Name: ______Period: ______

Atomic Theory

(1 week)

SC.8.P.8.1 Explore the scientific theory of atoms (also known as atomic theory) by using models to explain the motion of particles in solids, liquids, and gases.

Pre-Test Grade: ______Rating on the scale: ______

If you made a 90% or better, complete the following: / If you received below 90%, complete the following: / If received a 90% or below on the post-test #1, complete the following:
Real World Application:
  1. Write a report about what was occurring in the world at the time of the development of the atomic theory. Describe the technology available at that time, how the discovery of the atom has changed the world and other important world events that occurred during that time period. Report must be at least 1 ½ pages long, double spaced and in New Times Roman font. Proofread for grammatical and spelling errors.
  1. Create a 3D representation of the atom. You can choose any element you want and create the atom for it. Follow the rubric provided to complete your model. Instructions and rubric found on page 4.
/ Must do:
  1. Complete Atomic Theory Foldable (Provided by teacher)
  1. View the following video: In Schoology, submit a short paragraph of what you learned from the video.
  1. Create notes (using any method you choose, Cornell, Thinking map) of the following main ideas:
  1. Three main parts of an atom?
  2. Charge of a proton, neutron and electron?
  3. What do the atomic number and the atomic mass number tell you about an atom?
  4. How one atom of an element differs from an atom of another element?
  1. Create a 3D representation of the atom. You can choose any element you want and create the atom for it. Follow the rubric provided to complete your model. Instructions and rubric found on page 4.
/ May do:
  1. Complete History of an Atom Worksheet
  1. Review Notes from “Must do”
  1. Conference with teacher.

Post Test Grade #1: ______/ Post-Test Grade #2: ______

Periodic Table

(2 weeks)

SC.8.P.8.5 Recognize that there are a finite number of elements and that their atoms combine in a multitude of ways to produce compounds that make up all of the living and nonliving things that we encounter.

Pre-Test Grade: ______Rating on scale: ______

If you made a 90% or better, complete the following: / If you received below 90%, complete the following: / If received a 90% or below on the post-test #1, complete the following:
Real World Application:
  1. Element Superhero/Villain Project (Provided by teacher) Page 9
  1. Complete Design your own Periodic Table Project. Found on page 7.
  1. Create a Kahoot based on the Periodic Table. Create an account at the following: Must be at least 15 questions long. Submit title and username in Schoology.
/ Must do:
  1. View the following video: In Schoology, write one paragraph about what you learned.
  1. Complete the Color Coded Periodic Table Activity (Provided by teacher)
  1. Element Superhero/Villain Project (Provided by teacher) Page 9
  1. Complete Design your own Periodic Table Project. Found on page 7.
/ May do:
  1. Create a tree map of the following. Explain each group of elements and give examples:
Families of the periodic table:
a. Alkali Metals
b.Alkaline Earth Metals
c.Transition Metals
f.Groups 14-16
h.Noble Gases
  1. Review “Must Do” Notes
  1. Conference with teacher

Post Test Grade #1: ______/ Post-Test Grade #2: ______

Acids and Bases

(1 week)

SC.8.P.8.8 Identify basic examples of and compare and classify the properties of compounds, including acids, bases, and salts.

Pre-Test Grade: ______Rating on scale: ______

If you made a 90% or better, complete the following: / If you received below 90%, complete the following: / If received a 90% or below on the post-test #1, complete the following:
Real World Application:
  1. Create aninfomercial stating the disadvantages and advantages of at least one substance that is classified as an acid and one that is classified as a base that we encounter in our everyday lives. Infomercial must be 2 to 3 minutes long. Emphasize uses of each, the substances pH and if it’s harmful or beneficial in any way. Submit in Schoology.
  1. Write a report on the effects of acid rain on the environment. Report must be at least 1 ½ pages long, double spaced and in New Times Roman font. Proofread for grammatical and spelling errors.
/ Must do:
  1. Create a double bubble comparing acids and bases.
  1. Complete the game at following website: Write a paragraph in Schoology about what you learned.
  1. Create an infomercial stating the disadvantages and advantages of at least one substance that is classified as an acid and one that is classified as a base that we encounter in our everyday lives. Infomercial must be 2 to 3 minutes long. Emphasize uses of each, the substances pH and if it’s harmful or beneficial in any way. Submit in Schoology.
  1. Create a collage of at least 15 solutions. In each solution, identify the solvent and the solute in each solution.
/ May do:
  1. Create Cornell Notes of the following main ideas:
  1. Substance vs Mixture
  2. Solvent vs Solute
  3. Saturated vs unsaturated solution
  4. Hydronium vs hydroxide ions
  5. pH Scale
  1. Review “Must Do” Notes
  1. Conference with teacher

Post Test Grade #1: ______/ Post-Test Grade #2: ______

Atomic Model Project



We have learned about atomic structure, what atoms are made of and how they look. Now it is time to build a model of an atom.


Choose an element. You will build a 3-D representation of one atom of that element, no “flat” models will be allowed. You must use materials other than paper (Styrofoam balls, wood, balloons, food, pipe cleaners). Separate colors must be used for each part of the atom. A color key must accompany your project. Also a 300 Word minimum typedessay must accompany your project.

  • Your essay should include a detailed description about the element that was assigned to you.
  • Your essay should include the following:
  • The name of the element
  • How the electrons are arranged around the nucleus and how that affects it’s reactivity
  • Interesting properties that the element contains.
  • DO NOT cut and paste information from websites!

The atomic model must be scientifically accurate!

* The model should have the proper number of protons, neutrons and electrons.

The atomic model must be properly labeled


Your model will be graded on the following criteria:

Creativity, imagination and scientific accuracy.

Your model will be a major exam grade.

25 points – essay

75 points – model

Name: ______Class:______

Element: ______

20: The number of protons, neutrons and electrons are correct. / 20: Well-constructed, demonstrates creative use of materials, and is a reasonable size. / 20: The color key is easy to read, clearly identified, and all parts are present and correct. / 20: The student completed and submitted the project on or before the required date. / 20: The student effectively discussed the element in detail and included all required information.
15: There is an error in ONE of the atom particle totals. / 15: Generally well-constructed, creative use of materials, and is reasonable size. / 15: Key is easy to read, clearly identified, with 1-2 errors in the required information. / 15: The student submits the assignment 1 day late. / 15: The student discussed the element and included all required information.
10: There is an error in TWO of the atom particle totals. / 10: Construction, OR use of materials, OR size does not meet expectations. / 10: Key generally easy to read, clearly identified with 3-4 errors in the required information. / 10: The student submits the assignment 2 days late. / 10: The student discussed the element but did not include all the required information.
5: All three atom particle totals are incorrect. / 5: Overall failure to meet expectations; haphazard material use and lack of effort is evident / 5: Key may be difficult to read, is not clearly identified, or contains 5 or more information errors. / 5: The student submits the assignment 3 days (or more) late. / 5: The student did not meet the 300 word minimum, or plagiarized most of the work.

Design Your Own Periodic Table

Project Goal

Create a “Periodic Table” which demonstrates how objects we use every day, topics we discuss, foods we eat, and more, contain characteristics which allow us to group them using different patterns.

Project Guidelines

Where to begin:

1.Choose a topic that has characteristics that can be categorized in at least two different ways. Good characteristics to look at may be, but are not limited to:

dates, colors, cost, company, size, genre or any physical or chemical properties that can divide the subject into various groups and periods. Be creative!!

2.Decide upon and research these particular characteristics. Organize the item vertically and horizontally to show a pattern or relationship. Your periodic tablemust contain a minimum of 20 elements, arranged in a minimum of 5 groups and 4periods (or the reverse). Not every space within a group or period needs to be filled. You must have a title for your groups and periods.

3.Each “element” on your periodic table must include:

•Element Name

•Chemical Symbol (1 or 2 letters)

•Atomic Number – arrange the elements first then number them,blank spacesmustinclude a number!

•Atomic Mass – some numeric characteristic of the element that must increaseasyou go down and acrossthe table (size, style, cost, etc.)

•Your choice – picture, state of matter, price, etc.

4.A “Key” is required for the information given for each “element” on the periodic table by drawing a sample square with sample information, and then label whatcharacteristic each piece of information represents.

5.The final copy of you periodic table must be in color and on unlined paper. The size of your periodic table must be between 22” x 14” (half sheet of poster board) and 22” x 28” (full sheet of poster board). Remember that bigger doesn’t always necessarily mean better, so choose a size that best fits your table.

6.Title your periodic table at the top of your poster board. Your name and class period can be written on the back.

Hints for Planning:

•Remember that a chemical symbol can be 1or 2 letters, but only the first letter is capitalized.

•Remember that atomic mass can be in decimal or whole number form.

•You cannot use the same characteristic for 2 different pieces of information. For example, 2003 can only be used for atomic mass or atomic number, not both.


•Sketch out each square and manipulate the pieces to help discover patterns (like we did with the periodic people).

•Old catalogs and magazines are helpful for getting topic ideas or information and can be cut out to use as part of the table.

•Some topics ideas include: candy, TV shows, movies, mall stores, music, sports teams, animals, clothes, countries, states, make-up and food.

Project Rubric

Basics + ______/10

Poster is:

•Titled (4 pts)

•Neat (3 pts)

•Colorful (2 pts)

•Correct Size (1 pt)

Organization + ______/10

•Groups - vertical (4 pts organization) (1 pt title)

•Periods - horizontal (4 pts organization) (1 pt title)

20 Elements + ______/20

•1 pt credit for extra elements (up to 5)

Square Information + ______/20

•Atomic Number (3 pts)

•Atomic Symbol (3 pts)

•Element Name (3 pts)

•Atomic Mass (8 pts)

•Choice (3 pts)

Key+ ______/15

•Atomic Number w/explanation (3pts)

•Element/Chemical Symbol w/explanation (3pts)

•Element/Chemical Name w/explanation (3 pts)

•Atomic Mass w/explanation (3 pts)

•Choice w/explanation (3 pts)

Total +______/ 75


You have been hired by Elements of the Universe, a comic bookpublisher, to create a new superhero whose appearance, characteristics and powers are based on an assigned element in the periodic table.


Students will conduct research to find information regarding their assigned element. Students will complete a My Element Worksheet and then create an Element Superhero that illustrates this information through a written story about the superhero and a drawing of the superhero. The worksheet will be turned in with the Superhero.


TITLE: Creative name of superhero. Name of your element and yourelements' symbol and your Name.

Historical perspectives. This section should include a brief description of how your superhero acquired/discover their element power. You must state somewhere in your story WHERE, WHEN and WHO discovered your element/superhero. If WHERE, WHEN and WHO is unknown then state the approximate time when your hero was discovered/created. This is the personresponsible for creating your hero/element.


This section should include a brief description of what your superhero looks like and how he/she uses, or lives with their element power.

  • Physical description: What does your element/hero look like? What does it feel like? Color? Solid, liquid or gas
  • You will want to describe:
  • Where does your superhero element live (where in nature can it be found)?
  • What are his/her superpowers?
  • Does your superhero element have a hideout?
  • What are his/her strengths? What is his/her weakness?
  • Who is his/her arch nemesis (evil super villain)?
  • What additional element(s) could combine with your superhero to make him/her more powerful?

Use the following questions about your element to help guide you?

  1. What is your element’s Boiling point, Freezing/Melting Point?
  2. What is his/her atomic mass
  3. Atomic number?
  4. What family is he/she in? Alkali metals? Alkali Earth? Transition Metals? Lanthanides and Actinides? Non-metal? Metalloid? Noble Gas?
  5. What is the density of your superhero?
  6. Is he/she malleable, ductile or brittle?
  7. Is he/she a conductor of heat and electricity?
  8. What's your superheroes’’ state of matter at room temperature (20 degrees Celsius)?
  9. What does he/she commonly combine with and/or what does he/she react with?
  10. Is it highly reactive or non-reactive?
  11. Story must include 8 characteristics/properties of the element (at least 2 must be chemical properties)
  12. Underline each property in your story
  13. Written story must be at least 1 page in length

Examples of Properties:

1. If your element has a high melting point, you might say that your super hero can move through fire to save others.

2. If your element is a gas, you might say that your superhero can sneak through a crack into a room.

3. If your element explosively reacts with water, you might say that your super hero uses water to create explosions to stop his/her enemies.

Be Creative with your character and use your imagination!!!

Use the websites on this handout and/or book sources to find out qualities (both physical and chemical) about the element.


This section should include a drawing (in color) of your Element Superhero on a clean sheet of WHITE paper.

-Drawing must incorporate at least 5 of the characteristics/properties of the element. You will need to note the properties the drawing.

-Drawing must correspond to the qualities of your superhero. For example, if sulfur is your chosen element, the superhero’s uniform or hair or skin, etc. must be yellow since sulfur has a characteristic yellow color.

  • You may also use Hero Machine 3 This website will allow you to customize your character with unique characteristics and powers derived from your element.(If you want to use this, check my website for instructions on how to use it.)


-NEATLY handwritten project -OR-TYPED!!!! 12 font. Times New Roman. 2 pages handwritten, 1 page typed minimum

Students MUST refer to the evaluation rubric to determine what detailed information must be incorporated into the story and drawing! The Element Worksheet is step one of this project. It prepares you for the final product!

What do I turn in?

1. Element Worksheet

2. Element Superhero Drawing

3. Element Superhero Story


  • ** has pictures if you need inspiration**

Element Superhero/Villain Project Rubric

Project due: End of Unit

20 / 15 / 10 / 5 / 0 / Points Earned
Character / Clear identity. Powers are very appropriate. / Clear identity. Powers are appropriate. / Identified, but powers are too general. / Hard to tell who the characters are or what powers are present. / No character is presented
Periodic Table Information / No errors noted. / 1-3 errors noted. / 4-5 errors noted. / More than 5 errors. / No information
Content / Properties of the element are clearly explained. / Properties of the element are explained. / Properties of the element are partially explained. / Properties of the element are not explained. / No content is presented
Drawing of Hero/Villain / Clearly shows character and powers. / Shows character and powers. / Adequate display of character and powers. / Poor display of character and powers. / No character drawn
Creativity / Project is excellent. Obvious, high quality effort is shown. / Project shows good effort and quality. / Project shows average effort and quality. / Poorly created, showing obvious signs of rushing or lack of effort. / No character or written assignment
Neatness/ Colorful / Presentation is neat and easy to read. Characters are colorful. / Presentation is moderately neat and has some color / Project is moderately neat, hard to read, and has very little color / Presentation lacks neatness, is difficult to read, and/or has no color / No character or written assignment


Element Super Hero/Villain Worksheet Name: ______

Use this worksheet to help keep track of your thoughts.

Is it a superhero or a villain?
What is your character’s name?
What element gives the character its power?
Periodic Table Information / Element name:______Symbol: ______
Atomic Number: ______Atomic Mass: ______
Boiling Point: ______Melting Point: ______
Family:______State at Room Temp: ______
Other Characteristics/Properties (at least 2 chemical properties)
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
How is the element used? / Uses (You must have at least 2):
What powers does your character have? How did he/she get those powers?
What are the strengths and/or weaknesses of his/her powers based on the properties of the element?
What does the character look like (think about the color and state of the element)?
How old is he/she?
Where is your hero live (where in nature)? Do they have a hideout?
Do they have an arch nemesis?
What additional elements could combine with your hero to make them more powerful?