May 9, 2013

Minutes– Approved

Attendance-K. Bergman, B. Clark, K. Forrest,B. Heard, B. Lemons, D. Matt, G. Michelfelder,E. Russell, L. Stein, J. Taggart, G. Wilinski Guests: G. Barlatt, O. Hernandez, T. Innocente, M. Marino, K. McClay, A. Shelton, D. Wyks. Excused: L. Ingram,B. Johns, R. McArthur, H. Peterson.

Curriculum Proposals

Education Option, Liberal Arts, A.A. – drop option – D. McElroy (presented by M. Marino)

This option was replaced by two new options last year: Elementary/Middle School Education and Secondary Education. The former Education Option now needs to be officially dropped.


Psychology Option, Liberal Arts, A.A. – program change - D. McElroy (presented by M. Marino)

Sociology Option, Liberal Arts, A.A. – program change

Concepts of Physical Education has been removed from the Psychology and Sociology Options. The course does not transfer. Removal of this course will change the total required credits from 64 to 63. Dr. Wexler was consulted about dropping below 64 credits and he confirmed that the AIC minimum for an associate’s degree is 60. This change will not affect any articulation agreements since the course doesn’t transfer.


DEVA113-Human Potential Seminar – drop course - D. McElroy (presented by M. Marino)

This course was replaced by DEVA155-Student Success Seminar last year. It was outdated and is no longer being offered.


MATH225-Calculus for Business, Economics and Life Sciences, new course - A. Shelton

Rutgers approached the college and requested that we develop and offer this course. Unlike Calculus I, this course does not include trig. functions. The Business department is still considering which programs might benefit from the course and will not add it to their programs at this time. This will not be a general education course, so in order to add it to a degree, a program course would need to be removed. The business dept. has some concerns about adding a third math requirement. The Business advisory board along with Rowan and Stockton, are in favor of having transfer students take more math. Dr. Wexler charged the Math dept. with creating this course, and requested that the business dept. consider adding it to their program(s). Committee members wondered if there would be enough students to run the course since it will not be a program requirement or gen ed course. It was stated that Rutgers students will enroll in the course so there should be a sufficient number of students to run the course.

APPROVED (4 in favor, 1 opposed, 3 abstained)

CRIM/GIST170-GIS for Homeland Security – course change – Innocente/Wyks/Lemons

The course title is being changed to Concepts in Homeland Security. The original course was heavy on the use of GIS technology in supporting Homeland Security. The revised course will focus less on GIS and shouldattract more Criminal Justice students who previously thought the course was exclusively for GIS students or that it was not suitable for them (due to title). The prerequisite will be the same as CRIM165: ENGL080 with a grade of C or better or Placement into ENGL101. The course description has also been updated.

APPROVED (1 abstention)

Criminal Justice, A.S. – program change- Innocente/Wyks/Lemons

CRIM165 were added to the menu of program elective courses and the title of CRIM170 was changed to Concepts in Homeland Security.

APPROVED (1 abstention)

ENGL070-Reading and Writing I – prereq. change – J. Peterson (presented by E. Russell)

ENGL080-Reading and Writing II – prereq. change

ENGL101-Composition I – prereq.change

The prerequisite language has beenamendedfor ENGL070, 080, and 101, to prevent unprepared ESL students from entering the courses without completing ESLN100 with a grade of C or better and ESLN100 Exit Exam placement. ESL students do not take the Accuplacer due to frequent errors in placement. It was explained that Colleague cannot currently block students based upon the ESLN100 exit exam (per H. Peterson prior to the meeting). The system will be able to enforce the first portion of the new prereq, ESLN100 with a C or better. It is hoped that Colleague could be adjusted in the near future to enforce the ESLN100 exit exam. Both the ESL and English departments are in agreement on the prereq. change. Despite the lack of enforcement, both departments would like to have the prereq. changed in the catalog, on the syllabi, and in the course description in Colleague.


Literature Option, Liberal Arts, A.A. – nomenclature change– J. Peterson (presented by E. Russell)

The degree name was originally named “Literature” to align with Stockton’s Literature degree, however, literature is a specialized and narrow area of study within the larger field of English. A degree in English would be more consistent with colleges and universities statewide and nationwide as well as with our own course alphas. The current title also deters students. An outside evaluator made a recommendation to change the degree title during the spring 2013 program review.


Food Service Management, A.A.S. – program change – K. McClay

The department must removeOSTM260 from the Management Related program course section of the degree since it was recently dropped. Previously, students could select either OSTM260-Business Communications or BUSN102-Principles of Marketing. They will now be required to take BUSN102.


HOSP132-Food Service Sanitation - prerequisite change – B. Lemons

The prerequisite for this one-credit course was previously the default (ENGL080 with a C or better or placement into ENGL101). The prereq.will be removed to allow students who test into ENGL070 or higher to take this course (it will also be added to the basic skills list in the catalog). It was explained that students are certified by an outside group and the course content has changed over the years. It was estimated that the textbook is written on an 8th grade reading level and the content is much more operational than biological. State requirements have changed which now requires any food service business to have at least one employee on the premises with the ServSafe Certification. There are two certification test: one is an upper level trainer test, and the lower level exam is what our students currently complete.

APPROVED(1 abstention)

Computational Science Option, CIS, A.S. – drop option – O. Hernandez

This option was developed in conjunction with Stockton to articulate with their Comp. Science, B.S. degree. The Option required students to take two comp. science courses through Stockton to complete our degree option and then they could transfer to Stockon for the B.S. degree. We were recently notified that Stockton is discontinuing their program. They are allowing their current freshman students three years to complete the degree. We have 19 declared majors and letters have been sent out to notify them. Stockton will continue to offer the two courses that we require our students to complete. Students will have the option of changing to CIS as their major or they can still complete the A.S. degree. Stockton will continue their Master’s degree program in Computational Science.

APPROVED (5 in favor, 2 abstained)

Professional Pilot Option, Aviation Studies, A.S. – program change –J. Taggart

The change in credits for AVIT280 (from 5 to 3) necessitated an update to the credits for the Prof. Pilot Option. The total credits required have been revised from 66 to 64.


Commercial Pilot Prof. Series – program change – J. Taggart

The change in credits for AVIT280 (from 5 to 3) necessitated an update to the credits for this professional series. The total credits required have been revised from 15 to 13.


HOSP134-Restaurant Operations – course description – D. Vassallo, J. Katz (presented by B. Lemons)

The course description has been updated to include licensure and insurance as topics. Beverage topics and the use of a computer software system have been removed.

APPROVED (1 abstention)

HOSP150-Hospitality Sales and Marketing –prereq.change - D. Vassallo, J. Katz (presented by B. Lemons)

HOSP225-Hospitality Law – prerequisite change

These courses currently have no prerequisite. The following being added: HOSP100 (may be taken concurrently), or with permission of instructor. These courses will be offered once per year. HOSP100 is the intro level course in the hospitality management program and should be taken first or concurrently.

APPROVED (1 abstention)

HOSP200-Hotel Operations - prerequisite change

Adding “may be taken concurrently” to the HOSP100 prereq. Also, the recommendation that students complete CISM125 prior to enrolling in the course has been deleted from the prerequisite section.

APPROVED (1 abstention)

HOSP299-Seminar in Hospitality Management – course change

The current prerequisite “Open to Senior Hospitality Management Students Only” is not able to block academically unprepared students from registering. The new prereq.should address this issue: ENGL101, ENGL102, COMM120, HOSP100, HOSP132, HOSP134, HOSP150, HOSP205, HOSP250, or permission of instructor. This course will be offered once per year.

APPROVED (1 abstention)

BUSN103-Money and Banking – drop course

BUSN103 hasn’t been offered in over 10 years, is outdated and is not beneficial to students. It has been a required course in the Economics Option and students have been instructed and granted permission to substitute BUSN106-Business Ethics to complete the degree. BUSN103 is being dropped from the Economics Option and BUSN106 has been added in its place.

APPROVED (1 abstention)

Economics Option – program change

Same as above.

APPROVED (1 abstention)