBarb HegvikBob RoloffGreg RombachCorey Piekarski
Joey OrreyMichelle RiceDan RileyBob Roloff
Guests:John Pitzl, Marla Sciara, Sean Porter, Scott Lichter, Dave Mack
The regular meeting of the SLPYHA Board was called to order at 8:08 pm by Joey orrey.
Second by Missy Gilsrud
Approval of Minutes from 8-9-17
Motion to approve: Joey orreySecond by: Scott Oberg
President’s Report- Joey Orrey
- Registration update- 140+
- Skating Treadmill update- in process of putting up walls
- Looking for possible contractor to help with design
- Spoke to Steffen – asked to set up a proposal for training
- Team Declarations
- Bantam A, B2
- Peewee A, B1, B2
- Squirts A, B1, B2, C
- Tryouts- good to go
- Need to get scrimmage ref’s for the B pool- Coon Rapids is hosting the A’s
- Golf Tourney update and numbers- Bob Roloff
- Only about 80 golfers- it was a good number of golfers
- 35 sponsors
- Raised $20K
- D10 Update – Greg Rombach
- Reviewed schedule handout
- Positive Coaching Alliance at High School October 5th- more communication to follow
- Safe sport- update by the 19th
- Development player update – Corey and Jon
- Working on practice plans- will continue to evolve over the next year
- Putting together templates for new coaches
- Plan to meet with coaches monthly to see what is working
- Look at Ice time 30-60-30 model
- Goalie Update- Scott Oberg
- Found goalie for Peewee A team
- New Board Member Elections:
- David Mack- Peewee Director-Motion to Vote- Joey Orrey- Unanimous vote
- Scott Lichter- Squirt Director- Motion to Vote- Joey Orrey- Unanimous vote
- Marla Sciara- Motion to vote in as board member- Joey Orrey- Unanimous vote
Finance – Paul Meyer(John Pitzl covering for Paul)
- Charitable gambling- John Pitzl
- Identified 3 sites -Roadside, Station 280, St Anthony Pub to start right away- continue looking at more sites
- Six month application process
- Need to hire gambling manager within the association
- Need to find assistant manager to help
- Use charitable gambling for all Spring Lake Park Youth Sports-will start with Spring Lake Park Youth hockey
- Looking at funneling out money to all sports in the future
- Need to host one sports event per year
- Need to move forward quickly
Vice President’s Report – Michelle Rice
- N/A
Equipment Manager – Will Wackman
- Practice Jerseys- collecting practice Jerseys
Traveling Director’s Report - Corey P, Bob R and Scott Sonmore
- N/A
Traveling Girls –Scott Oberg
- Girls coaching interviews are done
- Head coaches are picked – not yet named
- Tryouts are planned
- Pre-skates are planned
- Introductory parent meeting Sunday night – informational meeting
- Mite girls coop will exist in the same form as last year
Treasurer’s Report – Erik Roell
- N/A
Mite Director’s Report – Dan Riley
- N/A
Tournament Update – Bob Roloff
- Peewee Panther classic- need more teams
- Peewee A – 3 spots open
- Peewee B- Full
- Volunteer hours for tournaments need to be put into a spreadsheet- Michelle will send out
- Friday volunteer hours are difficult to fill
Secretary – Missy Gilsrud
- N/A
Motioned to dismiss @ 10:48 byMissy Gilsrud Seconded by: Scott Oberg