Maintenance Committee Meeting on 3/29/17
Attendees: Hans Schernthaner, Greg Fischer, Tracy Tooker, Sam Luedtke, and Ed Bleier.
A project that still needs to be done is to flash and replace the trim on Building 8. We do not have funding for this project at this time. In the interim, the association’s property manager will inspect and re-caulk, where necessary, the windows of that building.
Three entrance doors in the complex need door closers. These are on order and will be installed by the end of May.
Building 7 has cracks in the upstairs hall that appear be caused by the two front porch columns lifting the front of the building. Tracy has recently patched and painted the cracks. A suggestion has been made that saw cutting the rebar between the sidewalk and the porch might stress relieve the concrete porch slab and stop the upward movement of the columns. The committee’s recommendation is to watch this situation to see if there is any more movement before seeing if saw cutting the concrete solves the problem.
Many building entrance door frames and doors need to be painted. The association’s property manager will do this as time allows.
The 10 turbine vents that were installed as an experiment last fall over Units 62, 55, and 47 appear to have significantly reduced the amount of ice dammingthat was being experienced over these units. Because of this success, plans are to install an additional 46 turbine vents over all second floor north and east facing units. The north and east facing roofs of all of our buildings experience ice damming. The south and west facing roofs seldom experience problems. Fischer will install these vents (for $50 each) if the weather cooperates before he leaves for the season. If Fischer is unable to perform this work, Hans will install them this summer.
The corner trim on some buildings is in contact with the ground, is buried under snow in the winter, or is exposed to sprinkler head spray is deteriorating. The trim is made of a composite material which wicks moisture and that is why it is degrading. At the present time, this is primarily an ascetic issue. Longer term, it will become a building structure issue. Because of this, the lower 3 to 4 feet of this trim should be replaced with plastic lumber. Fischer will repair the corner trim if he has time before leaving for home. If Fischer isn’t able to do this, perhaps Hans can do it.
Annually, the chimney vents need to be inspected and, if necessary, re-caulked. Tracy will do this before he leaves.
The back stairs of Building 2 need to be stained/painted. The association property manager can do this as time allows.
The rest of the fascia on the Phase I buildings need to be painted. Hans will do this this summer.
Almost all of the entrance doors on all of the buildings need door sweeps installed on the interior side of the bottom of the door. The association property manager can do this.
There are some trim boards on Building 8 that need to be replaced with plastic lumber. Either Fischer or Hans can do this if there is time.
There are reports of water leaks around the windows in Units 14, 33, and 49. Ed is to contact the contractor to evaluate the source of the leaks.
This winter, one of the snowplows hit and damaged a manhole cover insert. Jim Martin, Alpine Professionals, will arrange for APEX to repair this insert and also modify the water covers so they are less subject to snowplow damage. Since this is an association problem, we will pay for the work.
Ed will get with Tracy and document his suggestions for sealing the slate in the halls.