Youth with a Mission,
Cáceres, Spain.
We are very happy to know your interest in be part of school Music DTS, in Youth with a Mission.
We as "staff" are convinced that this school despite having Musicand funny moments, is a training aimed to develop your Christian character, get to know God intimately to make Him known to others and so that you can get to know yourself best on all your strengths and weaknesses.
We are sending the request to fill it as soon as possible and return it to the email. The following forms must also be sent as part of the application.
Our school has a focus on the Music.
1.Application of the doctor (recommended)
2.Letter of recommendation of your Pastor.
3. Copy of NIE / DNI or passport withthe visa expiry date.
4. photocopy of your European health insurance card or health. (It can be done before the trip)
*All students must have a compulsory insurance during the time of school.
The procedure consists of the following steps:
1 Send appliances and Health History.
2 Once you receive notification of acceptance is necessary that:
•Send 50 Euros (representing your registration in the Music DTS school)
• Payment Certificate
The bank and the account number to which you must deposit is as follows:
For income / bank transfers:
BankiaIBAN: ES90 20384617 5330 0019 9447 (put "(your name) registration Music DTS”in bank receipt).
There will be threeintense months of challenges, dedicated to missionaryteaching, music activities, Biblical worldview through art, to develop skills in decision making, life projects, to work as a team and serve others.
We´re looking forward to hearing from you in the coming days. God bless you.
Attach 3x4 photo
- Name ______
( ) Male ( ) Female Age ______
- Current Mailing Address: ______
City ______Postal Code ______
Country ______Telephone ______
Fax ______E-mail ______
- Place of birth ______
Date of birth ______
- Nationality ______
- Passport Number______Expiration date ______
Do you have a visa for Spain or Residence Permit? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Expiration date ______
- Marital Status: ( ) Single ( ) Engaged ( ) Married ( ) Widowed
( ) Separated ( ) Divorced ( ) Remarried
- Date of marriage ______Name of spouse ______
- Do you have any children? If so, please list their names, birthdays and sex:
- Will your spouse and/or children accompany you to the DTS? ( ) Yes ( ) No
- In case of emergency, contact:
Name ______
Phone: ______
- Do you have any health insurance which copper in other countries?
( ) Yes ( ) No Expiration date ______
Christian Experience/ Call
(If it is easier for you, you can interweave your answers from questions 1, 2, 3 and 4. Use as many pages as necessary.)
- Describe how you came to know Jesus Christ and had a personal relationship with him. Describe events and steps that brought you to that point.
- Describe your subsequent spiritual growth. Comment on events or spiritual experiences in your life which led to new levels of understanding and/or commitment.
- Give an explanation of your understanding of the need for world evangelization. (Give scripture references)
- Why are you now applying for more music and missionary training? Share events or any influences which have brought you to this point. (Also include any specific guidance which you believe the Lord has given you)
- How did you hear about Youth with a Mission? ______
- Have you had any previous involvement with YWAM?( ) Yes( ) No. If so, please give locations and dates along with a description of your involvement:
- What were the influences that caused you to apply to: a) YWAM?And more specifically: b) YWAM Spain: ______
- Does your pastor/spiritual leader know that you are applying for a DTS? ( ) Yes ( ) No
What are your partor’s attitude toward your participation in anMusicDTS?
( ) enthusiastic ( ) positive ( ) neutral ( ) negative
- Pastor’s/spiritual leader’s name: ______
Home phone: ______
- Church name and address: ______
Fax and/or E-mail: ______Phone: ______
- Denomination ______
- List the churches which you have attended for any considerable length of time from your childhood to the present. Indicate with an “X” those of which you were a member:
ChurchCity/State/CountryYears as a member
- How do you foresee using your MusicDTS experience to benefit your home church?
Note: please remember that you need to speak with your pastor before we can accept you for DTS appliance.
- How much formal or informal Bible training have you had? (give details) ______
- Are you an ordained or a licensed clergyman? (give details) ______
- What experience have you had in artwork and evangelization?______
- What are your habits regarding your devotional life?
a)Prayer ______
b)Personal Bible study ______
c)Family devotions ______
- What christian books and magazines have influenced you the most? ______
- What other periodicals to you read? ______
- What level of education have you completed? ______
- List all schools attended beyond secondary school:
- Languages: What experience have you had in language learning? Rate your proficiency by placing numbers (1 to 5) after each language listed (5 is high)
LanguageLength of TimeWhereProficiency (1 to 5)
Family and Health
- Name of parents ______
- Parents’ Address ______Phone: ______
- Parents’ church affiliation ______
- Are your parents seperated? ___ Divorced? ___ If so, when did this occur? ______
- If either of your parents are deceased, please give the date of their death and your approximate age at the time ______
- Have you spoken with your parents about your desire to attend naMusicDTS?
( ) Yes ( ) No
- If yes, what are your parents’ attitude toward your participation in a MusicDTS?
( ) enthusiastic ( ) positive ( ) neutral ( ) negative
- Are you engaged? ( ) Yes ( ) No. Do you plan to attend the school together? ______
- If you have ever been divorced or separated, give details of each instance, including the dates of each marriage and divorce. Use as many additional sheets of paper as needed.
- Have you habitually used tabacco? ____ Alcoholic beverages? ____ Drugs? ____
If so, please indicate: a) When? b) In what quantities: ______
- Have you ever had psychiatric treatment? ____ If so please give details of received treatment, dates and/or present difficulty: ______
- Do you consider your health good, average or poor? ______
- Have you ever had any physical disabilities? ____ If so, how long and please give a brief description: ______
- Are you presently taking any medications, under medical supervision or on a prescribed diet or something we need to know? ____ If so, please describe thetreatment:______
- Do you have any health problems or physical limitations which might hinder you in varied climates and/or adverse living conditions? If so, please explain:
Job Experience and Abilities
- What kind of job training or practical education do you have? (i.e.- auto mechanic, nursing, B.S. in business administration) ______
- What is your present occupation? ______
- Do you have any musical training or talents? ______
What instruments do you play? ______
Which music area are you most interest in? ______
- What are your hobbies? ______
Students are assigned to work duties as a part of their practical training and will also beexpected to participate in the many responsibilities that are implies by community living.
Please check any and all skills that you have:
( ) Teaching
( ) Photography
( ) Secretarial Duties
( ) Computing
( ) Carpentry
( ) Cooking
( ) Houskeeping
( ) Electrical Abilities
( ) Printing
( ) Graphic Arts
( ) Auto mechanics
( ) Masonery Skills
( ) Audio/Video
( ) Circus
( ) Dance/Mime
( ) Painting
( ) Sewing
( ) Plumbing
( ) Evangelism
( ) Driver’s License Where were you licensed? ______Classification ______
( ) Other ______
Interest in Missionary Service
- What type of ministry are you interested in following after yourMusic DTS training?
- What length of service do you anticipate with Youth with a Mission?
( ) Carrer- long term service
( ) One or two years
( ) Less than one year
- If you are presently planning on only the MusicDiscipleship Training School, could you please briefly describe your plans following the DTS?______
- Do you want to be a missionary? ( ) Yes ( ) No
- Do you have a call to work in foreign missions?( ) Yes ( ) No
- Do you believe you could live under pioneer situations? (i.e.- live with low central heating in winter, different food and culture, dormitory housing or small quarters for family, live in a tent for several weeks if necessary on outreach, etc.) Please comment:
- Have you lived in or visited other countries? Where and when? ______
- Is there a particular country, part of the world or people group that you believe God might be leading you toward? ______
- I expect to serve with YWAM Spain from ______until ______
- I understand that I may need to live in difficult pioneering situations and may need to make adjustments in lifestyle areas such as food, housing, mode of transportation, etc.
I am willing ( ) Yes ( ) No.
- If I am accepted by Youth with a Mission, I will abide by the spirit, rules and schedule of the program.
Day ______Month ______Year ______Signature ______
Financial Resources
Each leader and staff member is expected to trust God to provide for his/her course fees and personal living expenses. Each prospective student is expected to do the same. As you do the possible, (use savings, earn money, sell things you do not need as directed by the Lord, raise financial support) then God will do the impossible as you pray in faith and follow the path He has set before you. Where God guides, He also provide.
- Give names of any dependents which you have and to what extent you are obligated to them: ______
- Other financial obligations: ______
Financial Statement
This sheet will help you calculate the total cost of th DTS for you. (Please list all monetary amounts in US Dollars or Euros)
- Fees for the DTS (3.500 Euros Total). Including lecture phase and outreach in Africa, South America or the Caribeans
- Pers. Expenses (min. 100 Eurosper month)
- Total amount needed (Add 1 through 2)
- Amount available at present
- Amount still needed (Deduct 4 from 5)
1. ______
2. ______
4. ______
5. ______
My church, family and/or friends will support me with (amount) $______US$ or Euros
I agree to pay all financial obligations due before the end of school.
Date ______Signature ______
School’s Telephone:
Cellphone: +34 608486346