ATPN01 Methods for Assessment and Evaluation in Occupational Therapy, Nursing and Physiotherapy

7.5 Higher education creditsSecond cycle

General Information

Main field

Occupational therapy/nursing/physiotherapy

Type of course

The course is taught at Master of Medical Science level.It is an optional course in the main fields of occupational therapy, nursing and physiotherapy.The course may also be studied as a single-subject course.The course complies with the regulations of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) with later amendments.

Language of instruction


Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and understanding

On completion of the course, students shall be able to:

  • independently and systematically identify, discuss and explain scientific theories to assess and evaluate aspects of health/ill-health in the main fields of study;
  • independently and systematically identify, discuss, explain and evaluate methods for assessment and evaluation in each main field.
Skills and abilities

On completion of the course, students shall be able to:

  • independently and systematically search for, critically examine and assess the applicability of methods for assessment and evaluation;
  • in oral and written form, be able to reflect on selected strategies and discuss the learning process;
  • select, present and communicate relevant knowledge and methods for assessment and evaluation.
Judgment and approach

On completion of the course, students shall be able to:

  • independently reflect on, and show awareness of, ethical aspects related to individuals or groups in relation to assessment and evaluation.

Course Content

The course aims to boost students’ knowledge of aspects of assessment and evaluation methods in health/ill-health, through the development of theory building and the provision of in-depth knowledge of scientific methodology.Methods for the assessment and evaluation of health/ill-health of relevance to occupational therapy, nursing and physiotherapy are included, as is the classification and evaluation of methods for assessment and evaluation in relation to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) (WHO, 2001).Usefulness and application of selected instruments in relation to each field of activity/research field is also included in the course.The course is interdisciplinary in focus.

Subjects examined

Methods for assessment and evaluation, 7.5 credits

Instruction and Examination


The course is conducted as internet-based part-time studies, with occasional seminar days in Lund.Instruction is based on a problem-oriented work method that builds on existing knowledge, skills and experience, and in training active knowledge search, critical thinking and problem solving.The work is primarily in the form of own work, group work, peer feedback and seminars.


A pass on the course requires active participation in online discussions, feedback on fellow students’ submitted assignments, and passes in submitted written assignments.Full active attendance at seminars is also required.Assessment takes place on an ongoing basis and after completed final tasks.


Grades are set for a completed course.One of the grades Pass or Fail is awarded.

A student who has passed the course is entitled to a written certificate to that effect from the higher education institution (SFS 1993:100, Chapter 6 Section 20).

Admission Requirements

Eligible students are those with a degree from the occupational therapy, physiotherapy or nursing programmes, equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree (180 credits with 15 credits of project work), or the same level of qualification in medical science.


The literature list is a reference list, see appendix.

Further Information

One examination and at least one opportunity to retake the examination are arranged for each course, soon after the course.Students who do not achieve a pass on either of these occasions will be able to retake the examination on a later occasion.A student who has failed an examination for a particular course or sub-course twice may request that the educational institution appoint a different examiner.Students who have failed an examination on a theoretical course are entitled to retake the examination four times.


ATPN01 Methods for Assessment and Evaluation in Occupational Therapy, Nursing and Physiotherapy

7.5 Higher education creditsSecond cycle

Fayers, P., Machin, D. (latest edition).Quality of life:assessment, analysis and

Interpretation.Chichester:John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.

Finch, E., Brooks, D., Stratford, P.W., Mayo, N.E. (latest edition).Physical rehabilitation outcome measures.A guidance to enhanced decision making.Hamilton, Ontario:BC Decker Inc.

Frank-Stromborg, M, Olsen, S.J. (latest edition).Instruments for clinical health-care research.London:Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Law, M., Baum, C., Dunn, W. (latest edition).Measuring occupational performance:supporting best practice in occupational therapy.Thorofare, NJ:SLACK Inc.

Melzack, R., Turk DC.(latest edition).Handbook of pain assessment.London:The Guildford Press.

Streiner, D., Norman, G. (latest edition).Health measurement scales: a practical guide to their development and use.Oxford:OxfordUniversity Press.

World Health Organization.International classification of functioning, disability and health.ICF homepage 2008.

There will also be some scientific papers.