Arnold Creek Neighborhood Association (ACNA)
Minutes of BOARD Meeting
May 9, 2017
Meeting Attendees:Patty Barker / Scott Corbett / Katie Daly
Debbie Griffin / Cindy Jackson / Grethe Larson
Linda Lawson / Liz Marantz / Sue Randall
Jessica Schimkowitsch / Hans Steuch
Absent: Julie Rall, Sue Strater, David Westbrook
Meeting Topic Discussion/Minutes
Topic Description / Topic Discussion
(See May 9, 2017 meeting agenda attached for topics discussed)
Agenda/Minutes approval / The meeting agenda was adopted by consensus. The March 15thboard meeting minutes were approved.
Board Discussion/Vote:
3222 Palatine Property / Board discussed revised land use proposal submitted by owner Nate Klauer. ACNA Land Use Committee is in agreement with proposal revisions. LMarantz has written draft letter to city in response to newest proposal. Board reviewed letter and unanimously approved sending letter with addition of the sentence: “This letter has been reviewed and approved by the ACNA Board. (See attached).
Board Members Update / ACNA Board reappoints Hans Steuch and Patty Barker to their board positions.
Missing Sidewalk 27th / Board discussed missing sidewalk on 27th and city’s response.
Communications Policy / Board reviewed draft Communications Policy. (See attached policy/ONI Standards). Board unanimously adopted policy as written.
SWNI Celebrate Our Success event / June 5, 6:30-8:30pm event. Poster has been created.
Conflict of Interest Statements / Board discussed need for all members to sign statement.
NNO August 1, 2017 event / Planning is continuing. New Seasons will provide ice cream. SRandall will handle Yurt. J Schimkowitsch will be in charge of Girl/Boy Scouts helping to serve.
Next General Meeting / June 6, 7pm. (note first Tuesday, not second Tuesday). “Attracting Birds to your Backyard”, speaker/neighbor Linda Lorenz.
Future Board meeting / September 12, 2017
Attachment # 1: May 9, 2017 meeting agenda
Attachment # 2: ACNA Land Use Committee Letter to City (3222 Palatine Property)
Attachment # 3: ACNA Communications Policy – 2-15-17 Draft/ONI Communication Standards
Attachment # 1: May 9, 2017 meeting agenda
Attachment # 2: ACNA Land Use Committee Letter to City (3222 Palatine Property)
Ms Stacey Castleberry
City of Portland
Bureau of Development Services
May 10th, 2017
Arnold Creek Neighborhood Association (ACNA) is submitting the following comments on the revised version of the environmental review for 3222 SW Palatine.
ACNA is in favor of extending the EZone boundary to cover the NW corner of the lot because this is the only undisturbed portion of the site and is the most heavily wooded. It includes three Douglas Firs. These three trees are the only conifers on site.
Moreover, extending the EZone boundary to the western property line means that the house can be built in the most logical place which is on the previously disturbed and graded area. This also means that no exceptions will be needed for either the architectural design or the setbacks because they will be in compliance with the building code and neighborhood standards.
ACNA is pleased to see the wetland issue addressed in this revised proposal by the construction of a wetland mitigation area deeper into the lot which will capture and re-direct the groundwater from the house site and has no objections if this construction adds additional disturbance to the EZone than is allowed by right.
The revised proposal calls for a much enhanced mitigation plan. ACNA very much appreciates that a more robust planting is proposed for this sensitive site.
In conclusion, ACNA is of the opinion that the revised proposal offers the best possible outcome. The house can be sited appropriately in the middle of the frontage and not in close proximity to the upslope neighbor. There would be no unnecessary topographical disturbance or major extra expenses for grading and a retaining wall to hold up the remainder of slope as well as new architectural plans for the house itself. The constructed wetland and the replanting of this disturbed site with native plants will be of great benefit to the watershed and to the community at large.
These comments were discussed and were unanimously approved by the Arnold Creek Neighborhood Association board at the May 9th 2017 meeting.
These comments are respectfully submitted by Elizabeth Marantz, Land Use Co-Chair, on behalf of Arnold Creek Neighborhood Association.
Attachment # 3: ACNA Communications Policy – 2-15-17 Draft/ONI Communication Standards
ACNA Communications Policy
The Arnold Creek Neighborhood Association (ACNA) Communications Policy encourages open communication with community members on pertinent matters and issues of mutual interest. It is intended to reach the neighborhood through the use of five distinct communication tools.
This policy is inclusive of the communications standards as established in the Standards for Neighborhood Associations, District Coalitions, Business District Associations, and the Office of Neighborhood Involvement(ONI Standards). Attached is Section IV, B, 2, a. of the ONI Standards which details the Communication policies for Neighborhood Association sanctioned communications.
- SW News Newspaper
The ACNA President [or Co-Presidents] or their designee is/are responsible for writing and submitting a monthly article for the SW News, neighborhood association newspaper for southwest Portland published by Southwest Neighborhoods Inc. Articles will highlight the activities and events of ACNA’s active Committees and Task Forces and announce General Meetings, important decisions and actions of ACNA, and include information on ACNA’s contributions, interests and involvement in the neighborhood. The e Communications Coordinator should be copied on the submittal to SW News. Note the deadline for submittal to the Newspaper is the 15th of each month.
- Constant Contact Newsletter
The ACNA e-Communications Coordinator is responsible for sending ACNA General Meeting announcements using the Constant Contact e-mail account. The announcement will list, at a minimum, the date, time and location of the meeting and include a link to the ACNA website where the same announcement will be posted along with a meeting agenda. The announcement can also highlight meeting topics, ongoing projects and activities and can include photographs. To submit announcements using Constant Contact, the submitter must be trained and certified by SWNI.
- ACNA Website
The dedicated webpages for ACNA within the Southwest Neighborhoods Inc. website constitute the “ACNA website” located at . The e-Communications Coordinator is responsible for posting and regularly updating: ACNA Board and General Meeting announcements, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, Committee and Taskforce updates, by-laws, formal notices to ACNA from the City, ACNA letters to the City, official notifications from the City or official business of ACNA Committees to include Land Use and Transportation, and for Emergency Preparedness/Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET). The e-Communications Coordinator will notify the ACNA President/Co-Presidents by e-mail each time content other than meeting announcements are posted to the site.
ACNA will maintain a Facebook page to encourage informal community engagement. The Facebook page will have an introduction to ACNA, a link to the ACNA website, and photos of events such as National Night Out, community walks, and NET events. The e-Communications Coordinator or another designee appointed by the President/Co-Presidents, will post ACNA General Meeting announcements and exercise great care in posting other appropriate and relevant content to the ACNA community. The “Comment” feature will be turned on so that comments and posts can be made by the community at-large.
- NextDoor will not be used as an official meeting notice but may be used as a communications tool for ACNA. The e-Communications Coordinator or another designee appointed by the President/Co-Presidents, is responsible for posting ACNA General Meeting announcements to the NextDoor groups that include the Arnold Creek neighborhood, currently identified as Stephenson, Woodlee Heights, Forrest Highlands, Collins View, and Marshal Park groups. The announcement will list the date, time, meeting topic/s and location of the meeting and include the ACNA website address where the same announcement will be posted along with a meeting agenda.
ONI Communications Standards: