Atlanta Region Executive Committee Meeting Agenda
February 10, 2016 Wednesday
Atlanta Region Club Office/Conference Call
AJSchramm, Assistant Region Executive, Competition Director
Jennifer Paradis, Secretary
Phil Creighton,Director
Bob Hudson, Director
Dave Rollow, Director
Dustin Stevenson, Director, Race Chairman
Dave Hardy, Interim SOLO Chairman
Jim Creighton , Director
Rick Mitchell, Region Executive
Wes Stuckey, Rallycross Chairman
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
January Minutes were approved and will be published on the website.
Solo Update:
First team solo meeting. Good solid team coming together. First weekend March 5-6, Test n tune at Turner. Trailer day in a couple of weeks, will purchase required items and getting updates on things like the timing system. Dave Hardy presented the proposed Solo budget, with discussion of upcoming dates, including possible dates at Lanier Speedway.
Race Update:
Road Atlanta has raised prices. Discussion. Price negotiated. Will meet again in October to discuss 2017 but prices will be higher.
Majors: On track. Cars already registered. Race board meeting next Tuesday. Chuck Schultz sound control, Nancy Pratt starter. We have several candidates for registration and sound control training. Bob Hudson will email chiefs re staffing.
Riverside Military Academy No problem running this event as Club Trials, so we can run our own regional classes, etc. Track will need to be inspected prior to event. Level 2 event. Will need inspection soon. No licensing issues. Yes helmets, no fire suits. Could also be run as a Solo event if need be. Board polled about going forward with this. APPROVED.
Targa event – with bracket enduro. August 12-13-14 at AMP. National would cover track rent for Saturday at up to $3500. Discussion. Board polled Should we go forward with this? APPROVED. Will discuss with AMP.
Both Rick Mitchell and Heyward Wagner sent out calls for volunteers for club race registration and sound control. Candidates have stepped forward. We will do hospitality and etc. at the TNIA events, pass out a pamphlet on AR events. We'll add this to the budget.
RallyCross: First event has happened, 31 entries, good event, everybody was happy.
Budgets were distributed for Club racing, Solo, and Rallycross.
RallyCross budget was emailed. Discussion. Bob Hudson made motion to approve, Dustin Stevenson seconded. Preponderance of yes votes. No no votes. Carol Cone abstained. MOTION CARRIES.
SOLO budget was distributed. Possibly moving July event to Road Atlanta. Discussion. Will need to get a tag for the trailer. AJ Schramm made motion to approve as stands with amendment of $25 monthly storage fee. Dustin Stevenson seconded. Preponderance of yes votes. No no votes. Carol Cone and Rick Mitchell abstained. MOTION CARRIES.
Club race budget submitted. AMP event not included. Discussion of items, including upgrade of the radio system, buying another repeater, installing new antenna, purchase of new radios. Motion to approve race budget as it stands, with amendment at a later date. Rick Mitchell made motion to approve., AJ Schramm seconded. Discussion. Preponderance of yes votes, no no votes. Carol Cone abstained. MOTION CARRIES. .
Admin budget income 22.8, mostly from membership. Expenses were 26,689. Discussion.
Jim Creighton gave a report on the SEDiv convention, including the new SARRC North/South Championship Series.
AJ Schramm reported on the National Convention.
Annual Membership Meeting 27th of the month. Board members are encouraged to attend.
Bob Hudson: Year end party/meeting. Tracy Fowler to assist Karen.
Bob Hudson made motion to adjourn. AJ Schramm seconded. Unanimous. MOTION CARRIES.
Meeting adjourned 9:05 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Paradis