At this month's meeting we prepared for Friday's outing to
Briarcrest Elementary to do demos and made posters for chem
club's bulletin board.
The deadline to order ACS organic chemistry study guides is
THIS FRIDAY, February 23rd. The cost is $18 (same price as
buying it yourself online, but you don't have to pay for
shipping!) and you can place your order in the department
office. You must pay for your study guide when you place
your order - cash or check made out to Chemistry Club. This
is a good prep tool for your organic final, MCAT, chem GRE,
or grad school placement exam! Study guides will arrive
before spring break!
Among the members present it was decided that the largest
number of people were available on Tuesday afternoons for a
trip to Nipher Middle School to put on a chem demos show.
Be on the lookout for more info...
We still need people for Team Cis-platin! To join chem
club's Relay for Life team go to:
Email Michelle at if you have any questions.
If you're going to be around during spring break, Dr.
Minteer could REALLY use your help!! Wednesday, March 14th
from 8 am to 12 pm Dr. Minteer is hosting an event on campus
called Expanding Horizons for 900 middle school girls. She
needs as many volunteers as possible for the event to run
smoothly. Please email Dr. Znosko at if you
can help.
If you're going to be around this summer...June 4th - Eagle
Y Ranch Summer Campu wants us to come get kids excited about
science before their trip to the Science Center. We would
be doing activities/demos between 10:30 and 11:30 am and
their theme is "Ooey Gooey Gross." Email Dr. Znosko if
you're interested.
Chem Club's new webpage is almost ready to go! Thanks to
Ted Eckelkamp for all his hard work to put our stamp on the
internet. What we need now is help choosing the
"decorative" part - colors, logos etc. If you're interested
in helping with this email either Dr. Znosko or Ted at
Finally, next month's meeting will be Monday, March 19th.
This is the Monday IMMEDIATELY after spring break. We're
going to have a guest speaker from Aerotek, a national
scientific staffing agency. She'll have tips for writing a
resume, and is willing to review your resume and offer
advice! So BRING YOUR RESUME! Even if you're not thinking
about applying for anything particularly soon, it's a good
chance to get advice.
One day on the Tonight Show, Jay Leno showed a classified
add that read: "Do you have mole problems? If so, call
Avogadro at 602-1023."