“Food on Europe’s Tables - Regional, National, and International Aspects of Food and Eating Cultures in the Context of the European Integration”


At the beginning of the project

Activity / Methodology (Methods) / Results
Starting a common project identification / in school project groups: getting to know the project
designing a project logo for the project website and the Final Book
discussing (on Facebook) the designs and choosing ‘the best’ one / Project logo / song
Information meeting with parents / - organising an organising an information meeting with parents
- carrying it out / Meeting

Before each learning / teaching / training activity

Activities during visits: / Methodology (Methods): / Results:
Organising the meeting / - host school: organising the meeting / Schedule
Organising excursions / - host school: organising 2 topic-related excursions / Schedule
Preparations / - host school: prepares a big map of Europe (for the foods and their countries of origins found in shops and supermarkets)
- host school: provides pens, rulers, glue etc.
- host school: determining 3 students for the work on the Shopping Guide, organising an appropriate time / place for the preparation / Schedule, material
Getting to know each other / - host students prepare appropriate warming-up exercises: they organise the activities (place, time, responsibilities) / Schedule
Making a Food Walk / - preparation of Food Walk (with food samples) at host school:
--- exploring the area for (approx.) six suitable offers of food, communication with shop owners about backgrounds (e.g. food, biographical stories)
-organizing a walk
--- collecting information on typical and diverse foods of a region
--- creating a map of the walk route / Schedule, A-4 map
Preparing an exhibition / - host school: students prepare the exhibition: place, time, duration, [movable walls], pins / glue
- guest schools and host school: students print out (A-4 or A-3) the results of their home group work to be attached at the [movable] walls for the exhibition / Exhibition
Preparing a plenary meeting / - host school: organising suitable technologies (e.g. computer, beamer)
- guest schools and host school: handing in USB-memory sticks with digital results / Schedule, material
If possible: preparations for a meal / - organising a common meal: venue, time, recipe, shopping list / Schedule
If possible: organisation of a meeting / - host school: organising a discussion with a political representative about topic-related subjects / Schedule

Annotations for the presentation of results:

* asterisk: to be presented in a plenary meeting (PPTs, films).

# hash to be presented in an exhibition at the host school. On their flights to a meeting students cannot transport big posters, so A4 or A3 posters / print-outs are made before the journey. Exhibition results are explained by student in a gallery walk in internationally mixed groups.

*/#: the host school have the choice; they discuss the manner of publication in advance with the other schools.

At every international meeting:

Activities (before / during visits) / Methodology (Methods) / Results
Getting to know each other / - host students carry out appropriate warming-up exercises with the guests / * Ice-breaking activities:a familiar atmosphere 
Making an exhibition / - the host school provides suitable material (e.g. glue, paper, pins) and space for this (e.g. movable walls)
- students present the knowledge acquired in collaborative group work to the travelling student representatives (“gallery walk”)
- the host schools organises the common preparation of the exhibition, of the results of their ‘home’work
- the host school organises a common ‘gallery walk’ in mixed groups / # Exhibitionof results
Gallery walk in mixed groups
Preparing and carrying out a Culinary Food Walk / host school: carrying out the Food Walk in mixed groups
host school: photo documentation of the Walk / Food Walk
Going shopping with hosts / - BEFORE: host students organise with their guests the exploration of host family’s favourite supermarkets / shops: places, time, material
- DURING: hosts and guest take written notes of
--- countries of origin of 5-10 products important for the respective host family
--- written notes of how to buy: typical procedures at places (shops, market, supermarket), do’s and dont’s, appropriate expressions
--- AFTER the shopping exploration:
1. all digitalise the data (food – country of origin)
--- after the shopping exploration:
2. three host students and guests edit the material, deciding on a selection of items, and send it to the school in IRELAND (to prepare the Shopping Guide) / # Map of countries of origin (of certain foods)
Material for the annotated bilingual Shopping Guide(to be sent to IRELAND)
Making an excursion to at least two topic-related places / - visiting two or moretopic-related places
- taking part in a guided tour or other form of exploration / Guided tour or other form of exploration to topic-related places
digital results / - the school in PORTUGAL: uploading the results on the common project website / project website
Optional: enjoying a common meal / in mixed student groups:
- going shopping
- preparing / cooking
- decorations
- having the meal together
- tidying up / a common meal
Optional: discussion with a political representative / host school:
- organising a meeting with a political representative of our city or region to discuss aspects of the food project / Discussion with a political representative about aspects of the food project

C.1. Culture –SUN 10 – SAT 16 December 2017 in GERMANY

Activities / Methodology / Results
Exploring food in the present: favourite dishes / - conducting a poll among peers, parents and teachers (about 100 students)
2 generations: students –parents
- analysing the data
Help: eg. Google Forms / # A creative 3-dimensional representation of the data
Mixed groups
Half a day
  1. Preparation together
  2. Presentations (incl. films, imovie)
Resources: diverse materialsfor the 3-dimensional representation=> GER!
NOW: Exploring what we eat on a typical week day: the types of food we eat; global influences on the daily food consumption; the way families and exchange partners have their dishes (what food? when? who does what? what goes on while the meal is taken? The usage of modern technology, where?) / - writing an eating diary as a photo story of exemplary daily meals and eating habits and situations (e.g. breakfast, lunch, dinner)
- analysing the qualitative data(criterion: what students regard as the most important aspects) / # Photo stories (one from each school)
THEN: Exploring food and eating cultures in the past [granny’s / grandpa’s time] in our city / region (breakfast, lunch, dinner; what kind of food was eaten? who did what? what went on while the meal was taken? where?); changes in food due to (different kinds of) migration and globalization (e.g. non-seasonal food, Asian food) – and comparing them with the present / - making a qualitative guided interview
- conducting interviews
- making a film script / * Film scenes of 2 contrasting situations(one from each school, max. 2+2=4 minutes per school)
film script (one film script for each country)
Detecting the impact of migration on the regional cuisine / - collecting stereotypicalnationaland/or regionaldishes (“What do people in the project countries eat?”)and exploring “fast food”
- exploring the (fast food) restaurants in one sqkm in our city / district => schools send their results (e.g Italian 3x, German 2x etc.) to Portugal
=> schools send the results to France to visualise the results e.g. in a ‘line map’ / # Visualised recipe collection of popular regional in our region
three recipes per school => print-outs
after the meeting:
students send their results to Por, who visualise the data after each meeting in a map - and send the result before the last meeting to Por who print it out and exhibit.
- / # a restaurant line map of our cities / districts (part)
Exploring supermarkets: where does our food come from? / the host school decides:
Prepare a common picnic / meal
e.g. buy sth.
- sth healthy
- sth salty
- sth sweet / A common picnic / meal
another half day
Students prepare a role play about what they learned
“Make a short scene showing ….”
criteria: engaging
Students choose:
- words (instaed of sentences …)
- normal converation
- no language
-- nonsense language
=> 5 topics
1. food and eating culture in the past
2. typical week day, gender roles (who’s doing what?)
3. immigration
4. lack of time / modern life
5. place where we eat
Observing lessons (eg. English lessons)?

C.2. History / Language / Literature / Art -SUN 18th Feb – SAT 24th Feb. 2018 in IRELAND

Activities / Methodology / Results
Comparing food in schools: food offered at school and schools’ eating rules(When / where are they /not/ allowed to eat drink? sanctions?); students’ ideas for improvement of rules / - Analysing school rules and sanctions
- Making a film script
- Collecting ideas and arguments
- IRELAND: preparing the panel discussion (roles: moderator/s, time frame, introduction, conclusion, panel discussion script /process: asking sb for their view, for information, clarify statements etc.) / * Silent Films (of specific situations at school)
* Panel discussion: Food and Eating at Schools
Analysing food motifs in language: food idioms and proverbs in our mother languages / - Collecting food idioms and proverbs(max. 70 items per school) / # Annotated bilingual pictorial Dictionary of Food idioms and proverbs
In mixed groups:
Preparing a creative representation of 3 idioms (of each country) and presenting them => charades / computer game
Exploring food in literature: popularstories and fairy tales / - finding and collecting appropriate pieces of literature
- preparing the enactment of stories => each school sends three traditional stories (from each school) to IRE / * Enacted stories / story teller / play => organised by IRE
Analysing food motifs in Arts (e.g. still life / photography) / - selecting appropriate works of art from the art history
- alienating /re-interpreting them: students make drafts (A4) of their re-interpretations
- printing them1-2 originals out (A4 / A3)and send them to IRE to be printed out / # Exhibitionof artefacts
in mixed groups: students discuss their drafts and put their ideas on canvas / …


C.3. Biology / Ecology / Physical Education -SUN 15 – SAT 21 April 2018 in FRANCE

Activities (collaborative) / Methodology / Results
The results are ‘high quality’ posters etc. in a way that other students will profit from them later on (e.g. in Biologiy room etc.)
Exploring food: e.g. nutrients, calories, sugar, carbonhydrates, fat, fibres, vitamins, un/healthy food (fast/slow food) / - exploring the subject matter
- analysing data
- critical interpretation of data and terms / E.g. # Poster, Prezi
Exploring how food is digested: e.g. enzymes, lactose / fructose intolerance, gluten allergy / - exploring the subject matter
- making visuals (digesting organs)
e.g. on poster, prezis, etc. / E.g. # Poster, Prezi
Examining civilisation illnesses: e.g.obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance / - exploring the subject matter
- analysing hormonal controlling circuit
e.g. on poster, prezis, etc. / E.g. * PPT, Prezi
Examining food products: What is in them that isn’t normally there, e.g. additives and their functions (e.g. colouring, preserving, flavor-enhancing effects) / - exploring the subject matter
- collecting data
- finding exemplary examples
e.g. on poster, prezis, etc. / E.g. # Poster, Prezi
Examiningeating disorders: e.g. anorexia / bulimia, orthorexy, binge eating, obesity) / - exploring the subject matter
- analysing hormonal controlling circuit
e.g. on poster, prezis, etc. / E.g. * PPT, Prezi
Every school:
Examining diets, food trends / fashions: e.g. low carb diet, food combining, lifestyles, low carb meaty and substantial food (past), vegetarian, vegan, paleo, superfood / - analysing magazines
- analysing food trends:
-- topical healthy food trends: rules and reasons, promises and disadvantages
-- making and digitalising- the collage/s and printing it out (A4/A3)
Bringing suitable material for collages to FRA
- making a leaflet on food trends (max. 2 A-4 pages) / # Collage/s of diets, food trends/fashions as presented in magazines=> done in FRA
# Leafleton food trends
Exploring foodwasteand recyclingin private households (how much? what? Where to? Consequences e.g. recycling (how?) / - collecting data of one week
- analysing the data / # Photo diary: food in private households
FRA => an international food waste competition
(estimating calories, activities.)
Examining the waste and destructionof food by enterprises, e.g. supermarkets (what, where to, how much, why destructed?, recycling? / - collecting data of one week
- making interviews of supermarket representatives
- analysing data
- making the ‘diagram of waste’, digitalising it and printing it out / # Creative diagram of waste: foods, quantity, value

C.4. Economy / Geography -SUN 23 - SAT 29 September2018 in SWEDEN

Activities / Methodology / Results
Examining young people’spurchase powerand food consumption patterns (What kinds of food do they buy from their pocket money? where? when? in which situation?) / - making a survey
- conducting a survey among at least 50 young people
- analysing data
- writing a documentary film script including the analysed results of the data
TIME! (=> summer holidays) / * A documentary film:
=> SWE: group work about the film, making another film
Exploring the development of food production industries and industrial agriculture against the background of the market power of retailers; the change of landscape in our country due to agricultural developments / - examining and analysing statistical data
- analysing and comparing maps from different time levels => farming in past and present
- contacting agricultural organisations
- analysing publications of agricultural organisations
- analysing statistical yearbooks, government publications in view of: use of fertilizers, fungicides, herbicides etc.
- conducting interviews of farmers in view of direction, size, technology, automation / */# 2farmers’ year calendarsincluding two exemplary days (e.g. sowing time, harvest time) with symbols, icons etc. – farmer and his grand/father
Annotated maps of the change of agricultural areas, e.g. as a
*/# PPT presentation (on transparencies (from present to past))
Working out the importance of the agricultural sector for the GDP of our countries in comparison to other sectorsthen (before the EU) and now (esp. industrial sector, service sector), number of labourers; current problems (e.g. too low milk prices, dependence of farmers on retailers) / - analysing (official) statistics(e.g. national statistics newspaper headings, photos
- comparing numbers / statistics
- working out farmers’ situations, struggles, expectations, demands, the targets of their protests / photo storyon farmers’reactions/ expectations in public – re-enacted by students
Exploring which retailers (discounters and supermarkets) sell the food in our region and how is their supply related to global food players / - collection information on the different suppliers in the region
- examining the supply of products in supermarkets produced by global food companies
- examining retailers’ connection to international retailers, detecting products of global players in the regional supermarkets / discounters.
every school sends in 4 questions + answers toSWEDEN(A6, question on one side, annotated answer on the backside) about international companies and their products
The school in SWEDENorganises and carries out the quiz shop / # A map of the retailers in our region / area
*Quiz show (“A, B, C or D”)

C.5. Politcs / Ethics / Geography- SUN10 – SAT 16 March 2019 in PORTUGAL

Activities / Methodology / Results
Examining relative poverty and comparing its effects on people’s daily diets in our countries regarding healthiness and balance / - exploring ‘relative’ poverty and the average (median) income in our country: definition, consequences on food consumption
- making three exemplary food baskets for each group for a week (2 adults, one 7-year-old child, one teenager)
- interviewing shop assistants in supermarkets: who buys what and when?
- researching daily food requirements (calories, fat, vitamins, carbohydrates, protein), variety of food
- putting together two food baskets (poor, average)
- analysing the two baskets in relation to daily nutritional requirements and working out differences (= 3rd food basket) / # Three visualised and commentated daily food baskets:
- Relatively poor household
- Average household
- Ideal / healthy food basket(if possible: official recommendations)
Investigating local food projects as a reaction to deficits in the supply of food: feeding the poor (e.g. food kitchens, dumpster diving, guerrilla gardening) / - doing in-depth research into relevant situations in their city / district
- visiting 1-3 food projects
- conducting interviews with the people involved, e.g. helpers (motivations, developments, social and political expectations)
- taking photos
- editing the material / # Magazine report/s for the local press / school homepage
Collecting examples of good practice regarding sustainability: e.g. self-sufficiency, gardening, organic / regional farming / - doing in-depth research into good practice in their city / district and beyond
- creating a PPT of a project / business plan for a good practise example / * PPT: project / business plan
Looking into EuropeanPolitics regarding healthy food standards; food labelling; sustainability of food (limitation of food consumption, scarcity vs. overproduction of certain foods / - analysing (official) statistics and yearbooks
- evaluating different EU measures
- preparing role cards
--environmentalist / animal protectionist
--expert of the European Commission
the host school organises:
- before panel discussion: role group representatives exchange their ideas and decide on one delegate of each group / * Role-play panel discussion about European laws regarding food labelling or fish quota
Most pressing food mattersfrom the perspective of young people that need to be tackled by the EU / the host school organises internationally mixed group work:
- working out the final version of the letter
- drafting a letter to political representatives: local / national / European Parliaments / Letterto a political representative
Group work: students make a draft
POR compiles / edit
POR sends the final version for school for further use
Dystopian / utopian visions:“Food on Europe’s Tables” / The host school organises the presentations:
- developing a future scenarios
making draft of a play / film script / exhibition / */# Exhibition of results, consisting of e.g.
films (e.g. of role plays, works of art)

AFTER the food project - Dissemination

Activities / Methodology / Results
after each project stage / -writing reports for the school homepage and local / regional newspapers, TV networks / Articles
Making a Final Book / -each school: compile past reports and results in order write a section of 20-25 pages for the Final Book