MINUTESof a MEETING of the FINANCE & GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE of BourneTown Council held on Tuesday 18 March 2014 at 7.30pm, at the SK Community Point

(Recorded by DeputyTown Clerk)

Present:Chairman Mrs P Moisey

CouncillorsMrs S CliffeP KnowlesB Russell

P FellowsR McKinneyMrs J Smith

D HiggsC PattisonJA Smith Ms J Kingman 0 members of the public


Proposed Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded Cllr C Pattison and unanimously

RESOLVED:To accept the reason for apology for absence from

Councillors Mr T Holmes and D Mapp

1589FDECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - Cllr P Fellows re item 12b grant for Sci fest, non pecuniary.

1590FDISPENSATIONS - No written or verbal requests had been received


There were no members of the public present.


Proposed Cllr Mrs J Smith, seconded Cllr Ms J Kingman and

RESOLVED:To adopt the Notesas a true record and for the Chairman to sign them as the Minutes of the above mentioned meeting


Cllr P Fellows - attended a traders meeting they intend to have a summer fete day in Bourne on Sunday the 29th June 2014 this will require a road closure and will include a continental market. Cllr Fellows stated that he would bring more information back to meeting but that the traders would be looking for support and consideration from Bourne Town Council.

Cllr P Fellows also reported that ElseaPark would be having their annual open day on Saturday 28th June 2014.


Cllr P Fellows – Can we acknowledge the Olympic success of Jade Etherington.

Town Clerk Mrs N Jacobs Reported that she had been contacted by Cllr Woolley who had enquired whether Bourne Town Council were going to mark the success of Jade Etherington following her remarkable success at Sochi. N Jacobs further stated that she had made contact with the parents and that they were extremely enthusiastic about this and that under the ‘General Powers ofCompetence’ the Council is able to organise an event to celebrate Jade’s success for the Parish. Contact had already been made with Sainsbury’s as a possible sponsor and we have the offer of an open top vintage Car for the day. All local schools had been contacted and they were all very enthusiastic. PaulStokes of SKDC had been contacted to ensure that we could use the Corn Exchange Hall free of Charge and this had been confirmed. Cllr Woolley had also offered some financial assistance towards the event and contact had been made by County Council who had asked if Bourne was likely to put on some kind of event.

Cllr R McKinney – If possible to include Jade’s skiing partner.

Cllr P Fellows – To ensure that all concerned are aware that this is being organised by BTC. Cllr Mrs S Cliffe – Present a gift from the people of Bourne possibly in the form of the shields that they used to present to Councillors.

Cllr J Smith – Presentation of some form of scroll.

Clerk Mrs N Jacobs continued that the format would possibly revolve around a reception for 100 plus people. There was general consensus from the room that this should go ahead but that

The Town Council should be kept aware of any costs incurred.

Proposed Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded Cllr Mrs J Smith and unanimously

RESOLVED :For the Town Clerk to go ahead and organise the event ensuring that the Town

Council are kept aware of any costs incurred.


Proposed Cllr JA Smith , seconded Cllr Mrs S Cliffeand unanimously

RESOLVED:To adopt the Trial Balance and Bank Reconciliation – Month 10 - as presented


Proposed Cllr Mrs J Smith, seconded Cllr Ms J Kingmanand unanimously

RESOLVED:To adopt the Trial Balance and Bank Reconciliation – Month 11 - as presented

1597FINCOME/EXPENDITURE BUDGET REPORT – to 28February2014(Month 11)

Proposed Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and unanimously

RESOLVED:To adopt the Income/Expenditure Report for Month 11 as presented

1598FACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT The following invoices were presented for approval:

Payee / Item of Expenditure (unless otherwise stated the power to incur the expenditure is the Local Government Act 1972 S 111) / Gross Amount
Month 11 / Gross Staff Cost for February 2014 - (LGA 1972 ss 112 & 214 & PHA 1936 s87) (LGPSR 1995) / £ 8,150.70
BT / Inv 7601 Broadband, Tel & Mobile February / £ 74.04
Legal & General / Scheme G74102-12 Ill Health Ins. Premium adjustment / £ 22.35
J&L Ball / Inv 241 Blinds for 2 Roof window Blinds, supply & fit / £ 1,419.19
Biffa / Inv 23053 Container exchange February / £ 117.07
Cannon / Inv 18675494 Medical Waste Service and Duty of Care Fee for period March 14 - Feb 15 / £ 244.18
LMS / Inv 73582 Chipper/Shredder service/new blades/belt/pulley / £ 394.32
SKDC / Inv 88573 Hall Hire Rent 18.2.14 £45 Inv 88646 Hall Hire 24.2.14 re Public Meeting £45 (LGA 1972 s150(2)) / £ 90.00
Globe / Inv 2013/2067/11 Mileage charge to attend Public Meeting (LGA 1972 s150(2)) / £ 17.28
ESPO / Inv 1332573 Consumables Toilets and Administration £58.29 Inv 1349262 Toilet consumables £17.81 Inv 1352401 Pinboard for Deputy £108.00 / £ 184.10
Harkness Roses / N Jacobs / Inv B4707 Standard Rose for Cemetery / £ 28.50
Ainsley Signs / Inv 501 Rose Tree sign / £ 15.00
Double & Megson / Inv 18731 legal work re Lease for BTC accommodation at the Community Access Point - The invoice amount is higher than the quoted estimate of ca £1000; the information/plans provided by SKDC were not providing sufficient information for the Lease to be registered and therefore required a lot of further legal time. Plus SKDC originally sent an additional agreement which was felt not to be necessary in the end. / £ 2,160.00
Chislett Hire / Inv 82287 Stihl HP 2 Stroke Oil / £ 21.00
Toolbar / Grant under S137 of the LGA 1972 / £ 500.00
Lloyds / Bank Charges / £ 56.56
Acrylics Rus /NJ / Inv 8568 Perspex for Chapel window / £ 35.14
Healthandsafetysignsdirect/NJ / Inv 55957 Signs for Cemetery / £ 5.38
Ebuyer/NJ / Inv19093023 replacement colour printer / £ 59.95
Build a Sign/NJ / Inv72005943 Signs at Allotment, (due to misuse of bays) / £ 44.02
Shopping to Go/NJ / Inv3281424WB folded blinds for dividing office doors, providing privacy for certain types of meetings / £ 102.97
I Sismey / Admin. Mileage Feb/March 14 Training and various local locations (LG Fin. & Prov. Act 1963 s5) / £ 93.38
CASH Purchases / Feb.-March 14 Consumables for Admin. £11.08 Consumables for Toilets £6.97 / £ 18.05
New Financial Year from 1 April 2014 31 March 2015
Legal & General / Scheme No G74102-12 premium for Ill Health Insurance / £ 690.17
LALC / Inv 4079 Annual Subscription £ 1529.54 and Local Council Review £16.50 / £ 1546.04
LALC / Subscription to annual training scheme / £ 130.00
SKDC / Business Rates 2014/15 with small Business Relief / £ -
The above invoices have been verified and cheques sent for some of the above / £ 16,219.39

Proposed Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded Cllr Ms J Kingmanand unanimously

RESOLVED:To RECOMMEND approval for payment of above accounts


A) Correspondence for information only – to be received en bloc (available for perusal)

a)Clerks & Councils Direct - March 2014, Issue 92 Publication

b)Lincolnshire CVS - News Bite issue 50-52

c)Toolbar - Letter expressing gratitude for the council’s grant of £500

d)SKDC – Parish Update February 2014

e)SLCC – The Clerk Magazine – March 2014 – Volume 45 No 2

f)LALC lalc news No 149 Winter 2014

g)LALC - notification that the Government has not extended referendum principles to Parish Councils. The principles have not been determined yet for precepting authorities in 2014/15 but the Government is prepared if necessary to apply the referendum thresholds to larger town and parish councils from 2015/16 onwards to provide protection for local taxpayers and extend the principle of direct democracy.

The statement also reiterates the Minister’s expectation that council tax support funding is passed on to parish councils. The statement can be read in full at (info distributed to members via email on 6.2.14)

h)Financial Services Compensation Scheme - Most investors are protected including individuals and small firms, but there are some exceptions, such as larger companies, GOVERNMENT BODIES, large partnerships, large mutual organisations and LOCAL AUTHORITIES

i) Patient Participation Groups of both doctor’s practices in Bourne – Withdrawal of the request for application, as necessary fund have been obtained from other sources

Proposed Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and unanimously

RESOLVED:To receive items (a) through to (i)en bloc

B)Correspondence for consideration

1.First Contact LCC - Annual Meetings are approaching soon and First Contact is taking this opportunity to request an invite to provide residents the information and advice needed to stay safe and independent in their own homes through one point of contact. Keen to find new ways to reach out to the older residents of Lincolnshire.

Proposed Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded Cllr R Mc\Kinney and unanimously

RESOLVED:To receive the above

2.Bourne Preservation Society –Cemetery Chapel - The Chairman of the Society is expressing the Society’s dissatisfaction with the handling of the cemetery chapel project by Bourne Town Council. As the sixth anniversary of the start of discussions approached in April and the building continues to deteriorate we need, jointly, to get the project moving forwards. The chapel is being allowed to deteriorate, while the authorities procrastinate. The Society understand that the current situation is the result of the totally unreasonable way that the Diocese of Lincoln has failed to address the issue of the covenant adequately, if at all, for over two years now, we feel that BTC has not insisted on action by the Diocese, in the way that we would have expected. The Society is therefore calling on BTC to ensure the Diocese is suitable addressed, persistently if required, in order to encourage carrying out the actions promised on so many occasions before and that they are carried out in a timely and acceptable manner. It is requested that appropriate action is taken by BTC to ensure the Diocese responds to the communication to them in October 13 and that the response is in line with the agreement at the meeting reached with the Archdeacon on 27.4.12. (copy sent to members)

Members took considerable exception to the tone of the letter. It was felt that the Preservation

Society had always dictated as to what Bourne Town Council should be doing and used every

opportunity to publicly complain about the council. If the Society was so keen it should take the

building on under the current covenant or refuse. A member reiterated the fact that the public

did not want taxpayers’ money spent on this building.

Proposed Cllr B Russell, seconded Cllr P Knowles and unanimously

RESOLVED:To write to the Diocese to disassociate the council from the tone of this letter.

To write to BPS offering the building under the current covenant

Draft letters to be forwarded to members first.

  1. Major Durrant Salvation Army - Thanks for having been given the opportunity to address the council.

Additional information regarding an item raised at the above meeting (copy sent to members)

Following lengthy discussion whether this should be investigated further it was

Proposed Cllr P Fellows, seconded Cllr Ms J Kingman and

RESOLVED:That Cllr Fellows should make further enquiries


A)Bourne SciFest 2014, this is a bi-annual event which offers a programme of scientific shows, demonstrations and events for Primary School children in Bourne and surrounding villages. The event is organised by volunteers who raise money via sponsorship to cover the cost of the festival. The event will run from Monday 6 to Friday 10 October 2014. (copy sent to members)

Proposed Cllr Mrs J Smith, seconded Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and unanimously

RESOLVED:To make a grant of £500 under s137 of the LGA 1972

B)Deeping Gang Show 2014 - Further information for Grant Request submitted on 6.1.14 and considered on 4.2.14 Minute 1584F/B/3 -

The additional information had been requested but not received in time for the above mentioned meeting. (copy sent to members)

Following discussion over the level of benefit to the local community it was felt that other

organisations were providing a higher level of direct benefit and in view of this it was

Proposed by Cllr B Russell, seconded Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and unanimously

Cllrs R McKinney and P Knowles declared a Pecuniary Interest due to their involvement in Toolbar

and they left the meeting

RESOLVED:That a grant of £250 each should be made to Toolbar and the Citizens Advice Bureau in Bourne instead as both of these provided a higher level of direct benefit.

Cllrs R McKinney and P Knowles returned to the meeting


Members were in receipt of the draft dates and Cllr P Knowles asked for the 3.2.15 meeting to be

held on 10.2.15 instead.

Proposed Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and

RESOLVED:To RECOMMEND adoption of the dates with the amendment as stated above

1601FTRAINING – to consider the following training events

a)LALC - Training events schedule to 20 November 2014 - would members please contact the Clerk if they wish to attend any of the Events Minute 1586F of 4.2.14. (copy sent to members

Proposed Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and unanimously

RESOLVED:To receive the above – members to contact the Clerk for any bookings

b)Action for Market Towns - Town Funder Event on 1.4.14 in Sheffield - the day includes information of all new opportunities for local councils through the Localism Act. These opportunities are collectively known as ‘Community Rights‘ which will be explained in detail. Cost for non members £185/members £85. In view of the cost involved and support available, the Committee to consider whether Bourne Town Council should re-subscribe to this (£210 + VAT). The event has an offer of 3 for the price of 2 places

Proposed Cllr JA Smith , seconded Cllr Mrs S Cliffe andunanimously

RESOLVED:To rejoin the membership scheme and to send the Deputy Clerk to the Conference in Sheffield on 1.4.14


The Clerk reported that following advice and communication with other employers she had crossed out the sentence which was committing Bourne Town Council to pay any additional Insurance Premium if required. No other employer where she had enquired, was covering this as most insurance providers included this free of charge.

Proposed Cllr P Knowles, seconded Cllr Mrs J Smith and unanimously

RESOLVED:To RECOMMEND adoption of the revised policy and for staff and members to sign the newly adopted version


Due to there being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.57pm


Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting held on 18.03.2014