Athletic Club of the Sandhills – AGM Meeting Minutes

August 4, 2014

Members Present: Luis Pages, Todd Abbey, Mike Martin, Brian Barrett, Carie Driver,Rod Bolanos, Con Mahoney, Cori Waldschmidt, Layton Schwob, Chris Gilder& Karen Gutierrez

Meeting was called to order at 6:07 PM on Monday, August 4, 2014.

July 7, 2014 meeting minutes approved.

Elections of Officers:

President – Con Mahoney – Motion made by Luis Pages to accept Con as nominated, Seconded by Cori Waldschmidt, unanimous – motioned approved.

Vice President – Chris Gilder – Motion made by Con Mahoney and Seconded by Karen Gutierrez, unanimous – motioned approved.

Officers now installed.

Chairman’s Report:

Nothing to report.

President’s Report:

All board members now committed to developing land in Cameron.

Vision Statement – To provide every player interested in the sports we offer, an avenue to compete at any and all levels we can provide. Does this statement meet the club’s vision? At this time it needs to be revamped. Con to find Mission statement as well. Statement needs to include all sports in club now. To be a board member you must believe in the club’s mission statement.

All goals of the club must be completed by dates.

Bylaws and Policies & Procedures: Con working on bylaws. Club needs the following committees established: Disciplinary Committee and Financial Assistance Committee.

Job descriptions are needed for all employees and board members.

Motion made to form a committee to approve financial assistance requests made by Con and seconded by Luis. All updates and changes to bylaws, policies & procedures, job descriptions and contracts should be completed over the next two board meetings.

Sports Commission held another meeting with Con and Todd in attendance. From this point forward Todd will be only board member in attendance at future meetings of the Commission. Commission stated they need $60-70k for a feasibility study. Moore County could supply funds but would have to make it public knowledge. The Commission has approached all local sports clubs to assist financially in the feasibility study. ACS board members have decided to be a part of it. If it is publicly funded the fields would have to be public fields and not belong to AC Sandhills and will club will have no control over use.

Motion made by Con to send letter of intent to participate in Commission Feasibility Study to support project and will not send any money until we get more details. Seconded by Tim. Letter will be written by President and Director.

Todd has been approached with two new property offers.

Plans for the Cameron fields will need to be completed soon.

Treasurer’s Report:

It has been discovered that the club’s financials have not been reconciled by the accountants since 2013. Months of revenue statements are missing. They should be reconciled every two weeks.

Brian has a concern that they accounting firms employees that are handling the payroll are not bonded employees.

Budget will be ready by next meeting.

Directors Report:

With the departure of the current Director of Coaching for ACS Todd has decided on his replacement, Trevor Spencer. All costs will need to be included in future contracts of employees along with a Non-compete clause.

Tim motioned to have Carl reimburse club for all $12,000.00 in moving expenses, seconded by Con. All members of the board voted against. Todd will work with Carl to secure a contract for him to bring teams from his new clubs to the Summer Starter Tournament

Possibility of reaching out to kids that were on the bubble and did not make travel to see if they would consider coming back. Teams will go back to one coach per team.

Todd to have a student at Sandhills Community College write up a new business plan for ACS.

Con motioned for adjournment. Karenseconded it. Next meeting is on Monday, September 8, 2014at ACSandhills office. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 pm.