Heckington Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held in the Council Chambers, St Andrew’s Street, Heckington on Monday 24th June2013 commencing at 7.00pm.

Attendance:Vice Chairman Cllr Mrs J Palmer in the Chair,

Cllrs –Mr T Atkinson,Mr P Banister, Mr A Garlick, Mr A Israel, Mr J Little, Mrs L Peto and Mr P Marshalltogether with Mrs A Edwards (Clerk),D/Cllr S Ogden.

The press and 2 Police were in attendance. There were3members of the public. D/Cllr Gill Ogden was also in attendance.

Cllr Palmer welcomed everyone and opened the meeting. A member of the public expressed concern at the number of HGV lorries that accessed the industrial Estate via the High Street, especially when two met head on, and asked if a weight limit might be introduced. Cllr Palmer confirmed that we had applied to Highways to get a weight restriction or a turn right sign at The Oak but had failed. The Parish Council had written to the hauliers and whilst some had complied with the request, others had not.

The public forum closed at 7.05pm.

The Chairman opened the ordinary meeting of the Parish Council at 7.05pm.

1.Chairman’s Remarks.

2.Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Cllr Higgs, Cllr West, Cllr Sydney and D/Cllr Tarry were unable to attend and their reasons were made known to the Council.

3.To receive a declaration of interest in accordance with the 2007 Local Government Act.

None were received.

4.Draft minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting held on Monday 20th May 2013 to be approved as Minutes and signed.

Matters arising – no resolutions may be passed.

Annual Parish Council Meeting: Cllr Peto maintained her objection to the adopting of the Standing Orders, as they had not been debated. Cllr Banister reiterated that he had rewritten the Standing Orders last May but there had been no amendments from the previous version, and therefore did not need debating. Current legislation stated that Standing Orders should be included on the agenda annually.

Annual Parish Meeting: Cllr Peto felt that point 5 did not accurately reflect what had happened. Cllr Palmer asked for a vote to be taken on the accuracy of the minutes. Proposed by Cllr Garlick, seconded by Cllr Atkinson and all agreed, with the exception of Cllr Peto.

The Council RESOLVEDthat the draft minutes of Monday 20th May 2013 be a true record of the meetings.

5.Financial Matters.

1.To approve payment of outstanding invoices.

The Council RESOLVED to approve the outstanding invoices for payment. Proposed by Cllr Palmer, seconded by Cllr Israeland agreed unanimously.

2.To consider a grant to Saint Oswald’s Church in Howell.

The Council RESOLVED to defer this matter to the Precept Meeting. Proposed by Cllr Peto, seconded by Cllr Banister and agreed.

3.To approve 3 replacement dog and litter bins.

The Council RESOLVEDto replace 3 dog and litter bins. Proposed by Cllr Palmer, seconded by Cllr Israel and agreed.

6.Receive a report relating to Police matters.

PC Martin Green and PCSO Patrick Welbyapologized for not attending recent meetings however PC Green confirmed that they continued to be out and about in the village.

PC Green and PCSO Welby brought the Council up to date with recent issues/eventswithin the village.

A new inspector, Mark Gee, was now resident in the village.

Following the recent car fire in Church Street PC Green stressed that Heckington was still a safe place to reside.

It was confirmed that the police would no longer placeout the SIDS but Cllr Palmer confirmed that we could do that ourselves.

The distribution of bogus charity bags was raised by PC Green and he asked for people to be vigilant and to consider giving their supportthrough bags from local charities.

The Council thanked PC Green and PCSO Welby for attending and they left at 7.40pm.

7.Receive a report from County and District Councillors.

The Clerk commented that the Lincs Homefinder Vacancy List, which was distributed weekly by North Kesteven District Council,had not been circulated that week. D/Cllr Ogden to chase up.

D/Cllr Ogden stated that NKDC were waiting for Central Government’s financial settlement this week. Cllr Israel commented on an article that had been in the recent NKDC newsletter which stated that they were leading the way on Localism; however Cllr Israel said that Heckington hadbeen doing this since 2006/07. Concern was raised over the large areas of land shown on the Central Lincolnshire Joint Planning Unit map for possible development within Heckington. D/Cllr Ogden said that anyone could put forward their land for consideration but it did not mean that planning permission would be granted. Cllr Garlick said that there was a link on the NKDC website where individuals could make comments and D/Cllr confirmed that everyone would have the chance of representation in September. The amount of prime arable land being earmarked had caused concern but D/Cllr Ogden said that NKDC had to consider all land put forward. He also stated that criteria such as access and services werealso taken into consideration.

D/Cllr Ogden left at 7.50pm.

8.Receive a report from Clerk in relation to outstanding Council matters.

The Clerk provided an update on the proposed community library at the Chambers. A 106 page Library Needs Assessment was available on Lincolnshire County Council’s website which would be debated by the Communities and Public Safety Scrutiny Committee on 26 June. The views of the Scrutiny Committee would then be reported to the Executive members who would discuss it on the 2nd July.

The Clerk also said that it had been suggested that we consider using the upstairs rooms as the proposed library facility, which would allow us to house more books and also strengthen our funding application with regards to the disabled lift extension.

9. Planning Matters.


a.13/0336/HOUS – Erection of two storey rear extension, 14 Boston Road, Heckington.

b.13/0325/HOUS – Erection of single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory, 113 High Street, Heckington.

c.13/0224/FUL – Demolition of existing loading bay and extension to factory, Unit A, formerly Priestley Building, Station Road, Heckington.

d.13/0220/HOUS – Erection of single storey rear extension, 73 Cameron Street, Heckington.

e.13/0329/ADV – Replacement internally illuminated fascia and hanging signs, Lloyds TSB Bank, High Street, Heckington.

10.Receive reports from Councillor’s relating to their affiliation to local organisations.

Cllr Marshall said that the basic heating system had been installed at the Pavilion. The POD bus visits would commence on 2nd July, and had asked about an electricity supply, which would be discussed later in the meeting. Cllr Marshall said that a car boot sale had been held the previous Sunday which had been reasonably successful, and all funds from these special events would be deposited in a separate account to pay for the refurbishment of the showers and changing rooms. A concrete base had been laid to assist Keiran Tscherniawsky, who had won a Gold medal in Germany the previous weekend, with his training. The work had been done by volunteers Dave Couzens and Dick Buckle and the concrete had been donated by Breedons.

11.To discuss a change to the Tenancy Agreement allowing properly supervised dogs on the allotments.

This item had been deferred to the September meeting however as the new tenancy agreement commences 1st October it had been brought forward. The general consensus was that dogs be allowed on the allotments with the strict proviso that they were properly supervised and either kept on a leash or on an enclosed plot. Cllr Peto raised the subject of fouling and Cllr Palmer said we would look at the possibility of providing a dog bin at the allotments.

The Clerk stated that if the lease was to be changed the Chairman felt that thefollowing clause should be included‘All allotments holders should treat each other with respect, with no threats, intimidation or abuse. If the Council receives evidence of this then the allotment holder concerned will be told to vacate their allotment immediately'.

The Council RESOLVED to change the allotment tenancy agreement from 1st October to allow dogs. Proposed by Cllr Banister, seconded by Cllr Israel and agreed by all except Cllr Marshall.

12.To discuss electricity supply for the POD.

The Council had currently obtained one quote for the installation of 2 external electrical sockets at the Sports Pavilion at a cost of £245.00 + VAT.

Cllr Banister and Cllr Marshall were unaware that Daitch Electrical had submitted this quote and immediately declared an interest. They were not asked to leave the room but took no part in the discussion or vote.

The Council RESOLVED to accept the quote submitted by Daitch Electrical, proposed by Cllr Garlick, seconded by Cllr Israel and agreed.

13.To discuss tree at 29 Godson Avenue and Limetree Walk.

Cllr Banister had met with a tree surgeon at Godson Avenue and it had been agreed that the tree needed removing as it had been planted too close to the boundary fence by the developers.

The trees at Limetree Walk were in need of a tidy up.

The Council RESOLVED that the Clerk seek tenders for this work. Proposed by Cllr Israel and agreed.

14.To consider application to hold Fun Fair on the Village Green on Show weekend.

The Clerk submitted an email from Mr Ian Taylor dated 26th May 2013 requesting permission to hold a Fair on the Village Green. He would arrive after 5pm onTuesday 23rdJuly to set up and open to the public on Thursday 25thto Saturday 27th July inclusive.

The Council RESOLVED that permission be granted at a charge of £110 for rent and £30 for electricity. Proposed by Cllr Banister and agreed.

15.To consider quotes for tree works at Playing Field.

Three companies were approached but only two had submitted quoted. To comply with the Wildlife & Countryside Act work would not commence until September.

The Council RESOLVED to accept the lowest quote. Proposed by Cllr Banister, seconded by Cllr Marshall and agreed.

16.To consider quotes from locksmiths.

Three companies had been asked to submit quotes but none had been received.

The Council RESOLVED to approach a handyman, with the relevant insurance, and ask Nicholas Marshall to supply the cylinders for the universal key system. Proposed by Cllr Peto, seconded by Cllr Garlick and agreed.

17.To consider the sale of the ornate roller at the cemetery.

Due to Health & Safety regulations the ornate concrete roller at the cemetery is too heavy to use and it was proposed that it be sold and the proceeds added to Council’s funds.

The Council RESOLVED to advertise and sell the ornate roller.

18.To receive general correspondence.

a. Letter of thanks from LIVES.

b. Changes to Business Account, Lloyds TSB.

19.To confirm the date of the next meeting– Monday 29th July 2013.

The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Monday 29th July 2013 at 7.00pm.

This part of the meeting closed at 8.25pm.

To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to discuss the following matters.

Proposed by Cllr Garlick, seconded by Cllr Marshall and agreed unanimously.

The meeting continued in the absence of the press and public at 8.20pm. (Not for publication by virtue of Section 100(a) para 4 of the Local Government Act 1972, the items being of a confidential nature).

The meeting finished at 8.30pm.




24 Jun 20131-13Initials: