Association of Professional & Technical Administrators


Wednesday November 2, 2016

12:10 – 1:30


Tony McMillen: President Lori Zamyslicky: Secretary

Mary DeLorme: Past President Jeannine Stewart: Treasurer, absent

Scott Barclay: Vice-President Sara Morris: Psychologist Representative

Nancy Mastroiani: Pro-Tech Representative

Other: Jordan Howell: Insurance

Negotiations team: Shannon Colon, Susan Marting and Ron Dreher (chief negotiator)

  1. Minutes – Discussion/ Approval- November 2nd minutes-motion carried and approved. Sara Morris and Mary DeLorme seconded. Motioned and carried.
  1. Treasure’s Report –
  1. Jordan Howell Insurance Representative gave a report. Both Psychologists and Pro-techs have had meetings on the new changes.Insurance will continue to meet monthly. The use of urgent care needs to be better defined.
  2. For the Superintendent's Advisor Meeting: no meeting
  3. Increase in APTA dues was discussed. Since the original dues amount of $25.00 is in the by-laws we will not need to amend the by-laws. The board should send out a notice to members as to a reason for the cost, when it would be affective. We should let the members discuss this at our next general membership meeting.
  1. Sick Leave Bank: Mary has spoke with the prinicipals about meeting to discuss sick leave bank. We discussed that a maximum use of 75 days per year per incident with a maximum of 225 days be granted in any given school year. Mary motioned for this to be approved, Sara second. Passed.
  1. We are still not sure exactly how to figure the sick leave bank funding. We will need to look at our contract and discuss this issue with human resources. Board feels more days need to be added to the bank.

Mary has spoke to the principal group about a meeting.

  1. No update on by-laws.
  1. It was decided that we need to better define committees those which will be standing or developed as needed.
  1. Negotiations: We are at an impasse. Ron Dreher and the negotiation team presented where we are at right now in negotiations. It was decided that a general membership meeting needs to happen ASAP to present this information. November 21st at 4:00 was decided upon for the meeting since Ron is able to attend at Matley Lane.
  2. Still an open item members not receiving their proper step increase. This issue will need to be further discussed.
  1. Old Business: The need to create some type of cloud to store APTA documents was discussed. Tony would let us know what he found out.
  1. Sara Morris discussed the Winter Social and will come back to the board with places and dates.

Meeting adjourned at 1:30 pm.