Atlanta Region Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

November 9, 2016 Wednesday

Atlanta Region Club Office/Conference Call

7:30 pm

Rick Mitchell, Region Executive
AJSchramm, Assistant Region Executive, Competition Director
Carol Cone, Treasurer
Jennifer Paradis, Secretary
Bob Hudson, Director
Clark McInnis, Director
Dave Rollow, Director
Randall Prince, Communications and Webmaster
Dave Hardy, SOLO Chairman
Jim Creighton , Director
Call to orderat 7:36 PM.
Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were approved and published on the Region website.
RE Report: Lots of phone calls about ARRC and PDX. Lots of phone calls that could have been answered if they read the supps.
Meeting in December? Perhaps a quickie meeting at the holiday party instead of a formal meeting.
Treasurers Report: We will look into using credit cards instead of debit cards for our expenditures. Credit cards are supported in cases of theft or hacking; debit cards are not. Also easier to track expenses made with credit cards. AJ will look into American Express. Carol will look at Visa and Master Card, as well as finding out what works best at Sams Club and Walmart. We have been billed by SEDIV.
Race Report: ARRC: Event went well. Over 200 entries. Published schedule had some issues. We did have a problem with one driver; AJ will handle. Clark McInnis did a good job. Discussion of some of the program issues. Overall drivers and workers enjoyed the weekend.
Road Atlanta 2017: March 10-11-12 for Majors at Road Atlanta. Is the same weekend as VIR Double SARRC. Will look into other scheduling options. Racer Parts Wholesale wants to be a sponsor. Discussion.
Rally X: Wes Stuckey report via email: On our last event in October we had 12 drivers, which is less than normal. This was basically our breakeven point. Our next event is this weekend, and I expect a slightly better turn out, but you never know. We have one more scheduled for December 4. I have submitted all past paperwork to Carol and have made the deposit from previous events. This ends the RallyCross report. Thanks. Wes Stuckey

Solo: Commerce events: Gorgeous weather for events. Entries are not as high as desired. Ambulance fee now part of Commerce events. People had a good time.

Website: Randall Prince: Everything is up to date, pretty much. Discussion of interaction with MSR. We will be soliciting for membership and PR assistance from the website.

Party: Site is open on MSR. Registrations are ongoing.

Old Business: No old business.

New Business: Convention: Jan 19-21, Las Vegas. Rick Mitchell, AJ Schramm, Dave Hardy to attend. Jim Creighton will also be there. Cost will run approximately $850 per person. Motion made by Jennifer Paradis for the Region to cover these expenses. Carol Cone seconded. Discussion. MOTION CARRIES.

End of year awards for holiday party: Solo awards are in place. Driver of the Year nominations discussed. Worker of the Year nominations discussed. We need a program for the event to list our awards, etc. Discussion. Jim Creighton will produce a program and get it printed. Milestone members will also be noted in the program. Clark will provide a list for inclusion in the program.

Uniform shirts for chiefs of specialty discussed.

We will need a new chief of start this year. Discussion.

SEDIV convention, February 3-5, 2017: Representatives from Solo, RallyCross, Membership person, Road Race, Admin. The Region will cover hotel and registration and banquet fees for these participants.

There being no further business, motion made to adjourn by Rick Mitchell. AJ seconded. MOTION CARRIES. 9:34 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenny Paradis
