1 Present: Cllrs A Williams (chair), T Anders, C. Campbell, M Youds,
R Dixon-Warren, D Winn, B Blackbourne Mrs S Woolley (LCC) and H Deacon (Clerk).
Apologies: Cllr F Cartwright(SKDC),
2 Declaration of Interest
None declared
3 To adopt the minutes of the meeting held on September 18th 2013
The Minutes were ratified
4 Matters Arising
5 Correspondence & Clerk’s Report
All future planning applications are to be sent to the Cllrs via email to entail each Cllr has enough time to peruse the application before the deadline date.
The Local Government Boundary Commission consultation has shown that Haconby and Stainfield will join the ward known as Fenside Ward unfortunately Cllr Cartwright wasn’t present at the meeting for full details, but it looks like we will lose Cllr Cartwright as our SKDC Cllr at our PC meetings.
6 Planning
The Planning Report was received (a) Applications received. See report
(b) Applications Processed/Outstanding)
7 Finance
7.1 Financial Reports to November13 th 2013 was received
7.2 Cheque(s) presented:
7.3 Cheque(s) received
(a) Community cleaner grant £328.12
(b) D Lister £165.00
(c) B Bradford £ 60.00
(d) S White £ 30.00
(e) Mrs Pinder £ 30.00
(f) A Woolley £345.00
7.4 Precept
The PC were informed via email from Cllr Cartwright that the Haconby and Stainfield precept is supported to the value of £40 by SKDC, unfortunately SKDC can no longer carry on supporting the PC after 2014. After much discussion the Cllrs agreed that no increase would be required for the 2014/15 precept.
8 Parish Emergency Plan
R Dixon-Warren informed the meeting that LCC acknowledges receipt of the Parish Emergency Plan, and wants the PC to exercise the plan. The Parish Emergency plan will be reviewed in May.
9 Neighbourhood Policing Panel Report
R Dixon- Warren spoke of the NPP retained the existing priority of Anti-social behaviour. The next meeting will be at Elsea Community Centre on the 27th January 2014, where hopefully it will be better attended by members of the public
10 Risk Assesment
11 AOB
Mr Lister has lodged a complaint regarding a tenant erecting a gate and using his land as right of way. Clerk to write to tenant.
Cllr Woolley asked everyone at the meeting, how they felt about the demolition of the Kings Head in Morton and has it made it easier for pedestrians and vehicle users to access the crossroads at Morton.
Cllr Williams commented on the street bins overflowing and not being emptied out regularly, clerk to write to SKDC waste services.
R Dixon-Warren brought to the attention of the Cllrs the telephone box looking in a poor state of repair. Clerk to write to BT
12 Matters for the next agenda
13 Date of next meeting. Wednesday January 8th 2014
Signed ……………………………………………. (Chair) Date:
Public forum
PCSO G Parrott attended the meeting and raised a couple of points. One, being the theft of heating oil and asked for members of the public to be aware and report any suspicious findings to the Police. The second point regarding properties in Haconby Lane, householders have come across strangers in their back gardens around about 8.30pm. Also someone trying door handles in a property in St Johns Close again around about 8.30pm. The Police ask if members of the public could report any suspicious behaviour going on.
There has also been a car acting suspiciously near the Grammer School in Bourne.