7:45 am-Sr. Choir
9 am – Contemporary Worship
10 am- Coffee & Fellowship
10:15 am- Sunday School and Adult Bible Class
Pastor’s Day Off
10 am-Service on cable channel 11
*7:30 pm – Circuit Forum at Zion-St. John Wisner.
8:10 am – Chapel – “Meet me at the pole”
5 pm – Weight Watchers
7 pm – Church Council
10:30 am – St. Joes
5 pm – Confirmation
6 pm - Bell Choir
7 pm – Sr. Choir Practice
No School – Teacher In-service
Make Potato Salad for Oktoberfest
6 pm – Worship & communion
***SUNDAY: Oktoberfest
10:30 am - Worship at The Nielsen Community Center
12:00 noon – German style meal
Silent and live auctions, children’s games, bounce houses, farmer’s market and more!
Last Week’s Attendance: 231
*Last Week’s Offering: $ 4,221
*Does not include electronic giving which amounts to about $1,200 per week.
Donations are being accepted in the church office for the Projection System for St. Paul Lutheran Church.
AM 840 and FM 107.9
The Lutheran Hour, Sundays at 11 am.
This week’s Lutheran Hour is sponsored
by Elaine Nebuda.
St. Paul Broadcast, Sundays at 11:30 am.
This week’s St Paul broadcast is sponsored by Paul & Linda Meyer.
To sponsor a St. Paul or Lutheran Hour radio broadcast, please contact the church office. Cost is $40 per week.
“The Lutheran Hour” Sunday, Sept. 25.
"Unlimited Patience--Almost" Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus. In this life the Lord of perfect patience invites sinners to faith and forgiveness. But remember, it is an invitation for this life only. (1 Timothy 1:15-16)
The Lutheran Hour can be heard on Bott radio, FM 103.3, Sunday mornings at 8 am.
Daily Chapel: each morning at approximately 9:45 am on AM 840 and 11:50 am on FM 107.9. To support this broadcast, please make checks payable to Daily Chapel. Cost is $81 per week. Checks may be sent or brought to St. Paul Lutheran Church office.
Worship Service Sunday, Oct. 2: 10:30 am at the Nielsen Center. No Sunday service here at the church. There is worship at 6 pm Saturday, Oct. 1, here at St. Paul church.
Please join us for coffee & fellowship in the church social room following our 9 am worship service. September coffees are hosted by members of Thrivent Financial with proceeds going to Andrew Brockmann family.
This week’s Chapel is Tuesday instead of Wednesday and is at the school. “Meet me at the Pole” with VFW.
Sr. Choir will practice Wednesday, Sept. 28, for Oktoberfest.
St. Paul Oktoberfest is Sunday, Oct. 2, at the Nielsen Community Center. Please join us for Sunday morning Worship Service at 10:30 am, German style meal, Live auction, Silent auction, Farmers Market and much more.
Please contact Larry Abrahams, 402-380-8928, or Nancy Reppert, 402-380-2146, to donate auction items.
Auction items so far include: Quilts, tea towels, gift baskets, Traeger grill, John Deere Dishes, St. Paul classroom projects, Bus trip to Sound of Music and a meal, front row seating for the Christmas Program and the Spring Musical, and much more.
Oktoberfest Bake Sale: Donations of baked items are needed. Please bring items to the church kitchen Saturday night, Oct. 1, or to the Nielsen Center the morning of Oktoberfest. Please package cookies, 12 to a pkg and rolls or muffins, etc, 6 to a pkg. The bake sale is in the Farmer’s Market area.
Oktoberfest Meal Tickets are being sold this Sunday, following our church service and in the church and school offices during the week. $10 for adults, $5 for children ages 7-12. Advance tickets are recommended to save standing in line for tickets at the door.
Sign up sheets for Oktoberfest are on the table in back of church. Desserts this year can be your own recipe for Cream puff dessert, apple crisp, German chocolate cake, any pumpkin dessert or cookies. Please sign up if you can help in any way the day of Oct. 2 at the Nielsen center.
Anyone wishing to help underwrite the costs of Oktoberfest, please make checks payable to St. Paul Lutheran Church and put Oktoberfest in the memo line.
Grocery receipts from Graybeal’s and Lincoln Street Market are being collected for St. Paul School. Must be dated Sept 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017. A bin is located in the narthex to put receipts, box tops, etc.
Home Bible Study Opportunity for Couples - Bill and Peg McAllister will host a Bible study for couples, beginning Sunday, September 25, 7:00 to 8:00 pm at 103 Kaup St. West Point. The group will meet for five Sunday evening sessions. If you are interested in participating, please speak to Bill or Peg after church, or contact Peg at 402-340-9310.
LWML will meet Oct. 9, after our 9 am worship service, for a short business meeting.
Orphan Grain Train Fish Boil: Sunday, Sept. 25, 11 am-12:30 pm at St. John’s Pender, 2175 15th Rd, Pender. Serving fish, potatoes, onions, salads, desserts & drinks. Everyone welcome.
OGT Match Day is September 28! To celebrate Orphan Grain Train’s 24 years of serving others in need, Thrivent Financial will match up to $24,000.00 of your online donations at for Orphan Grain Train! This is a one-day only opportunity to double your donation. You do not need to be a Thrivent member to have your donation matched. Donations must be completed on September 28, before midnight Central Time, to be eligible. If you need assistance to make an online donation you may come to the church office on Wednesday, before 5 pm.
42nd Annual Bake Sale & Luncheon: Saturday, Oct. 8, 11 am-1 pm at the Beemer Legion Hall. Hosted by St. John’s Lutheran Church, Beemer. Serving creamed chicken on a bun, sandwiches, salads and homemade pies.
Greeting cards, knives & dishcloths, baked goods and pies for sale.
Christmas at Concordia: Concerts Dec. 2, 7 pm, Dec. 3, 3 & 7 pm, Dec. 4, 3 pm. Concerts are free but tickets are needed due to limited seating. Online registration for tickets is Oct. 22, 1 pm. Registration is expected to close after just a few minutes when supplies are exhausted.