ATA Science Council Annual General Meeting
O5 11 12 Fantasyland Hotel Edmonton
In Attendance:
Dennis Oppelt Karen Atkinson Joy Harrison
Gillian Vas Mike Kischuk Wade Strass
Kevin Klemmer Ed Leong Erick Noriega
Caroline Nixon Colleen Yoshida Myrna Foxcroft
Rose Lapointe Corey Karvonen-Lee Rachel Toews
Dan Leskiw Frank Bruseker Barb Borchert
Mary McDougall Derek Collins
Call to Order at 17:02
1. Agenda was adopted (moved by M. Foxcroft; seconded by K. Klemmer)
2. Minutes were accepted. (moved by C. Yoshida; seconded by D. Leskiw)
3. Those present introduced themselves.
4. Conference 2004 – final report
K. Klemmer reported. Despite some concerns about money, the conference came out about $20 000 ahead. There were a bit less than 600 paid delegates attending.
5. Conference 2005 report
G. Vas reported. Numbers were disappointing. Possible problems with having the conference over a holiday weekend, limited PD funds, problems with advertising. Overall – a good conference.
6. Conference 2006
M. McDougall reported. Budget based on 350 delegates. Limited space is available for displays. The $5000 advance has not yet been taken. It is hoped to use leftover gifts. Might use a registrar service (depends on cost).
Questions arose regarding accommodations and meals. Rooms on site are $130/night – not dependent on occupancy – expecting 40 rooms for the Thursday and 200 for the Friday. Across the street they are $99. Meal package is $80/day. The banquet cost is extra.
Possibility of bus transportation in case weather is bad.
A number of people expressed concerns since the last time the conference was in Kananaskis there were financial problems. General consensus gave support to the conference group and they will monitor everything well.
7. Treasurer’s Report
K. Joncas reported. He went over the written report to clarify expenses and income.
8. Budget
K. Joncas reported. The budget was presented with some clarification. Some issues discussed included membership, conference advances, exec expenses
Moved by D. Collins, seconded by D. Leskiw to accept ATASC 2005-2006 budget. Carried.
Moved by C. Karvoneen-Lee, seconded by E. Noriega to accept the 2006 Conference budget. Carried.
K. Klemmer asked about procedures for conference group expenditures. Do they have to meet and approve each one?
M. Kischuk indicated correct accounting practice is necessary. May need to be more strict than before. Must have ‘paper trail’.
G. Vas and B. Borchert left at 17:57
9. President’s Report
D. Oppelt reported. He was very busy over the year. Involvement with the website, regionals, handbook review, internal assessment, constitution changes, initiatives.
10. Motion as given at AGM 2004
Moved by C. Karvonen-Lee; seconded by K. Klemmer that the Past President of the ATASC will serve for one year after completing the term as President. President-Elect will be elected to serve one year prior to beginning the term as President. Carried
11. Motion deferred from AGM 2004
Moved by K. Klemmer, seconded by E. Noriega that the executive positions of Division I Director and Division II Director be combined into one position of Elementary Director. Carried.
12. (a) Next meeting date. Moved by D. Collins, seconded by W. Strass that the next ATASC AGM be held during the 2006 conference. Carried.
(b) Nominations: Executive positions will be opening. They will be posted on the website.
Adjournment 18:06