Atomic Structure Theory Web Quest and Timeline


If you were asked to draw the structure of an atom, what would you draw? Throughout history scientists have accepted five atomic models. Our perception of the atom has changed from the early Greek model because of clues or evidences that have been gathered through scientific experiments. As more evidence was gathered old models were discarded or improved upon. Your goal is to trace the atomic theory through history.

Part 1

Task: Complete the webquest “History of Atomic Theory Webquest” :

You can either type in this link or goto our class website to and download the document. Answer the questions that are located on the document. You can print the document and write on it or create a word document and type the answers. You will use these questions to help complete part 2 of the assignment.


  1. In a timeline format Draw and label the five historical models of the atom - Democritus, Thomson's Plum Pudding, Rutherford, Bohr, Modern Electron Cloud. Use the web quest from above, your textbook, and internet resources to support your drawings and explanations.
  1. In 4-5 sentences tell theimportance of the discoverythat relates to the structure of each historical atom model.Who was the main scientists given credit for each model? Explain their main experiments and how their theories contradicted and/or reinforced earlier atomic models/theories describing atomic structure.

Atomic History Timeline Grading Rubric

Requirements / 0 pts / 1 pt / 3 pts / 5 pts
Event Requirements: Historical / Has no events on the timeline or pictorial models / Includes at least 1 historical events. / Includes 2 historical events. / At least 3historical events.
Model Requirements: / Has no pictorial models / Has 1‐2 pictorial models, models may not be accurate / Has 3‐4 pictorial models / Accurately depicts 5 pictorial models.
Event Requirements: Atomic History / Has no events on the timeline / Has 5 or less events on the timeline. / Has 8 events on the timeline / Has at least 12 events on the timeline
Scaled Timeline / There is no timeline that helps make since of events. / There is a timeline, but the timeline shows no scale. / There is a timeline, with an effort made to scale the time but it’s not totally accurate. / There is a scaled timeline.
Understanding / 0 pts / 4 pts / 8 pts / 12 pts
Comprehension of Events: / It is clear there is little to no understanding of events; most of the information is clearly copied from the Internet or books. / There has been a small effort made to paraphrase information from the research, but it is unclear whether or not the material was understood. / There has been an effort to paraphrase and present material in a unique way. / The material has been presented in a unique way that shows that the student have a clear understanding of the material.
Key Contributions: / Scientists, models, and events are not linked. There is no evidence of comprehension or understanding. / At least 6 scientists, events, and models are clearly defined. Demonstrates some understandings of atomic contributions. / At least 8 scientist, events, and 3 models are clearly defined. Understanding of atomic contributions is adequate. / All scientists, events, and models are clearly defined. There is a clear understanding of atomic contributions.
Appearance / 0 pts / 1 pt / 2 pts / 3 pts
Neatness: / Sloppy, smudge marks, glue oozing out, crooked lines, poor handwriting etc...not much effort made to keep things neat. / A few sloppy places could have been neater with just a bit more care. / Neat with maybe one or two little sloppy places. / Very neat. Clear effort made to avoid sloppy places.
Creativity and Aesthetics: / It is not very pleasing to look at. This is a very basic timeline set up. / It is not very colorful, neat or organized but it’s OK to look at. This is a nice timeline with some creativity in printing, event placement, or color / Pretty nice to look at, maybe one or two unattractive places. This is a pretty creative timeline. It isn’t like all of the others with neat creative elements. / Very nice to look at. This is a very creative and unusual. I really haven’t seen too many timelines like this, and the creativity goes beyond just a cool color or picture.
References / 0pts / 1pt / 3 pts / 5 pts
Documentation / No attempt has been made to give credit to the originators of material used in the project. / Some attempt has been made to cite one or two items but format is incorrect or reference is not proper. / A good attempt has been made to cite all items. Sources are adequate. One or two flaws in APA citation format.