ATASA NewsletterSeptember 2010
1. Introduction
2. Presidents Report
3. Current Executive Members.
4. News
5. Retirements - Acknowledgement
6. Introductions to some new teachers
7. Notes from the minutes from Exec meetings
8. Closing comments
1. Introduction
After a little bit of a hiatus the ATASA executive is keen to re-establish a newsletter. In the ideal world this will happen each term and will be distributed by e-mail. This will facilitate communication among Ag teachers in this time of considerable change in our profession. As we implement the new SACE this year and plan the changes to Stage 2 in 2011, and see the impending impact of the reorganisation of the curriculum on the national scale due to the National Curriculum we can certainly feel a bit overwhelmed.
Initially we will distribute it to all we have listed as Agriculture teachers, irrespective of whether people are members of the Agriculture Teachers Association of South Australia (ATASA). We would encourage all teachers to be paid up members of our association and would hope to have available a list of all the paid up members soon.
We would draw your attention to the ATASA website which is part of the NAAE website. The NAAE is an umbrella organisation of the agriculture teacher organisations of the different states.
I have taken on the responsibility for getting this newsletter going, so if anyone has anything they wish to put in it, please let me know. My contact is
John Agnew – Naracoorte HS
2. Presidents Report
Once again the Royal Adelaide Show is almost here and even though most are flat out getting things organised please spare a moment to have a read through our first newsletter as there are a few things to keep you informed about.
The Australian Curriculum is a significant development to keep an eye on.At the moment it looks like it will be up to us to make sure that our individual schools keep Agriculture and Horticulture by mapping the subjects from the Australian Curriculum as we have done from SACSA in the past.In curriculum discussions at your schools make sure you keep Agriculture on the agenda.ATASA have submitted a response to the ACARA consultation that was circulated though the email list and will be uploaded to our website.
Our ATASA web site is under development and the new framework means that we can change most things ourselves so if you have anything (photos, links, documents, etc) that we could include please send them to me.
Projects in development that will you will be hearing more about include the RAHS together with Graeme Pope of Rural Solutions SA looking at ways to increase student exposure to quality industry experiences.The latest model being explored is a student retreat at Roseworthy Campus in 2011.Also the Royal Show Pastoral Committee and Darryl Smith of SARDI are in the process of organising a sheep competition for schools in 2011 for the RAS.
Do you have your own idea to develop, particularly for Agriculture Education?Applications are being sought for the Yitpi grants that are offered through SARDI.I have previously sent out the details by email however let me know if you wish them sent again.
The National Conference is being held in SA in January 2012 so if you have any ideas please pass them on to the executive (speakers, sponsors, etc.).We are also looking for any teachers who would like a workshop in Term 4 for more support for the new SACE Stage 2 Agriculture and Horticulture.
Comedian W.C. Fields is credited with the often heard ‘never work with animals or children’, and Agriculture teachers do both!Good Luck to all for the show and I hope everything runs smoothly.
3. Current Executive Members
President - Mat Evans – Kadina Memorial HS
Vice President - Phil Roberts – Coomandook AS
Secretary - Bob Mitchell – Faith Lutheran
Treasurer - Mal Jurgs – Meningie AS
- May Darwin – Kapunda HS
- John Agnew – Naracoorte HS
- Steve Mason – Urrbrae Ag HS
- Kymberley Warren – Gawler HS
4. News
1. ATASA e-mail list. This continues to operate and is a way for teachers to get information out or to ask questions. If you are not on this and wish to be the person to contact is Geoff Woolford at Orroroo Area School ().
2. The biennial state conference is planned for early next year – either in March or May. The venue is yet totally confirmed but the thinking is that it will be at Loxton. A strength of our association has been the high degree of camaraderie achieved through these conferences and we believe it is important to maintain this. We would encourage all to attend.
3. Notification of 20 year / 30 year awards. As an ATASA executive we need to know of those teachers who are coming up to their 20 and 30 years of teaching. If you know of someone who has been teaching for that length of time let someone on the executive know.
4. The WAITE is running an information day on Friday 10th September at 12pm in the Plant Research Centre auditorium.
“The University of Adelaide’s School of Agriculture, Food and Wine invites you to come and discover the Waite campus: its people, the research and the facilities. Take a tour of the Waite campus and listen to the researchers. We’ll provide a snapshot of the research at the Waite: soil science, food and wine science, plant protection, plant improvement, production systems and much more. An opportunity to network over lunch will also be provided.
The day will run from 12pm to 5pm. Lunch and afternoon tea will be provided. Please RSVP by Monday 6th September to Dr Amanda Able ()”
It might fit in well with people’s plans around the show.
5. As has already been mentioned in the ATASA mailing system, there is as normal a dinner for Ag teachers on Wed 8th from 6.30 the Arena Sports Bar. The contact person is Kymberley Warren at Gawler HS ().
6. NAAE Website – the ATASA website exists under the NAAE website on . This is currently under construction and we would hope that it is useful.
7. Sheep CRC conference in Adelaide in October 21st and 22nd.
5. Retirements
As always with an aging workforce, as the years end approaches we become aware of some who are intending to retire at the end of the year.In this section we wish to pay tribute to three such ‘Aggies’ – Dean Cresswell and Sandy Loffler and Don Walter. All three have greatly contributed to our profession.
Dean Cresswell
Dean Cresswell has been a longtime Ag teacher first starting teaching in 1975 at Renmark. After dabbling on a fruit block he returned to teaching at Urrbrae and has been there ever since. Many of those years were spent in leadership in the Agriculture area, firstly as the senior, then coordinator and then as assistant principal. He lectured to many new teachers in their Grad Dip Ed.
He took many roles within ATASA acting as the Treasurer, Secretary and Newsletter editor.
As well he served on various SSABSA and SACE committees representing Agriculture. Working with him many years ago in writing a response to the Attainment Levels (a precursor to the National Curriculum), I learned to appreciate his distinctive take on things.
He has been a key leader in Agriculture at Urrbrae, while a huge change occurred in the facilities there.
Sandy Loffler – Loxton.
Sandy began her teaching in 1973 at Jamestown. When she started teaching she was one of two women teaching Agriculture in the state. This is in contrast to the current times when well over half the incoming teachers are women. She taught for a while at Riverton, before resigning and doing TRT work. In the mid 80s she came back in and taught at Karoonda, where we believe she set up the Ag Block. Then there was a shift to Loxton, where she has been teaching ever since.
A particular interest of Sandy’s has been in the connection between agriculture and the environment.
Don Walter – Bordertown.
Don Walter has taught for a very long time in the one school - Bordertown High School. He started there in 1974 and has taught there for the 37 subsequent years. Despite being in one school for a very long time he has continued to develop the range of activities he undertakes with students. In recent years he has dabbled in wine making, beer brewing and olives.
He has willingly shared resources with less experienced teachers.
On a broader canvas he has acted as a SACE moderator for many years (possibly from 1997) and finished as the chief moderator for four years. He served for a number of years on the ATASA executive and was the president r in the late 80s. For as long as I can remember he has been a regular at conferences.
He stresses that he is not retiring in 2011, but rather is just taking Long Service Leave.
6. Introducing a couple of relative newcomers to the Aggies
Tracey Becker Snap Shot Of A First Year Ag Teacher
Age-24 years old
First Appointment - Faith Lutheran School 2010
Background -Raised on family farm at Ebenezer (Just North of Nuriootpa)
-2004 – 2006 -B. Agriculture at Roseworthy
-2007Overseas to Canada working on a cattle ranch in Alberta
-2008 -Merchandise Sales Rep for Landmark, Kingston SE.
-2009 -Adelaide University -Graduate Diploma Education
Prac placements - Kapunda HS and Keith Area School
Biggest Challenges - Keeping my head above water with a full teaching load.
-Preparing Faith’s Team of 8 goats for the Royal Show. It seems that
Bob Mitchell and Craig Moore both suffer a mysterious severe allergy
to goats.
Kate Wood – A third year Ag teacher
Raised in the centre of the known universe at Western Flat, Kate returned to the South East three years ago. She did her schooling in Bordertown, before venturing to Adelaide to work and then to study a four year B.Ed at Flinders. After graduating she was enticed across the border to teach at Chaffey College in Mildura, where she taught primarily Science (and Biology) and IT.
Yearning for the idyllic climate of the South East, she won a job at Naracoorte, where she had the responsibility for teaching both Agriculture and IT.
Demonstrating that the most important ingredient in teaching Agriculture is the desire to do it well she has brought an IT focus to the Agriculture.
7. Minutes of ATASA meeting Urrbrae 13th August 2010
Present:Phil Roberts (Acting Chairperson), Bob Mitchell, , Kimberly Warren, John Agnew, May Darwin,Steve Mason
1.Treasurers Report
-Mat Evans supplied Audited summary of Financial Report.
-total assets as at 13/8/10are $17,721.76
-Moved Kimberly Warren(seconded May Darwin)that this
financial report be accepted with Mat explaining finer details when he is
present at the next meeting.(Passed)
- Unsure whether or not the treasurers role has now been picked up by
Mal Jurgs or not .
2. Sheep Competitions
Moved May Darwin(Seconded Kimberly Warren) thatATASA supports in principle sheep competitions at the RAHS in 2011(Passed) Carolyn Johnson to be contact.
3. Yitpi Grants
Our feedback has been passed on, no action yet.
4. Life Membership Alecs Suljagic
Bob is waiting for the ATASA USB from Mat Evans to source the Life Membership template to get this certificate organised and sent off.
5. ATASA Website
Setup as part of NAAE Website.We have received 2 accounts totalling around $4,000 as an ATASA cost as our share of the setup of our website as part of NAAE website.
Exec had a quick look at this site.
Future possibilities include various links to SACE, PIEF, ATASA Meeting Minutes as well as other Primary Industry pathway programmes. Bob to email minutes to Mat to put onto website as well as John to put in the newsletter. Mat Evans and Mal Jurgs are the 2 ATASA Exec who are trained to add material to the website.
6. P.I.E.F.
There is an upcoming first meeting to be held at Urrbrae on 20th August 2010.
They are looking to start up a SA chapter of PIEF. (refer attached email from Mat)
Will be run by Ben Stockwin, Dean Cresswell and Phil Roberts will be attending.
7. ACARA Submission
Submission and reply has been tabled. No further action at this stage.
8. Biennial State ATASA Conference 2011
-Justine Fogden and Sandy Loffler are both prepared to act as the Riverland
Coordinators of this conference which is to be based at Loxton.
- We need to organise a theme(possibly Food for thought - Living with the
National Curriculum), a venue, accommodation options, visits, transport,
meals, conference dinner , conference bag / stationary
- Needto chase sponsorships(possibly PIEF).
- Guest speakers who are low / no cost.Possible ideas or suggestions from
ATASA membership.
- Suggested date is in May 2011 run from a Wed night through to Friday night
and incorporating a Thursday night ATASA dinner.
-Would be good to once again have “Here’show I do it sessions”
- Another suggested session on Stage 2 Research Project.
- Moved John Agnew (seconded Kimberly Warren)that ATASA pays for the
provision of 2 TRT days to enable May to attend (Wed)and Phil (Thursday)
ofthe upcoming Sheep CRC conference on October 21st and 22nd October
2010. They are to focus on possibilities for conference speakers as well as