Attachment 4: Summary of Miramar ALUCP Applicability
Communities Subject to MCAS Miramar ALUCP Compatibility CriteriaCommunities / ALUCP Compatibility Factors
Aircraft Noise / Safety Zones / Airspace Protection / Overflight Notification
Black Mountain Ranch / Applies / Real estate disclosure only
Carmel Mountain Ranch / Development 200+ feet in height only / Applies
Carmel Valley / Development 200+ feet in height only / Real estate disclosure only
Clairemont Mesa / Applies / Applies / Applies / Applies
Del Mar Mesa / Applies / Development 200+ feet in height only / Applies
East Elliott / Applies / Real estate disclosure only
Kearny Mesa / Applies / Applies / Applies / Applies
La Jolla / Applies / Real estate disclosure only
Los Penasquitos / Applies / Applies / Applies / Applies
Miramar Ranch North / Applies / Applies
Mira Mesa / Applies / Applies / Applies / Applies
Pacific Highlands Ranch / Development 200+ feet in height only / Real estate disclosure only
Rancho Bernardo / Development 200+ feet in height only / Real estate disclosure only
Rancho Encantada / Applies / Applies
Rancho Penasquitos / Applies / Applies / Applies
Sabre Springs / Development 200+ feet in height only / Real estate disclosure only
Scripps Miramar Ranch / Applies / Applies / Applies
Tierrasanta / Applies / Applies / Applies
Torrey Highlands / Development 200+ feet in height only / Real estate disclosure only
Torrey Hills / Applies / Development 200+ feet in height only / Applies
Torrey Pines / Applies / Applies / Applies / Applies
University / Applies / Applies / Applies / Applies
Category 1: Plan Areas Subject to All Compatibility Review Criteria for New Development
Within the Community Plan Areas for Clairemont Mesa, Kearny Mesa, Los Penasquitos Preserve, Mira Mesa, Torrey Pines, and University, new development requires review for compatibility with Noise, Safety, and Airspace Protection criteria as specified below, and overflight notification for new residential development. Airspace protection compatibility review and real estate disclosure are required for all community plan areas within the Airport Land Use Compatibility Overlay Zone. FAA notification is required for any proposed development that would be 200 feet or greater above grade to evaluate whether the development would be a hazard to air navigation. In accordance with state law, all residential real estate transactions within the airport influence area are required to disclose that the property is located within an airport influence area.
Noise: Applies
What this means: The 60-70 dB CNEL range overlays existing development in the northeast portion of the community designated for schools, parks, residential, and commercial development. Proposed development would be reviewed for compatibility with the Noise Compatibility Criteria Table 132-15C.New residential development may be limited in the 65-70 dB CNEL noise exposure range due to the noise compatibility criteria. However, under the previously conforming regulations, a single dwelling unit may be reconstructed, altered or expanded; and multi dwelling units may be reconstructed or altered, but no additional density would be permitted.
Safety: Applies (Transition Zone)
What this means: The Transition zone overlays residential and open space designated areas in the northeastern portion of the community.This is a new safety zone that was created with the Miramar ALUCP. New residential development up to 2 dwelling units per acre is a permitted use in the Transition zone. A Site Development Permit may be requested to develop a clustered residential development up 20 dwelling units per acre in accordance with the designated land use plan density range and underlying base zone requirements. The Transition Zone also overlays a neighborhood park and a resource based park, and an elementary school. Schools are subject to new capacity limitations under the ALUCP. While expansion of private schools would be reviewed in accordance with the City’s previously conforming regulations, expansion of public schools would be subject to review and processing between the school district and the Airport Land Use Commission.
Airspace Protection: Applies (Part 77 Surfaces and FAA Notification Areas)
What this means: The Part 77 surfaces apply to this community to protect navigable airspace and avoid the creation of hazards to aircraft in flight. Development may exceed the Part 77 surface only where determined by the FAA that the development would not be a hazard to air navigation. In addition, new development located within the FAA notification area is required to notify the Federal Aviation Administration by submitting FAA Form 7460-1. Prior to issuance of a permit, the applicant shall provide evidence to the City of a final FAA determination of “No Hazard to Air Navigation”. FAA notification is also required for any proposed development that would be 200 feet or greater above grade to evaluate whether the development would be a hazard to air navigation.
Overflight: Applies (Notification Area and Real Estate Disclosure Area)
What this means:Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, new residential development mapped within the overflight notification area shall record an overflight notification document with the County of San Diego as a deed notice to inform people about the presence of aircraft overflight. In addition, all residential real estate transactions within the Airport Land Use Compatibility Overlay Zone shall disclose that the property is located within an airport influence area in accordance with state law.
Noise: Applies
What this means: The 60-65 dB CNEL range and 65-70 dB CNEL range overlay the northern portion of the community. There is no perceived conflict with the existing commercial, industrial business park, open space, or community park land use designations. Proposed development would be reviewed for compatibility with the Noise Compatibility Criteria Table 132-15C.
Safety: Applies (Transition Zone)
What this means: The Transition zone overlays commercial, industrial business park, community park, and open space designated areas in the northern portion of the community.This is a new safety zone that was created with the Miramar ALUCP. Proposed development would be reviewed for compatibility with the Safety Compatibility Criteria Table 132-15D.
Airspace Protection: Applies (Part 77 Surfaces)
What this means: The Part 77 surfaces apply to this community to protect navigable airspace and avoid the creation of hazards to aircraft in flight. Development may exceed the Part 77 surface only where determined by the FAA that the development would not be a hazard to air navigation. FAA notification is also required for any proposed development that would be 200 feet or greater above grade to evaluate whether the development would be a hazard to air navigation.
Overflight: Applies(Notification Area and Real Estate Disclosure Area)
What this means:Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, new residential development mapped within the overflight notification area shall record an overflight notification document with the County of San Diego as a deed notice to inform people about the presence of aircraft overflight. In addition, all residential real estate transactions within the Airport Land Use Compatibility Overlay Zone shall disclose that the property is located within an airport influence area in accordance with state law.
Noise: Applies
What this means: The 60-65 dB CNEL noise exposure range overlays the eastern portion of the community plan area designated as open space.Proposed development would be reviewed for compatibility with the Noise Compatibility Criteria Table 132-15C. Open space uses are generally compatible within the 60-65 dB CNEL range.
Safety: Applies(Accident Potential Zone II and Transition Zone)
What this means: The Accident Potential Zone II and Transition Zone overly the western portion of the community plan area. The existing open space uses are generally compatible with these safety zones.Proposed development would be reviewed for compatibility with the Safety Compatibility Criteria Table 132-15D.
Airspace Protection: Applies (FAA Notification Area)
What this means: New development located within the FAA notification area is required to notify the Federal Aviation Administration by submitting FAA Form 7460-1. Prior to issuance of a permit, the applicant shall provide evidence to the City of a final FAA determination of “No Hazard to Air Navigation”. FAA notification is also required for any proposed development that would be 200 feet or greater above grade to evaluate whether the development would be a hazard to air navigation.
Overflight Factor: Applies (Notification Area and Real Estate Disclosure Area)
What this means:Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, new residential development mapped within the overflight notification area shall record an overflight notification document with the County of San Diego as a deed notice to inform people about the presence of aircraft overflight. In addition, all residential real estate transactions within the Airport Land Use Compatibility Overlay Zone shall disclose that the property is located within an airport influence area in accordance with state law.
Noise: Applies
What this means: The 60+ dB CNEL noise contours apply within this community. There is an existing fire station located within the 60-65 dB. The 65+ dB CNEL noise exposure applies to designated business commercial, light industrial, industrial park, open space, and cemetery land uses, and the Carroll Canyon Specific Plan which includes residential, mixed use, office, and industrial land uses. Proposed development would be reviewed for compatibility with the Noise Compatibility Criteria Table 132-15C.
Safety: Applies(Accident Potential Zone II and Transition Zone)
What this means: Proposed development would be reviewed for compatibility with the Safety Compatibility Criteria Table 132-15D.The ALUCP safety criterion is more restrictive than the previous CLUP.
The Accident Potential Zone II applies to residential, commercial and industrial uses in the southwestern portion of the community. Limitations are more restrictive than the previous CLUP. New residential development up to .2 dwelling units per acre is a permitted use in the APZ II zone. A Site Development Permit may be requested to develop a clustered residential development up 2 dwelling units per acre in accordance with the designated land use plan density range and underlying base zone requirements. New commercial development would be limited with respect to use, particularly eating and drinking establishments and hotel facilities, and floor area ratio limitations. New industrial development would also be limited by floor area ratio limitations and limits on bulk storage of hazardous materials. The existing fire station located within the APZ II safety zone along Carroll Canyon Road would be previously conforming.
The Transition Zone overlays industrial and residential use areas in the southwestern portion of the community. This is a new safety zone that was created with the Miramar ALUCP. New residential development up to 2 dwelling units per acre is a permitted use in the Transition zone. A Site Development Permit may be requested to develop a clustered residential development up 20 dwelling units per acre in accordance with the designated land use plan density range and underlying base zone requirements.
Airspace Protection: Applies (Part 77 Surfaces)
What this means: The Part 77 surfaces apply to this community to protect navigable airspace and avoid the creation of hazards to aircraft in flight. Development may exceed the Part 77 surface only where determined by the FAA that the development would not be a hazard to air navigation. FAA notification is also required for any proposed development that would be 200 feet or greater above grade to evaluate whether the development would be a hazard to air navigation.
Overflight: Applies(Notification Area and Real Estate Disclosure Area)
What this means:Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, new residential development mapped within the overflight notification area shall record an overflight notification document with the County of San Diego as a deed notice to inform people about the presence of aircraft overflight. In addition, all residential real estate transactions within the Airport Land Use Compatibility Overlay Zone shall disclose that the property is located within an airport influence area in accordance with state law.
Noise: Applies
What this means: The 60-65 dB CNEL noise exposure range applies to industrial park and open space designated areas located in the southern portion of the community at the I-5/I-805 merge.Proposed development would be reviewed for compatibility with the Noise Compatibility Criteria Table 132-15C. These uses are generally compatible with this noise exposure range.
Safety: Applies (Accident Potential Zone II and Transition Zone)
What this means: Proposed development would be reviewed for compatibility with the Safety Compatibility Criteria Table 132-15D. The ALUCP safety criterion is more restrictive than the previous CLUP.
The Accident Potential Zone II overlays open space, recreational, and industrial designated land uses. The new floor area ratio and people per acre limitations for non residential uses may impact the viability for new industrial development, and expansion of existing industrial development.
The Transition Zone is a new safety zone that was created with the Miramar ALUCP. The Transition Zone overlays industrial designated land uses, which would generally be compatible, except that the bulk storage of hazardous materials would not be permitted.
Airspace Protection: Applies(Part 77 Surfaces and FAA Notification Area)
What this means: The Part 77 surfaces apply to this community to protect navigable airspace and avoid the creation of hazards to aircraft in flight. Development may exceed the Part 77 surface only where determined by the FAA that the development would not be a hazard to air navigation. In addition, new development located within the FAA notification area is required to notify the Federal Aviation Administration by submitting FAA Form 7460-1. Prior to issuance of a permit, the applicant shall provide evidence to the City of a final FAA determination of “No Hazard to Air Navigation”. FAA notification is also required for any proposed development that would be 200 feet or greater above grade to evaluate whether the development would be a hazard to air navigation.
Overflight: Applies (Notification Area and Real Estate Disclosure Area)
What this means:Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, new residential development mapped within the overflight notification area shall record an overflight notification document with the County of San Diego as a deed notice to inform people about the presence of aircraft overflight. In addition, all residential real estate transactions within the Airport Land Use Compatibility Overlay Zone shall disclose that the property is located within an airport influence area in accordance with state law.
Noise: Applies
What this means: The 60+ dB CNEL noise exposure range applies to the eastern portion of the community. Within the 65-70 dB CNEL noise exposure range, new residential would be incompatible. Within the 75-80 dB CNEL noise exposure range, new commercial (i.e. office, retail sales, eating and drinking establishments) and industrial uses (i.e. research and development) would be incompatible.Proposed development would be reviewed for compatibility with the Noise Compatibility Criteria Table 132-15C.
Safety: Applies (Accident Potential Zone I, Accident Potential Zone II, and Transition Zone)
What this means: Proposed development would be reviewed for compatibility with the Safety Compatibility Criteria Table 132-15D. The ALUCP safety criterion is more restrictive than the previous CLUP.
The Accident Potential Zone I overlays industrial and open space land use designations.The new floor area ratio and people per acre limitations for non residential uses may impact the viability for new industrial development, and expansion of existing industrial development.
The Accident Potential Zone II overlays industrial, scientific research, visitor commercial, and open space designated areas, and portions of the Torrey Pines Golf Course.The new floor area ratio and people per acre limitations for non residential uses may impact the viability for new industrial development, and expansion of existing industrial development; and may impact open space/recreation uses (i.e. golf course, parks, and athletic fields) that are limited to 50 people per acre.
The Transition Zone is a new safety zone that was created with the Miramar ALUCP. The Transition Zone overlays open space, residential, office commercial, and industrial designated land uses, which would generally be compatible, except that industrial uses may be impacted by the restriction on the bulk storage of hazardous materials. New residential development up to 2 dwelling units per acre is a permitted use in the Transition zone. A Site Development Permit may be requested to develop a clustered residential development up 20 dwelling units per acre in accordance with the designated land use plan density range and underlying base zone requirements. Scripps Green Hospital is an existing use in the Transition Zone that would be subject to a new floor area ratio limitation in accordance with the previously conforming regulations.