Attendance Leads to School Success!

Dear Parents:

This is an exciting and important year for you and your child. Having great attendance will prepare your child to do well academically throughout their school years.

What can you do?

  • Set an early bedtime, and start getting ready for bed 30 minutes before bedtime. Children are most able and willing to learn when they have had plenty of sleep.
  • Set your alarm clocks to make sure everyone gets up on time.
  • If your child rides the bus to school, make sure you are at the stop five minutes ahead of time. Have a plan if your child misses the bus.
  • If you drive you child to school please have them to school by 8:45. Set up a plan with someone who can take your child to school in case you’re not able to.
  • Allow time for the unexpected. Have clothes and school bags ready the night before, and get up with plenty of time to get ready.
  • Communicate with the school and let them know if your child needs to miss school or if you are having a hard time getting your child to school.
  • The only reason your child should miss school is if they have a fever or are throwing up. We promise we’ll call you and if they are feeling ill.
  • If you have an appointment, depending on the time, please either bring your child before the appointment or right after. Even if your child is here for two hours, it will help them.

Facts About Children Missing School:

  • Students who miss school are usually are behind academically. Each day students are learning critical things. Oftentimes there isn’t something that a teacher can “send home” to get caught up. The instruction and activities happen in the classroom.
  • Students who miss school may have a difficult time socially. When a child misses school on a regular basis they may have a difficult time fitting in and feeling socially accepted.
  • Students who miss school may have emotional problems. The more students miss school the less connected they are to their peers and teachers.
  • Kindergarten is the new first grade. When we all went to kindergarten it was all about snack, recess and taking a nap on our fuzzy carpet. A lot has changed since then. Our kindergarten curriculum is very rigorous. Our expectation when our students leave kindergarten is that they are reading books, completing math problems and writing paragraphs. If your child misses school it is very difficult for them to get caught up in future year.

Please give your child the gift of an education. Reinforce positive attendance patterns starting at a young age. We give awards each month to our attendance super stars! Each day your child is in attendance they earn points toward their classroom winning monthly awards. We are here to support you if you need help. Feel free to contact our counselor (Laurie Robertson), your child’s classroom teacher or me. We will look forward to seeing your child every day this school year!

Warm Regards,

Kate Barker, principal