Attachment A: Submittal Response Checklist

RFP BID No.: 14-14028

RFP Name: RFP for Complete Storage Array Equipment for Information Services

Use the checklist to ensure that the proposal is complete by checking off each item included with your response. Sign and date this form and include this page with each proposal.

Attachment B: Respondent Questionnaire

Attachment C: Enterprise Storage Array Equipment Functionality and Networking Capability

Attachment D: Proposed Project Timeline and Work Plan – Implementation

Attachment E: Qualifications & Past Experiences

Attachment F:References

Attachment G:Project Team and Resumes

Attachment H:Bidder’s Pricing

Attachment I:Financial Information

Attachment J: Completed and signed W-9 Form

Exhibit “B” – Copy of Current Certificate of Liability Insurance and Respondent’s commitment letter to provide the lines of insurance coverage required.

Exhibit “C” – Good Faith Effort Plan

Exhibit “D” – Conflict of Interest Questionnaire

I certify that the proposal submitted includes the items as indicated above.


Printed Name


Attachment B: Respondent Questionnaire

RFPNAME: 14-14028 RFP for Complete Storage Array Equipment for Information Services

Instructions: The Respondent Questionnaire is a required questionnaire. Complete the questionnaire by inserting the requested information. Do not modify or delete the questions.


  1. Respondent Information: Provide the following information regarding the Respondent.

(NOTE: Co-Respondents are two or more entities proposing as a team or joint venture with each signing the contract, if awarded. Sub-contractors are not Co-Respondents and should not beidentified here. If this proposal includes Co-Respondents, provide the required information in this Item #1 for each Co-Respondent by copying and inserting an additional block(s) before Item #2.)

Respondent Name:

(NOTE: Give exact legal name as it will appear on the contract, if awarded.)

Principal Address:

City:State:Zip Code:

Telephone No. Fax No:

Social Security Number or Federal Employer Identification Number:

  1. Contact Information: List the one person who SAWS may contact concerning your proposal or setting dates for meetings.



City:State:Zip Code:

Telephone No.Fax No:


  1. Identify the principal contact person authorized to commit the Respondent to a contractual agreement.
  1. Does Respondent anticipate any mergers, transfer of organization ownership, management reorganization, or departure of key personnel within the next twelve (12) months?

Yes No

  1. Is Respondent authorized and/or licensed to do business in Texas?

Yes No If “Yes”, list authorizations/licenses.

  1. Affirmative Action - Respondent agrees to adhere to the EEO requirements contained in the RFP section IV, sub-section “C.” paragraph 10.a.

Yes No If “No”, state reason.

  1. Debarment/Suspension Information: Has the Respondent or any of its principals been debarred or suspended from contracting with any public entity?

Yes No If “Yes”, identify the public entity and the name and current phone number of a representative of the public entity familiar with the debarment or suspension, and state the reason for or circumstances surrounding the debarment or suspension, including but not limited to the period of time for such debarment or suspension.

  1. Bankruptcy Information: Has the Respondent ever been declared bankrupt or filed for protection from creditors under state or federal proceedings?

Yes No If “Yes”, state the date, court, jurisdiction, cause number, amount ofliabilities and amount of assets.

  1. Provide any other names under which Respondent has operated within the last 10 years.
  1. Litigation Disclosure: Respond to each of the questions below by checking the appropriate box. Failure to fully and truthfully disclose the information required in the Litigation Disclosure questions may result in the disqualification of your proposal from consideration or termination of the contract, once awarded.

a.Have you or any member of your Firm or Team to be assigned to this project ever been indicted or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor greater than a Class C in the last five (5) years?

Yes No

b.Have you or any member of your Firm or Team to be assigned to this project beenterminated (for cause or otherwise) from any work being performed for the San AntonioWater System or any other Federal, State or Local Government, or Private Entity?

Yes No

c.Have you or any member of your Firm or Team to be assigned to this project been involved in any claim or litigation with the San Antonio Water System or any other Federal, State or Local Government, or Private Entity during the last ten (10) years?

Yes No

If you have answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, please indicate the name(s) of the person(s), the nature, and the status and/or outcome of the information, indictment, conviction, termination, claim or litigation, as applicable. Any such information should be provided on a separate page, attached to this form and submitted with your proposal.

  1. Compliance Agreement:

Nondisclosure. No information obtained by Respondent from SAWS shall be disclosed by Respondent to any third party. In the event Respondent is subject to the Texas Public Information Act, upon receipt of a request for any information obtained by Respondent, Respondent shall provide notice to SAWS of the request along with a copy of the request, and give SAWS the opportunity to respond to the request prior to its release by Respondent.

No Lobbying and Compliance with Law. During the selection process for the projectnamed in this RFP, Respondent agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to restrictions against direct or indirect lobbying of public officials. Respondent agrees not to make or permit to be made any improper payments, or to perform any unlawful acts.

This agreement shall be construed to be enforceable to the maximum extent permitted by law.

Failure to complete this question or comply with its terms may subject this firm to elimination from the selection process at any time.

Does the Respondent agree to the above?

Yes No

  1. Security Procedures: Respondent acknowledges having read the security procedures in Exhibit “D” and understands the requirements. Respondent is prepared to perform at their own expense background security checks on their employees, or the employees of their consultants or sub-consultants if requested by SAWS.

Yes No

  1. Contract Terms and Conditions: Respondent acknowledges having read the contract attached to this RFP. By responding to this RFP/RFQ, Respondent agrees to these terms and conditions.

No Exceptions ExceptionsIf “Exceptions”, they must be submitted with the proposal. Respondents shall submit exceptions with proposed alternative language to SAWS as an attachment accompanying this questionnaire.

Exceptions will not be accepted after the proposal due date and time. At the sole discretion of SAWS, the type and nature of exceptions may be grounds for disqualification.

  1. Addendums: Each Respondent is required to acknowledge receipt of all addendums.

None Yes If “Yes”, Identify.

The information provided above is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Furthermore, we understand that failure to complete the Respondent Questionnaire may subject this firm to elimination from the selection process.


Printed Name


Attachment C: Enterprise Storage Array Equipment

Functionality and Networking Capability

14-14028 RFP for Complete Storage Array Equipment for Information Services

San Antonio Water System (SAWS) is looking for a complete Enterprise Storage Array to meet our expanding needs in storage. We are in need of a solution that will host transactional and data warehousing databases.

a)Equipment, Professional Services & Installation- The objective is to acquire, install and configure the proposed complete storage array solutions at San Antonio Water System. The proposed storage array must meet the following:

Minimum Technical Requirements

  • 2 (Two) storage arrays with minimum of dual controllers
  • 40 TBs of usable disk storage per array
  • Sixty (60) months of support (maintenance and equipment)
  • 50,000 IOPS (I/O per second) capability on initial implementation
  • 100,000 IOPS capability without additional hardware upgrade
  • Fiber Channel connectivity
  • Thin provisioning
  • In-line data compression
  • Array based asynchronous data replication
  • Data volume snapshots and restore capability
  • Data volume cloning
  • Support double disk failure
  • Seamless controller failover with no performance degradation
  • Non-disruptive hardware and software controller upgrades
  • Manufacturer certified installation technicians
  • Manufacturer certified system design
  • Vouchers for administrator training on new system

Preferred requirements

  • In-line data deduplication
  • Data encryption
  • iSCSI connectivity
  • NFS protocol support

b)Maintenance & Support: Provide continuing support and maintenance (hardware and software) without interruptions within the contract period.

1)Hardware Support & Maintenance on equipment

-Must include all hardware support and maintenance for a period of five (5) years or sixty (60) months from the date of SAWS full acceptance of the proposed solution.

2)Subscription Licenses & Maintenance on software

-Must include all software license subscriptions, updates and upgrades and maintenance support for a period of five (5) years or sixty (60) months from the date of SAWS full acceptance of the proposed solution.

c)Training:Provide necessary training and support to SAWS staff to perform routine administration of the solutions.

1)Vendor Proposer must provide its training plans and materials for SAWS evaluation.

2)Training must include all necessary information including but not limited to information regarding what the solution can do and can’t do, daily administration and management, customer service issue and contact information, maintenance and support, daily monitoring and reporting

3)Training may be provided onsite or at a certified training partner’s location. Training must include but not limited to storage array administration, upgrades, troubleshooting and disaster recovery.

4)Please provide separate pricing for online and onsite training. SAWS reserves the right to choose which training format best suit SAWS requirements.

d)Please provide more information on each item on the list mentioned above including:

1)Do you have online instructions and/or training?

2)Do you provide 24x7 online, phone and onsite engineering support? What is your emergency hardware support policy?

3)What is your hardware replacement and upgrade policy?

Please check if response is included as a separate document.

BY: ______

TITLE: ______

FOR: ______

(Name of Firm Submitting Bid)

DATE: ______

Attachment D: Proposed Project Timeline and

Work Plan – Implementation

14-14028 RFP for Complete Storage Array Equipment for Information Services

Provide a detailed work plan explaining how the Respondent would complete this project as described in the Scope of Services. The work plan should provide, at a minimum, itemized tasks, resource requirements and a proposed timeline. Emphasis should be given to maximize efficiencies in procedures in order for SAWSto meet its goal in a timely manner.

Please check if response is included as a separate document.

BY: ______

TITLE: ______

FOR: ______

(Name of Firm Submitting Bid)

DATE: ______

Attachment E: Qualifications & Past Experiences

14-14028 RFP for Complete Storage Array Equipment for Information Services

Number of years engaged in this type of business.(_____) Years

  1. Proposer must provide a description of its’ operational structure and operating history, which reflects that it has been actively engaged for a minimum of three (3) consecutive years as a contractor providing the same products and services as specified in the specifications and scope of work on this RFP.
  2. Proposer must also provide information about their company’s core competencies; special recognitions & awards and other information that are relevant to the scope of this best value bid.
  3. Bidder must also provide customers reviews or letters that may be helpful in the evaluation process.

Please check if response is included as a separate document.

BY: ______

TITLE: ______

FOR: ______

(Name of Firm Submitting Bid)

DATE: ______

Attachment F: References

14-14028 RFP for Complete Storage Array Equipment for Information Services

  1. Bidder shall provide at least three (3) quality contact references who is currently utilizing their Enterprise Storage Arraybeing proposed to include company name, contact person, phone number, email address and date. SAWS reserves the right to contact references. Bidder may also include pending contract awards if they wish to.
  2. Provide a list of at least three (3) current and/or previous projects in the last five (5) years, in which the Respondent has performed services similar to those sought in this RFP. This list should include:
  3. Name of client
  4. Location (city and state)
  5. Duration of assignment
  6. Respondent’s role in project
  7. Reference contact to include name and phone number
  8. Projects/Works performed
  9. SAWS reserves the right to contact references and request site visits at its own discretion.

Reference 1
Client Name:
Point of Contact:
Phone Nos. / Fax No.
Email Address: / Mobile No.
Description of project or work completed:
Reference 2
Client Name:
Point of Contact:
Phone Nos. / Fax No.
Email Address: / Mobile No.
Description of project or work completed:
Reference 1
Client Name:
Point of Contact:
Phone Nos. / Fax No.
Email Address: / Mobile No.
Description of project or work completed:

If more space is needed, please provide the information on a separate sheet.

Attachment G: Project Team and Resumes

14-14028 RFP for Complete Storage Array Equipment for Information Services

Provide an organizational chart identifying each team member and their role in providing the scope of services and a resume of not more than two (2) pages per person on the capabilities, experience and qualifications of each team member. Resumes should include the team member’s name, title, and education, brief overview of professional experience, and team member licenses or professional affiliations.

Please check if response is included as a separate document.

BY: ______

TITLE: ______

FOR: ______

(Name of Firm Submitting Bid)

DATE: ______

Attachment H: Proposed Compensation

Please provide your pricing proposal for

14-14028 RFP for Complete Storage Array Equipment for Information Services

No. / DESCRIPTION / UOM / Quantity / Total
1 / Equipment Pricing
(Please provide detailed pricing on a separate sheet) / lump sum / 1 / $
2 / Professional Services & Installation
(Please provide detailed pricing on a separate sheet) / lump sum / 1 / $
3 / Training Pricing
(Please provide detailed pricing on a separate sheet)
Option A. Online Training** $ ______
Option B. Onsite Training** $ ______
4 / Yearly Maintenance Support for Five Years
(Please provide detailed pricing on a separate sheet)
Option A. Maintenance prepaid for 5 years** $ ______
Option B. Maintenance paid on an annual basis**
Year 1 Maintenance Support $ ______
Year 2 Maintenance Support $ ______
Year 3 Maintenance Support $ ______
Year 4 Maintenance Support $ ______
Year 5 Maintenance Support $ ______

Please provide detailed pricing for each line item on a separate sheet.

**Bidders must provide pricing on all options as SAWS will choose among the options what best suits SAWS needs.

Attachment I: Financial Information

1)Bidder must be financially stable to provide a long-term security advisory role.

2)The bidder must have been in business at least (3) three years under their current DBA name. The bidder must provide a current published financial report or, if privately owned, provide Dun & Bradstreet number.

3)Provide information to assist SAWS in assessing Bidder’s demonstrated capability and financial resources to provide the goods or services described in this Bid. Financial Stability includes the following: The bidder has been in business at least 3 years. The bidder must provide a current audited financial report to include Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Statement of Cash Flow. If privately owned, SAWS reserves the right to accept non audited financial reports as defined above. Written references must be provided if requested by SAWS. Information provided must offer an indication of Bidder’s financial stability, history, and commitment to providing quality services for clients.

Please check if response is included as a separate document.

BY: ______

TITLE: ______

FOR: ______

(Name of Firm Submitting Bid)

DATE: ______

Attachment J: Copy of W9 Form

Please provide a copy of your most updated W9.

Please check if response is included as a separate document.

BY: ______

TITLE: ______

FOR: ______

(Name of Firm Submitting Bid)

DATE: ______

Exhibit C: Good Effort Plan

This form must be completed regardless of Contractor’s classification.

RFP NAME:14-14028 RFP for Storage Array Requirements for Information Services Department


Name of Firm:


City: State: Zip Code:

Contact Person: Telephone:

Email Address: Fax No. :

Is your firm Certified?Yes NoIf certified, attach copy of Certification Affidavit

Type of Certification: AABE MBE WBE SBE

(See attached definitions)

Prime’s Percent Participation on this Project: %

List ALL SUBCONTRACTORS/SUPPLIERS that will be utilized on this project/contract.

Name & Full Address of Company / Scope of Work/Supplies to be Performed/Provided by Firm / % Level of Participation on this Project / If Firm is Certified, Provide Certification Agency name and attach copy of Certification Affidavit


The SMWB goal on this project is 19%

  1. The undersigned proposer has satisfied the requirements of the Bid specification in the following manner (please check the appropriate space):

___ The proposer is committed to a minimum of 19 % SMWB utilization on this contract.

___ The proposer, (if unable to meet the SMWB goal of 19%), is committed to a minimum of ______% SMWB utilization on this contract. (If contractor/consultant is unable to meet the goal, please submit documentation demonstrating good faith efforts).

2. Name and phone number of person appointed to coordinate and administer the SMWB requirements on this project.

Name: Title:

Telephone No. :


SECTION C – GOOD FAITH EFFORTS (Fill out only if the SMWB goal was not achieved).

  1. List all firms you contacted with subcontracting/supply opportunities for this project that will not be utilized for the contract by choice of the proposer, subcontractor, or supplier. Written notices to firms contacted by the proposer for specific scopes of work identified for subcontracting/supply opportunities must be provided to subcontractor/supplier not less than five (5) business days prior to bid/proposal due date. The following information is required for all firms that were contacted for subcontracting/supply opportunities.

Name & Address of Company / Scope of Work/Supplies to be Performed/Provided by Firm / Is Firm SMWB Certified? / Date Written Notice was Sent & Method (Fax, Letter, E-Mail, etc.) / Reason Agreement was not reached?

(Use additional sheets as needed)