New York

Hello to everyone and I wish that everyone is doing well. The holiday season will soon be upon us and I hope everyone will have an enjoyable time. If you plan on doing any deer hunting, please be careful in the woods.

The Northeastern Grand American is how history and I hope that all of you that attended had an enjoyable shoot. The weather was not the greatest with rain at times and cool weather, but the shoot went off well.

During the singles championship there were no 200’s shot but there were eleven 199’s. After five rounds in the shoot offs, Brad Heath, Chris Vendel, Clay Floyd, and Harlan Campbell were left. Brad dropped out during the next round and took AAA Runner Up honors. During the next round, Harlan dropped his second target and Clay missed his last bird, leaving Chris Vendel with the Championship. Harlan and Clay decided to carry over into the Handicap Championship and Harlan took the Runner-Up trophy and Clay was the AAA Champion.

In the Doubles Championship, Thomas Murphy, III was the Champion with the lone 99. In the Handicap Championship, two 98’s were shot and in a Shoot-off, Chris Peters was the Champion and James Gillespie was the Runner-Up. Harlan Campbell took the High-Over-All and High-All-Around trophies and Chris Vendel was the AAA Champion in both of these same events. All trophy winners can be viewed on our web page: and in Trap and Field Magazine.

It was announced during the shoot that Samantha Wagner of South Wales, NY was the Sub Junior Grand American Handicap Champion during this year’s Grand American at Sparta, Illinois with a 97 and won the Tom Seitz Memorial Award given by the Trapshooting Hall of Fame. Samantha was also the first female to win this prize. The award was established by friends of the late Mr. Seitz to be given through the Hall of Fame each year as their way of honoring each new champion in Mr. Seitz’s memory. The prize that Samantha won was an engraved Seiko watch and $200. Congratulations, Samantha and excellent shooting.

I should also mention, that not to be undone, Samantha’s Dad, Wally Wagner, Jr. also had a 97 in the Grand American Handicap at Sparta and took 23-24 yard Third Place Honors. Good going Wally!

It is hard to believe that the holiday season is now upon us and all of the shoots at the homegrounds for 2013 have been completed. I would like to thank everyone who attended the shoots. Thanks.

As always, the Northeastern Grand would not have been successful without the dedication and help of many people. Thanks to all the Officers and Directors of the NYSATA, all out of State Delegates and Alternates who helped, the cashering staff, kitchen staff, line personnel, scorers and setters, shooters who lent a hand. As always, thanks to my wife Bonnie, daughter and son-in-law Nikki and Nick for handling the trophies and doing the running to turn in score sheets. A special thanks to ATA Central Handicap Member Ray Greb for his valuable help and funny stories. Last but not least, thanks to Evelyn Kazen and ATA Eastern Zone Vice President Wayne Morris and his wife Joyce for all of their help and guidance.


I hope that everyone has a very happy and safe Thanksgiving Day. Good Shooting and I hope to see you all very soon.

Brian Whalen

New York ATA Delegate