Home & School Board
Meeting Minutes
December 5, 2016
Attendees: Mrs. Louise Sheehan, Principal of St. Dorothy’s School
Mrs. Patricia McGee, Teacher Representative
Mrs. Donna McGann, President of H&S Board
Mrs. Marie Pat Romano, Vice President of H&S Board
Mrs. Jennifer McAnally, Secretary of H&S Board
The board started the meeting with a prayer.
Mrs. Sheehan discussed preparing descriptions for each board position for the January 23rd meeting. There is a possibility of nominations to get good people in for the next board.
Mrs. McGee asked if all teacher requests were in for Christmas Wish. The board ensured her all teacher requests have been sent.
Mrs. Mulholland reported on the inflow and outflow of cash in her Treasurer’s Report.
The computer/media teacher position is still open.
Need to survey parents about the lunch programs, and get the word out that we are changing the lunch program next year.
Catholic Schools Wek Activities- Wednesday February 1st is McDonald’s day and Family Bingo is Thursday February 2nd.
Initial communication went out about the Christmas Elves. Need to send out due date of December 16th.
Franklin Institute on December 22nd is about Electricity. 2 separate shows will occur. 9:30 and 10:45
Concerns about 5th grader with Mrs. Darville leaving. Mr. McCauley will teach T, W, and Th. Mrs. Sheehan will teach M, F.
Social Media needs to be screened
Christmas lunch for the teachers will be December 21st.
Book Fair wills start the 1st day of Catholic’s School’s week on January 9th after the 10AM mass.
Looking into option to do instead of the Phillies games. Options to discuss are Wilmington Blue Rocks or Philadelphia Union.
We need to ask Mrs. Julien if she will again run spirit day.
Stock’s Cakes are coming back. Dates to be confirmed are in May.
Mrs. Albanese asked for additional costumes for the Christmas show. The board approved the purchase.
Next Meeting will be January 9th
Adjourned the meeting