Astronomy Test Review

1.  Describe the difference between the heliocentric and geocentric models of the solar system.

2.  Describe retrograde motion and how was it explained in the geocentric model of the solar system? Who came up with this idea? Give an example of this motion.

3.  Name and describe two pieces of evidence that proves the Earth is spherical.

4.  Describe the difference between the rotation of the Earth and the Revolution of the Earth.

5.  What is Foucault’s pendulum and what does it prove about the Earth?

6.  How would Foucault’s pendulum appear to rotate:

  1. In Toronto
  2. In South Africa
  3. On the equator

7.  At noon in the following locations and dates, where in the sky would you find the sun (i.e. straight up, low in north, low in south, high in north or high in south)?

  1. December in Toronto
  2. March 21 on the equator.
  3. June 21 in Toronto
  4. June 21 at the Tropic of Capricorn.
  5. June 21 in southern Argentina (southern hemisphere)

8.  Why can we see some stars all year round, but others only during certain seasons?

9.  Draw what the moon looks like in each of the following phases:

  1. Waxing crescent
  2. Waning gibbous
  3. First quarter

10.  Why is it that we can see Jupiter, Mars and Saturn very well during some nights, but Venus and Mercury can never be seen at night?

11.  Give three pieces of evidence suggesting that Pluto was not formed with the other planets.

12.  How does the Solar Nebular Theory support the following facts:

  1. All planets revolve in the same direction
  2. All planets orbit on the same plane
  3. Inner planets have a higher density than Outer or Jovian planets.

13.  How do we know that the universe is expanding? Give 2 pieces of evidence

14.  How do Planets form?

15.  What is the Hubble Relation?

16.  What are the two forces that act on a star during its main sequence?

17.  What are the phases in the lives of:

  1. Low mass star
  2. Intermediate mass star
  3. High mass star

Hint: Table on pg 381

18.  Which is hotter, a red star or a yellow star? Why?

19.  The distance of Saturn to Earth is 1.28´109 km and its diameter is 120,500km. (1 AU = 1.5´108 km)

  1. In a scale model of the solar system (scale = 1:20,000,000) how far away from Earth would the Saturn be?
  2. In the same model, what would Saturn’s diameter be?
  3. What is the actual distance from Earth to Saturn in astronomical units?
  4. What the distance between Saturn and the Sun (in AUs)?

20.  The distance of Pluto from the sun is 39.9 AU, where 1 AU = 1.5´108 km.

  1. In a scale model of the solar system (scale = 1:4,000,000), how far away from the sun would Pluto be?

21.  The closest galaxy to the Milky Way is Andromeda, which is 2.0 ´106 Light yrs (Ly) from Earth. (1 Ly = 63,000 AU)

  1. If a probe flying at light speed traveled to Andromeda, how long would it take for the probe to make a round trip?
  2. How far away is Andromeda in AUs?

22.  Write the following out in standard notation:

  1. 3.4 x 106 km
  2. 7.9 x 1012 kg
  3. 9.2 x 10-7 m

23.  Write the following in scientific notation:

  1. 2343000 km
  2. 300 kg
  3. 0.000023 cm