Meeting began at 4:15pm

Attendees: See attached list

  1. Greetings & Introductions
  1. Program Updates – Hospitality Institute(Charles Monahan, Interim Director, SBDC)

Charlie presented a power point presentation regarding the hospitality institute and discussed the following items:

  1. Funding of programs and history behind funding.
  2. Gave a description of the Hospitality & Tourism program and gave a description of the CR program.
  3. MOU that was signed by various Napa businesses and discussed the collaboration of Napa businesses and how works together in the program.
  4. Measurable outcomes of the program.
  5. Descriptions of the workshops that the Hospitality Institute provides, as well as a review of this year’s Hospitality Symposium and talked about the wonderful work everyone did. Symposium sold out at 125.
  • Melissa Teaff suggested that panels be added to discuss current issues and this was very successful.
  1. Discussed business advising at the SBDC, Thrive & Survive with WIB – description of program.
  2. Hospitality Faire in 2008 and the decision not to have one this year because of current employment conditions.
  3. Small business Rx and wineries that SBDC worked with. (Program may begin again in July).
  4. Upcoming YEP Business Boot Camp and upcoming Business Boot Camp that is in partner with the Napa Valley Adult School.
  5. Business Plan competition in Fall 2008 which we will repeat in Fall 2009 – very successful.
  6. Showed diagram about how collaborations & partnerships work to achieve the same goals.
  7. SBDC Changes – Charlie Monahan now Interim Director and Beth Pratt is now Director of Career Technical Education.
  8. JDIF funding ended 12/31/08. Hospitality Institute still going strong, concerns re state budget cuts. Possible cuts up to 58%.
  9. SBDC and Hospitality Institute looking at new revenue streams – eg. ETP.
  10. Next steps for hospitality – 1) Spanish for Hospitality, 2) Green Youth Hospitality.
  11. New role for Advisory Board – Utilizing board and expertise more that we have in the past, eg. fundraising, surveys, etc….
  1. Program Updates - Hospitality & Tourism Management Program (Ian MacNeil, Program Coordinator)

Ian MacNeil discussed the following items regarding the Hospitality & Tourism Management Program (HTM):

  1. Ian recognized HTM program students. Students talked about employers.

Hospitality Advisory Board Committee Minutes


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  1. Program Updates - Hospitality & Tourism Management Program (Ian MacNeil, Program Coordinator)


  1. Ian talked about how rewarding program is and how students have told him how the HTM program has turned their life around.
  2. Thanks to the Gallo Family Vineyards HMT has a new, remodeled classroom.
  3. Two weeks ago HMT finally gained formal approval from CCC for 1) 17 Unit Certificate of Completion; 2) 34 Units Certificate of Achievement and 3) ASD.
  4. Enrollment for Spring 2009. Changed times for some classes in Fall 2009. Food & Beverage moving to evenings.
  5. Applied for “Great Wine Capitals” student grant.
  6. Discussed “Distance Learning Program” for students in addition to regular classes – possible roll out Fall 2009.
  7. Working on being “host College” for certified training.
  8. Aimee Durfee of United Way discussed the United Way Hospitality Project
  9. Scholarships
  10. Funding is a challenge, so support is needed – networking, building relationships.
  11. Four classes in the fall. Command Spanish for Hospitality Supervisors will be offered in the fall.
  1. Other Business – Napa Valley College Wine Release and NVC Annual Golf Tournament.
  1. Question & Answers, Comments, Ideas
  2. Melissa Teaff – Do you have internships?

Ian replied that there is work experience which is required for all classes and every internship has resulted in a job. Bill Blair also talked about his experience with internships.

  1. Melody Hilton – How does the program assist people in business?

Ian let the students answer this question. A discussion broke regarding how business are responding to HMT.

  1. Melissa Teaff – Service skills are not what they use to be in the valley – are there refresher courses planned?
  2. Ian suggested that subcommittees are needed. Claudette will work on surveys with hospitality programs. Teresa from Napa Valley Vintners also volunteered to send surveys to members.
  3. Ian will devote July and early August to get more involved with the community.
  1. Meeting ended at 5:35pm. Next meeting to be announced.