Saturday, March 21, 2009

Creekview Park Gymnasium

The convention was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Ward 4 Coordinators Jeff Strand and Roberta Englund.

For delegates' information and reference, the DFL Call, the Minneapolis DFL and Minnesota DFL Constitution & Bylaws were on the chair table at the front of the convention hall. Mr. Jules Goldstein had the compliant version of Robert's Rules of Order at the Parliamentarian's table.

Mr. Strand read the Affirmative Action Statement while waiting for the preliminary credentials report.

Mr. Strand called for the Rules committee report. It was presented by Rules committee co-chairs Ardis Gardner and Justin Adams. On motion, the convention agenda was seconded and adopted unanimously. On motion, the Rules were seconded and adopted unanimously.

The Credentials committee, chaired by Marla Zappa, was active on the convention floor. Mr. Strand called on them for a preliminary Credentials report. The committee's designated spokesperson, Kevin Shannon, gave the report. There were 194 delegates and 17 alternates listed as having been elected from the ward precinct caucuses. Of that number, 128 delegates and 6 alternates had registered as present.

Mr. Strand called for the election of the convention chair. Rick Stafford was nominated. There being no further nominations, a motion to elect Mr. Stafford was seconded and passed unanimously.

Mr. Stafford assumed the position of convention chair and asked for contributions to defray the convention costs. A collection was taken up. For the benefit of attendees new to DFL convention processes, Chair Stafford explained the convention format, endorsement for the Minneapolis City Council, and election for Minneapolis DFL party positions. Cards were passed out for the City Council endorsement Question-and-Answer session.

Mr. Stafford announced the appointment of Marie Castle as recording secretary, Jules Goldstein as parliamentarian, Dan McConnell, Shannon McDonough, and Earl Pettiford as sergeants at arms, Dawn Hunter as time keeper, Tim Bonham head teller, and [others?]

While waiting for credentials reports, and between balloting throughout the convention, time was allowed for speakers. There were 16 throughout the day. They included candidates for mayor (R.T. Rybak, Bob Miller), governor (Steve Kelley, Susan Gaertner, Paul Thissen), Park Board (Natalie Collins, Jon Olson, John Irwin, Bill Davis speaking on behalf of Mary Merrill Anderson), Board of Estimate and Taxation (Carol Becker, Sean Broom), Fifth Congressional District chair (Jules Goldstein), an advocate (who?) for Instant Runoff Voting, and elected officials answering questions and urging party and campaign activism (Cong. Keith Ellison, Rep Margaret Kelliher, Rep. Joe Mullery).

Chair Stafford called for nominations of candidates for the Minneapolis City Council. Those nominated were Barbara Johnson, Troy Parker, and Marcus Harcus. There being no further nominations, the Chair declared nominations closed.

A second Credentials report by Mr. Shannon showed a total of 149 delegates and upgraded alternates registered and present.

The Chair then asked each precinct to name its delegation chair. This was done and confirmed by a roll call of precincts.

The candidates gave speeches asking for support. The order of speaking was chosen by lot. First was Troy Parker, second was Barbara Johnson, third was Marcus Harcus. During the question-and-answer period, with questions drawn randomly from cards submitted by delegates, Johnson and Parker said they would abide by the DFL endorsement. Harcus said that if not endorsed, he would run in the general election.

Before the first ballot, Mr. Shannon gave a third credentials report, showing a total of 160 delegates registered and present. 60% was needed for endorsement. Voting was by written, signed ballot, distributed and collected by the precinct delegation chairs. For each ballot, the room was closed and no one admitted until all ballots were collected.

FIRST BALLOT results, 160 votes cast, 96 needed for endorsement: Barbara Johnson, 87; Troy Parker, 58, Marcus Harcus, 11, No Endorsement, 3, Spoiled, 1.

There being no endorsement, balloting continued, with Marcus Harcus dropped as having the least number of votes. Mr. Harcus thanked his supporters, asked them to support Mr. Parker, and said he would continue to campaign and run in the general election.

While the second ballot was being tallied, the Chair called for the report from the Nominations committee. Committee chair Marie Castle announced that the following persons had been screened and were recommended for endorsement:

For Ward 4 DFL Coordinators: Delegates Michael Quick and Sheila Scott; Alternates Justin Adams and Charlene Muhammad.

For City DFL Constitution Committee: Delegate Marie Castle; Alternate Justin Adams.

Chair Stafford called for a motion to accept the Nominations committee report. It was moved, seconded and passed unanimously that the recommended candidates be elected.

SECOND BALLOT results, 158 votes cast, 95 needed for endorsement: Barbara Johnson, 88, Troy Parker, 67, No Endorsement, 3.

There being no endorsement, balloting continued. While the third ballot was being tallied, the Chair called for the election of City pre-Convention committees, two delegates and alternates each, gender balanced. All were self-nominated. Those elected by a show of delegate badges were:

NOMINATING: Delegates, Leonard Larson, Fatima Barrie; Alternate, Caitlin Scallon.

RULES: Delegates, Alan Hooker, Michaeleen Kelzenberg; Alternates, Kerri Ruch, Allen Saless.

CREDENTIALS: Delegates, Bill Moore, Larosalind Richmond; Alternate, Kevin Shannon.

ARRANGEMENTS: None nominated.

Between the second and third ballots, a flyer was distributed by several delegates that made statements about Johnson's candidacy. Johnson went to the microphone to speak about the flyer. Between the third and fourth ballots, Troy Parker also went to the microphone to speak about the flyer.

THIRD BALLOT results, 159 votes cast, 96 needed for endorsement: Barbara Johnson, 93, Troy Parker, 56, No Endorsement, 9, Spoiled, 1.

There being no endorsement, balloting continued. With no other speakers present, the convention thenceforth recessed during ballot counting.

FOURTH BALLOT results, 159 votes cast, 96 needed for endorsement: Barbara Johnson, 94, Troy Parker, 56, No Endorsement. 9.

There was a motion to suspend the rules (so as to vote for no endorsement), with 2/3rds in favor needed to pass. The chair called for a show of delegate badges. About 1/3 were in favor and 2/3rds opposed. The motion therefore failed.

FIFTH BALLOT results, 157 votes cast, 95 needed for endorsement: Barbara Johnson, 94, Troy Parker, 55, No Endorsement. 8.

There was a motion by Juan Coleman to adjourn (which would result in no endorsement), with a majority in favor needed to pass. By visual observation of a show of delegate badges, the chair ruled that it failed. There was a call for hand counting of the delegate badges. That showed 55 in favor, 87 opposed, verifying that the motion failed.

SIXTH BALLOT results, 157 votes cast, 95 needed for endorsement: Barbara Johnson, 92, Troy Parker, 55, No Endorsement9, Spoiled, 1.

Delegate Coleman again made the motion to adjourn. It failed on visual observation of delegate badges. On a call for a hand count it failed again with 56 in favor and 87 opposed.

SEVENTH BALLOT results, 154 votes cast, with 93 needed for endorsement: Barbara Johnson, 92, Troy Parker, 53, No Endorsement 9.

Delegate Coleman again made the motion to adjourn. It failed again, first on visual observation, then on a call for a hand count with 56 in favor and 91 opposed.

EIGHTH BALLOT results, 159 votes cast, with 96 needed for endorsement: Barbara Johnson, 94, Troy Parker, 57, No Endorsement 8.

Delegate Coleman again made the motion to adjourn. It failed again, first on visual observation, then on a call for a hand count with 61 in favor and 85 opposed.

NINTH BALLOT results, 156 votes cast, with 94 needed for endorsement: Barbara Johnson, 93, Troy Parker, 53, No Endorsement 10.

Delegate Coleman again made the motion to adjourn. It failed again, first on visual observation, then on a call for a hand count with 60 in favor and 87 opposed.

TENTH BALLOT results, 152 votes cast, with 92 needed for endorsement: Barbara Johnson, 96, Troy Parker, 51, No Endorsement 5.

Barbara Johnson, having reached the required 60% of votes cast, was declared endorsed.

Their being no further business, the convention adjourned at 3 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marie Alena Castle

Recording Secretary