Atomic Bomb Cinema, Table 4, Copyright © 2002 Jerome F. Shapiro, page 2/2
Table 4: Axes 1-4
Axis 1: Boyer’s Epochs
Years / Numbers of Films / Totals / Averages1945-1949 (5 years)
activism / 29 / 29 / 5.8
1950-1953 (4 years)
Big Sleep 1 / 51 / 80 / 12.75
1954-1962 (9 years)
Activism / 180 / 260 / 20
1963-1979 (17 years)
Big Sleep 2 / 287 / 547 / 16.88
1980-2000 (21 years)
Activism / 448 / 995 / 21.33
Total (56 years) / 995 / 995 / 17.77
Axis 2: Cinema History Epochs
Years / Numbers of Films / Totals / Averages1914-1929 (16 years) / 6 / 6 / 0.375
1930-1946 (17 years)
the “Golden Years” / 28 / 34 / 1.65
1947-1969 (23 Years)
Slump / 397 / 431 / 17.26
1970-91 (22 years)
Coping Years / 438 / 860 / 19.91
1992-2000 (9 years)
Boom Years / 146 / 1015 / 16.22
Total (87 years) / 1015 / 1015 / 11.66
Axis 3: Bomb/US Social Epochs
Years / Number of Films / Totals / Averages1945-1948 (4 years)
Monopoly Years / 26 / 26 / 6.5
1949-1968 (20 years)
Arms Race Years / 370 / 396 / 18.5
1969-1979 (11 years)
Détente Years / 151 / 547 / 13.73
1980-1991 (12 years)
Reagan to the End of the Cold War Years / 302 / 869 / 25.17
1992-2000 (9 years) / 146 / 995 / 16.22
Total (56 years) / 995 / 995 / 17.77
Axis 4: Decades
Decades / Numbers of Films / Totals / Averages1914-1944 (31 years) / 20 / 20 / .645
1945-1949 (5 years) / 29 / 49 / 5.8
1950-1959 (10 years) / 181 / 230 / 18.1
1960-1969 (10 years) / 201 / 431 / 20.1
1970-1979 (10 years) / 136 / 567 / 13.6
1980-1989 (10 years) / 250 / 817 / 25
1990-1999 (10 years) / 187 / 1004 / 18.7
2000 (1 year) / 11 / 1015 / 11
Total (87 years) / 1015 / 11.66
Total excluding pre-1945 years (56 years) / 995 / 17.77
Total excluding pre-1950 years (51 years) / 966 / 18.94