Meeting began at 4:15pm
Attendees: See attached list
- Greetings & Introductions
- Program Updates – Hospitality Institute(Charles Monahan, Interim Director, SBDC)
Charlie presented a power point presentation regarding the hospitality institute and discussed the following items:
- Funding of programs and history behind funding.
- Gave a description of the Hospitality & Tourism program and gave a description of the CR program.
- MOU that was signed by various Napa businesses and discussed the collaboration of Napa businesses and how works together in the program.
- Measurable outcomes of the program.
- Descriptions of the workshops that the Hospitality Institute provides, as well as a review of this year’s Hospitality Symposium and talked about the wonderful work everyone did. Symposium sold out at 125.
- Melissa Teaff suggested that panels be added to discuss current issues and this was very successful.
- Discussed business advising at the SBDC, Thrive & Survive with WIB – description of program.
- Hospitality Faire in 2008 and the decision not to have one this year because of current employment conditions.
- Small business Rx and wineries that SBDC worked with. (Program may begin again in July).
- Upcoming YEP Business Boot Camp and upcoming Business Boot Camp that is in partner with the Napa Valley Adult School.
- Business Plan competition in Fall 2008 which we will repeat in Fall 2009 – very successful.
- Showed diagram about how collaborations & partnerships work to achieve the same goals.
- SBDC Changes – Charlie Monahan now Interim Director and Beth Pratt is now Director of Career Technical Education.
- JDIF funding ended 12/31/08. Hospitality Institute still going strong, concerns re state budget cuts. Possible cuts up to 58%.
- SBDC and Hospitality Institute looking at new revenue streams – eg. ETP.
- Next steps for hospitality – 1) Spanish for Hospitality, 2) Green Youth Hospitality.
- New role for Advisory Board – Utilizing board and expertise more that we have in the past, eg. fundraising, surveys, etc….
- Program Updates - Hospitality & Tourism Management Program (Ian MacNeil, Program Coordinator)
Ian MacNeil discussed the following items regarding the Hospitality & Tourism Management Program (HTM):
- Ian recognized HTM program students. Students talked about employers.
Hospitality Advisory Board Committee Minutes
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- Program Updates - Hospitality & Tourism Management Program (Ian MacNeil, Program Coordinator)
- Ian talked about how rewarding program is and how students have told him how the HTM program has turned their life around.
- Thanks to the Gallo Family Vineyards HMT has a new, remodeled classroom.
- Two weeks ago HMT finally gained formal approval from CCC for 1) 17 Unit Certificate of Completion; 2) 34 Units Certificate of Achievement and 3) ASD.
- Enrollment for Spring 2009. Changed times for some classes in Fall 2009. Food & Beverage moving to evenings.
- Applied for “Great Wine Capitals” student grant.
- Discussed “Distance Learning Program” for students in addition to regular classes – possible roll out Fall 2009.
- Working on being “host College” for certified training.
- Aimee Durfee of United Way discussed the United Way Hospitality Project
- Scholarships
- Funding is a challenge, so support is needed – networking, building relationships.
- Four classes in the fall. Command Spanish for Hospitality Supervisors will be offered in the fall.
- Other Business – Napa Valley College Wine Release and NVC Annual Golf Tournament.
- Question & Answers, Comments, Ideas
- Melissa Teaff – Do you have internships?
Ian replied that there is work experience which is required for all classes and every internship has resulted in a job. Bill Blair also talked about his experience with internships.
- Melody Hilton – How does the program assist people in business?
Ian let the students answer this question. A discussion broke regarding how business are responding to HMT.
- Melissa Teaff – Service skills are not what they use to be in the valley – are there refresher courses planned?
- Ian suggested that subcommittees are needed. Claudette will work on surveys with hospitality programs. Teresa from Napa Valley Vintners also volunteered to send surveys to members.
- Ian will devote July and early August to get more involved with the community.
- Meeting ended at 5:35pm. Next meeting to be announced.