AT Devices IEP teams may want to consider based on student’s Needs

The student’s needs should be delineated on the PLEP section. Below, we have identified a large variety of needs and then coupled each need with an array of AT devices that the IEP teams may want to consider:

For students who are distractible:

__ Highlighting pens/tape

__ Personal listening systems

__ Binders to go back and forth to home, to communicate with parents

__ Electronic math worksheets

__ Specialty Paper

__ Adapted computer keyboard

__ Educational television

__ Screen reader

__ Paper/electronic planners/organizers

__ Tape recorder with variable speed play back capabilities

__ Increase computer monitor’s contrasts

__ Scanner with OCR software to make important words and sections stand out

For students who have difficulty with the mechanics of writing:

__ Use a Pencil/pen with adaptive grip

__ Word prediction, abbreviation/expansion to reduce keystrokes

__ Specialty paper (e.g. raised line, highlighted lines, NCR)

__ Screen Readers

__ Use a slant board

__ Electronic math worksheets

__ Use written templates

__ Tape recorder

__ Use of prewritten words/phrases

__ Use a computer with word processing software

__ Highlighting Pen/Tape

__ Use voice recognition software to word process

__ Calculators

__ Use a portable word processor to keyboard instead of writing

__ Use a typewriter

__ Use a portable scanner with word processing software

__ Adaptive keyboard

Students who have difficulty composing written material:

__ Pencil/pen grips

__ Talking word processor for multi sensory typing

__ Slant boards

__ Abbreviation/expansion

__ Highlighting Pen/Tape

__ Word prediction software

__ Word cards/word book/word wall

__ Optical Character Recognition Software

__ Pocket dictionary/thesaurus

__ Voice recognition software

__ Writing templates

__ Word processor w/ word prediction (e.g. Co:Writer) to facilitate spelling and sentence construction

__ Tape recorder

__ Screen Readers

__ Electronic/talking electronic dictionary/thesaurus/spell checker (e.g.Franklin)

__ Word processing w/ writing support

__ Word processing w/ spell checker/grammar checker

__ Multimedia software for expression of ideas (assignments)

Computer access for students who have a variety of difficulties:

__ Arm support (e.g. Ergo Rest)

__ Word prediction, abbreviation/expansion to reduce keystrokes

__ Screen Readers

__ Optical Character Recognition Software

__ Keyboard w/ accessibility options

__ Alternate keyboard (e.g. IntelliKeys,)

__ Keyguard

__ Mouth stick/Head Master/Tracker w/ on-screen keyboard

__ Track ball/track pad/ joystick w/ on-screen keyboard

__ On-screen keyboard

__ Switch

__ Head Mouse/Head Master/Tracker w/ onscreen keyboard

__ Voice recognition software

For student who have difficulty with verbal communication:

__ Binders to go back and forth to home, to communicate with parents

__ Voice output device w/ icon sequencing (e.g. AlphaTalker II, Vanguard, Chatbox)

__ Educational Television

__ Device w/ speech synthesis for typing (e.g. Cannon Communicator, Link, Write:Out Loud w/


__ Paper/electronic planners and organizers

__ Talking switch

__ Eye gaze board/frame

__ Electronic device for speech

__ Communication board/book w/pictures/objects/letters/words

__ Voice output device w/ levels (e.g. 6 Level Voice in a Box, Macaw, Digivox)

__ Voice amplifier

__ Voice output device w/ dynamic display (e.g. Dynavox, Speaking Dynamically w/ laptop


__ Tape recorders to record lessons and assignments

__ Screen Readers

__ Personal listening systems

__ Deltatalker . with programmed words

__ Simple voice output device (e.g. BIGmack, Cheap Talk, Voice in a Box, MicroVoice,Talk.

Picture Frame)

__ Optical Character Recognition Software

For students who have difficulty with reading:

__ Highlighting Pen/Tape

__ Single word scanners (e.g. Seiko Reading Pen)

__ Slant board

__ Use of pictures/symbols with text (e.g. Picture It, Writing with Symbols 2000)

__ Educational Television

__ Audio Books and Playback Units

__ Book adapted for page turning (e.g. page fluffers, 3-ring binder)

__ Electronic books

__ Changes in text size, spacing, color, background color

__ Talking electronic device/software to pronounce challenging words (e.g. Franklin Speaking

Homework Wiz, American Heritage Dictionary)

__ Predictable books

__ Optical Character Recognition Software

__ Screen Readers

__ Scanner w/ OCR and talking word processor

__ Books and software adapted to current text books in various subjects

For students who have difficulties with spelling:

__ Problem word list

__ Hand-held spell checker with auditory recognition of entered word

__ Print dictionary

__ Portable word processor with built in spell checker

__ Personal or custom dictionary

__ Instructional software to enhance phonics and spelling skills

__ Tape recorder with difficult to spell words recorded

__ Computer with word processor and built-in spell checker

__ Hand-held spell checker without auditory output

__ Computer with word processing program and adaptive features (e.g. talking spell checker, word prediction software, etc.)

For students who have difficulty with learning/studying:

__ Pencil grips

__ Screen Readers

__ Highlighting Pen/Tape

__ Voice output reminders for assignments, steps of task, etc.

__ Binders to go back and forth to home, to communicate with parents

__ Single word scanners

__ Specialty Paper

__ Recorded material (books on tape, taped lectures with number coded index, etc.)

__ NCR paper

__ Software for concept development/ manipulation of objects (e.g. Blocks in Motion)

__ Slant board

__ Software for organization of ideas and studying (e.g. Inspiration, Claris Works Outline, PowerPoint)

__ Low tech aids to find materials (e.g. index tabs, color coded folders)

__ Pagers/electronic reminders

__ Print or picture schedule

__ Hand-held scanners

__ Paper and/or electronic planner and organizer

__ Toy Store - may use alternate input device, e.g. switch, touch window

__ Calculator

__ Palm computers

__ Tape recorder to record and play back lessons

__ Educational Television

__ Books and software adapted to current text books

For students who have difficulty with math:

__ Adaptive pen/pencil grips

__ Calculator with special features (e.g. fraction translation)

__ Highlighting Pen/Tape

__ On-screen/scanning calculator

__ Specialty Paper

__ Talking calculator

__ Slant board

__ Money calculator and Coinulator

__ Educational Television

__ Tape recorder to record and play back math lessons

__ Binders to go back and forth to home, to communicate with parents

__ Talking watches/clocks

__ Enlarged math worksheets

__ Tactile/voice output measuring devices (e.g. clock, ruler)

__ Abacus/ Math Line

__ Software with cueing for math computation (may use adapted input methods)

__ Paper and/or electronic organizer and planner

__ Alternative keyboard (e.g. IntelliKeys)

__ Calculator with large keys and/or large display

__ Software for manipulation of objects

__ Math .Smart Chart.

__ Screen Readers

__ Calculator /calculator with print out

__ Voice recognition software

For students who have difficulties in different school subjects:

__ Word banks for the problematic subject

__ Vocabulary software for the problematic subject

__ Vocabulary dictionary for the problematic subject

__ Books on tape for corresponding subjects

__ Use manipulatives

__ Computer simulations for the problematic subject

__ Books and software adapted to current text books in various subjects

For students who have difficulty with their vision, or visual processing:

__ Slant board

__ Electronic organizer and planner with voice output

__ Specialty Paper

__ Tape recorder to record and play back lessons

__ Highlighting pen/tape

__ Personal listening system

__ Alternate keyboard with enlarged keys

__ Audio Books and Playback Units

__ Enlarged or Braille/tactile labels for keyboard

__ Optical Character Recognition Software

__ Electronic math worksheet

__ Screen reader, text reader

__ Screen color contrast (e.g. CloseView) . most word processors, large fonts, bold fonts

__ Braille keyboard and note taker (e.g. Braille N Speak)

__ Large print books

__ Braille translation software

__ Screen magnifier (mounted over screen)

__ Magnifier

__ Screen magnification software (e.g. CloseView, Zoom Text)

__ Braille printer

__ Eye glasses

__ CCTV (closed circuit television)

__ Talking calculator

For students who have difficulty with their hearing, or auditory processing:

__ Pen and paper

__ Screen flash for alert signals on computer

__ NCR paper

__ Phone amplifier

__ Specialty Paper

__ Personal amplification system/Hearing aid

__ Highlighting pen/tape

__ Personal listening system

__ Paper or electronic organizer and planner

__ Closed Captioning

__ Signaling device (e.g. flashing light or vibrating pager)

__ Closed-captioned educational television

__ Variable speed tape recorder to record and play back lessons

__ Real Time captioning

__ Computer aided note taking

__ TDD for phone access with or without relay

__ Computer/portable word processor

__ Infrared system

For students who have difficulty with recreation & leisure:

__ Ergo Rest or other arm-support for drawing/painting

__ Software to complete art activities

__ Universal cuff /strap to hold crayons, markers, paint brush, etc.

__ Adaptive keyboard

__ Slant board for art work, reading, etc.

__ Electronic aids to control TV, VCR, CD player, etc.

__ Adaptive pen/pencil grips

__ Screen reader for downloaded magazines and newspapers

__ Modified utensils (e.g. rubber stamps, brushes, scissors, rollers, etc.)

__ Written and/or electronic organizer and planner

__ Adaptive sporting equipment (e.g. lighted or beeping ball, velcro mitt)

__ Audio Books and Playback Units

__ Adapted toys and games (e.g. toy with adaptive handle)

__ Music software on the computer

__ Toys adapted with Velcro., magnets, handles, etc.

__ Drawing/graphic program on computer (e.g. Kid Pix, Blocks in Motion)

__ Toys adapted for single switch operation

__ Games on the computer

__ Use of battery interrupter and switch to operate a toy

__ Other computer software

For students who have difficulty with activities of daily living (ADLs):

__ Color coded items for easier locating and identifying

__ Adaptive dressing equipment (e.g. button hook, elastic shoe laces, Velcro. instead of buttons, etc.)

__ Non-slip materials to hold things in place

__ Adaptive devices for hygiene (e.g. adapted toothbrushes, raised toilet seat, etc.)

__ Universal cuff/strap to hold items in hand

__ Adaptive bathing devices

__ Adaptive eating utensils (e.g. foam handles, deep sides)

__Adaptive equipment for cooking

__ Adaptive drinking devices (e.g. cup with cut out rim)

__ calculator

For students who have difficulty with mobility:

__ Grab bars and rails

__ Powered wheelchair w/ joystick or other control

__ Walker

__ Powered scooter or cart

__ Powered mobility toy (e.g. Cooper Car, GoBot)

__ Adapted vehicle for driving

__ Manual wheelchair including sports chair

__ children in electric wheelchairs are all able to maneuver independently.

For students who have difficulty controlling their environment:

__ Light switch extension

__ Radio/ultra sound to remotely control appliances

__ Use of Powerlink, interface and switch to activate battery operated devices

__ Use of electronic aid to daily living to control environment in connection with an augmentative communication device

__ Use of Powerlinkinterface and switch to turn on electrical appliances (e.g. radio, fan, blender, etc.)

For students who have difficulty positioning & seating:

__Bolster, rolled towel, blocks for feet

__ Adapted/alternate chair, sidelyer, stander

__ Non-slip surface on chair to prevent slipping (e.g. Dycem)

__ Custom fitted wheelchair or insert

Time Frames – Generally speaking, for the more high tech devices, it takes about 4 to 6 months to acquire and begin utilizing this device. Therefore, when developing the IEP the implementation date of this AT device/service should reflect this time frame. In addition, when a student is using AT, the IEP should reflect what should happen if/when the AT device is broken.


2. The United States Department of Education.s Enhanced Regulations on the Web;

3. The New Jersey Department of Education.s .Annotated IEP.;

4. The New Jersey Department of Education.s Resource Center