Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting held on Friday 3rd July in Committee Room 3 at the Guildhall, City of London Corporation.

In attendance:
John Couch (Chairman)
Sam Merison (Vice Chair)LB Richmond
Christine Fitzgerald (Secretary)TfL
Liz Brooker (P and CO)LB Lewisham
Elaine Beadle (Treasurer)LB Bromley

Carol Walker (Administrator)
Su GuyLB Barnet
Christine TameLB Barnet
Alison BennettLB Brent
Steve HandsLB Camden
Elaine BeckettLB Hackney

Fatima AhmedLB Hounslow
Patrick LongRB Kingston upon Thames
Assia KarimLB Newham
Peter WilsonCity of Westminster
Emma NortonCity of London
Insp. Dave OsborneMPS
Sgt. Steve NorrisMPS
Paul JeffreyLAS

Ross ButcherTfL

    Apologies were received from Graham Curtis, Charmaine Jacques, Elaine Keeler, Tracy Porter, Neil Simpson, Viv Harris, Susan Martin, Penny Taberman, Val Springer, Sharon Harrington, Alex Kidd, Sara Finn, Katie Telkman, Raj Shukla, Jeffrey Sarpong, Elaine Keeler, Mark Bunting, Ben Changa, Debbie Huckle, Carla Lowe and Sharon Biggs (LFB)
    There was a minutes silence called by the Chairman in memory of those killed in the terrorist attack in Tunisia.
  2. NOTIFICATION OF AOB. 2 items of AOB notified
    Sgt Steve Norris from the Police Driving Standards Unit has been the MPS advisor on drugs for the last 18 months. Steve gave a brief history and overview of the current legislation and recent changes. He spoke about the “Unfit” offence Section 4 RTA driving/attempt to drive a mechanically propelled vehicle on a road/public place whilst unfit through alcohol and /or drugs. He spoke about the new offence Section 5A covering drugs driving/attempt to drive whilst over the prescribed drug limit. The limits are based on the risk rather than actual impairment as Section 4 already covers this. Steve gave details of the two devices currently approved for the detection of drugs. The Dräger Test which is a large portable unit and tests saliva for a number of drugs. The MPS have 3 at the moment. They also use the Drug Wipe in the form of a stick costing £22.50 each which detects cannabis and cocaine use. There is an option to take blood between 35 and 40 but no option if the reading is 40-50 where they can go straight to charging the individual. Steve gave some stats. So far with the Drug Wipe the MPS have carried out 332 tests with 179 negative and 145 positive. The hit rate is good as a Fit assessment is made before the test to minimise expense. The MPS has approx. 250 FIT trained officers and only those can use the devices. Scotland has recently lowered the Drink Drive limits.
    John Couch asked if the MPS can take any action on pedestrians/cyclists. Steve said these are not subject to the limits. It must be a mechanically propelled vehicle.
    Christine asked if there was any plan to increase the number of FIT trained officers. Steve said this is a 4 day ACPO training course and cannot be cascaded and he is not sure how this could be funded. Officers prefer to use the Drugwipe rather than the Dräger. Christine asked if Boroughs had the opportunity to fund local officers training and the purchase of a Dräger could there be any objection from the MPS. Steve said he does not see this as a problem. There are already some FIT trained officers in Boroughs. Liz suggested that maybe 2 or 3 boroughs could undertake a pilot programme.
    Elaine Beckett suggested that there should be some link with the Construction industry. If a driver turns up for work impaired they are sent away to “drive” off. Insp. Osborne said he will take that suggestion forward and speak to the CVU team.
    Elaine Beadle brought members attention to the Know Drugs app, a free parent guide produced by Liam Watson. Carol will cascade out details.
    John said that as a group we should be looking at how to encourage an increase in the number of FIT officers and to widen the trial of testing. Steve said that the FIT officers would prefer to use the Drug Wipe rather than the Dräger. The Drug Wipes come in packs of 25 and there may be Boroughs who can fund and work together on a wider trial.
    Emma Norton asked if the City Police are involved. Steve said he is unaware of what they are doing and it might be worth finding out. Manchester Police are the only ones not taking part.
    This will be on the Agenda for October for more discussion.
    Ross Butcher, TfL gave a presentation on Teen packs being developed by TfL. He spoke about previous initiatives and the need to bring messages directly into schools. The plan is to produce a teen road safety resource and send to all non-YTA secondary schools. The resource will include copies of the tortoise and hare poster, a letter to explain the campaign, a USB with resources to include lesson and assembly plans and instructions (to be developed by Ten Alps) and a campaign toolkit. The content to be shared with a working group of RSOs and there will be liaison with the Boroughs during August and September to create a distribution plan. Ross spoke about YTA delivery. In 2013/14 the YTA team worked with 60 YTA schools to deliver road safety during road safety week. There are at present 150-160 schools enrolled in the YTA programme for the next academic year. Road safety delivery will take place in 80-90 YTA schools. This involves resource packs for pupils including off the shelf presentation slides, posters, social media support and monitoring and feedback forms. There will also be a Social media competition with the Road Safety Pledge and using Twitter and Instagram.
    Elaine Beadle suggested delivering through school fairs. She had been to one recently where young JTAs had a stall and were promoting road safety.
    Paul Jeffrey (LAS) spoke about Junior Citizens and having worked with teams in different Boroughs he had notice some inconsistencies. He suggested producing a Toolkit. It was suggested having a presentation from a Borough which has a good Junior Citizen programme. Sam Merison (Richmond) will give a short presentation at the next meeting on LB Richmond’s programme.
    Elaine Beckett said that in Hackney they have to change their road safety delivery depending on the stats and they use video footage of the locality.
    Emma Norton asked about follow up as she is concerned that the packs will be sent to schools that do not use them. Ross said that he is still looking at how to monitor the usage. Liz, who was in the working group said that this had been discussed and it was important to send the packs out the best way possible which is why the RSOs will be involved in decisions on how to circulate.
    Sam Merison said that RSOs should see this as a gift from TfL and should make good use of it.
    Su Guy suggested an article in the TES.
    Christine suggested linking up with the MPS Intranet as some do deliver road safety in schools
    The Chairman thanked Ross and it was agreed to invite him back to report on progress at the October meeting.
    Emma Norton queried a paragraph from her presentation which should read as follows:
    “Graham asked what the standard check test was previously. Emma said that the ‘Check Test’ had the option of the Examiner providing a role play lesson if you didn’t have a pupil this option is now not available under the new ‘Standard Check’. The ADI must bring a pupil to carry out a lesson and a grading is given. The DVSA have decided to look very seriously at the way a lesson is conducted in accordance with Client Centred Learning and Risk Management. An ADI is licenced/registered every 4 years which cost the ADI £300, included in this fee is a standard check. Graham said that Lewisham had used the RATED scheme and the ADI attitude was poor but it was evident that they were concerned about the new standard checks.”
    With this correction the minutes were confirmed as an accurate record and were duly signed,
    There were no matters arising.
    Elaine Beadle reported that to date there is £13,478.08 in available funds. There has been income of £475 since the previous report and expenditure of £3212.37 which includes the payment to Liam Watson for the Drug Driving Awareness Day of £2106. RSGB London are still awaiting some payments from Boroughs for the Drug Driving Awareness Day.
    Liz Brooker reported that she attended an all-party working group on alcohol and it was interesting to note that since Scotland have reduced their drink/drive limits not only had there been a drop in drink driving offences but that there had also been a drop in domestic violence reports. Liz also reported on her interview with Nick Ferrari on LBC following the incident of the cyclist’s camera recording a driver eating a bowl of cereal in a car. The Producer has Liz’s contact details so may be in touch for more input on road safety issues.
    Carol reported that there are still 4 Boroughs who have not paid for their delegates to attend the Drug Driving Awareness Day. This is despite Carol chasing on numerous occasions for payment. These are Westminster, Haringey, Havering and Tower Hamlets. Christine will be speaking to them and red invoices will be issued. Members were dismayed to hear that these Boroughs had sent delegates to the Awareness Day not having paid for them to attend.
    Peter Wilson had attended this meeting as the representative from London. His notes were circulated with the papers. Peter pointed out that the DfT will not be targeting Motorcycling or cycling until they had evaluation what has already been done. DfT have a campaign on Rural Roads in September. Elaine Beckett mentioned that Harry Tipple from LB Hackney will be moving to Abu Dhabi (Item 4.3) attending the international event on child car seat fitting and there will be a vacancy at LB Hackney.
    Carol gave an update of lack of Subscription payments for 2015. Members were urged to organise POs so that Theresa can invoice.
    Christine made a report as follows:


The MST will be at Brands Hatch BSB 17 -19 July promoting BSL.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) competition has finished and unfortunately no winners were awarded as the designs did not meet the brief criteria.

TfL are working with the LFB to pilot Biker Down which aims to raise the awareness amongst riders should they come across a PTW collision. First session was held on Saturday 27 June, more being planned.

New PTW interventions are being scoped currently and it is planned to update at the next RSGB London meeting

Pre-School The Children’s Traffic Club

The Children’s Traffic Club

A new be-spoke Children’s Traffic Club London is being designed to go live in September 15. Boroughs will be invited to a ‘showcase’ of the new Club nearer the launch date. The annual report is just being finalised and will be emailed out within the next week.

Walk About, Talk About (WATA)

WATA is a new pedestrian safety resource for parent/carers. It shows short clips of film outlining how to cross the road, safer crossing places, walking to school and journey planning. The resource is in DVD format and will also be available online at TfL. Boroughs will be sent some copies during July as well as the online link.

Young Drivers

Safe Drive, Stay Alive (SDSA) grant approvals have been sent, please review and TfL encourage the funded boroughs to follow the criteria to enable funding.

TfL are working with Cranfield University to find out more about young driver interventions worldwide and how these may be suitable for London. There will be an update at the next RSGB London meeting.


The current cluster of six road safety marketing campaigns will all be running this summer:

  • Share the Road (TV, cinema, video on demand, social media)
  • Motorists ‘77% of all collisions occur at junctions’ (posters and radio)
  • Young Car Drivers (cinema, video on demand, social media)
  • Cycle Safety Tips (posters, radio, press, social media)
  • Teens (cinema, video on demand, posters and social media)
  • P2W riders (cinema, video on demand, radio).

A new HGV/Cycle safety ad is in development for launch next month, highlighting the risk of cyclists undertaking HGVs at junctions. This will be a print (posters) only campaign.

A new road safety marketing campaign is in development for launch this autumn (actual date tbc), focusing on the most common causes of road danger; Travelling too fast (for the road condition), drink/drugs, distraction (i.e. mobile phones), risky manoeuvres (i.e. pulling out at junctions) and non-compliance (i.e. jumping red lights). More detailed info on this for the next Road Safety GB London meeting.

Active Travel

A new Get Cycling resource for Nursery and KS1 (pilot) has been sent to London boroughs. The Education and Training team will obtain feedback from schools to ensure this resource is useful for teachers and schools. – A full resource will be planned for later in the year.

The 2014/15 STARS application is now closed. Over 1400 schools are expected to gain or maintain bronze, silver or gold accreditation this year.

There is an annual update published for last year’s Delivery Plan for Schools and Young People. It highlights areas of success in the last year around our work with young people as well as some of our plans going forward. This is available on the website at


TfL are looking to work with some Universities to pilot cycling interventions. They are keen to work with Unis that have high number of students and that have limited access to public transport links. If you feel you have Unis that would be interested, please contact Laura Dyett at
There was a discussion on Biker Down and the issue of helmet removal following an accident. Peter Jeffrey LAS said that he can provide the Paramedic contact. Liz said that she has been in contact with Zoe. It was suggested having a Bikesafe link and on the RSGB London Facebook page.
Emma Norton asked about sharing the road initiatives to get the message out to Pedestrians. Christine suggested that this should be put in for Lips funding from TfL and that the pedestrian issue was a difficult one.
Elaine Beadle said that as there had been role changes at TfL it would be helpful if RSOs had an up to date list of who does what. Christine will look into providing an Organisational chart with role/remits.
Peter Wilson asked if there is an opportunity to fund road safety to Universities. Christine said that there is a budget for this and to contact

    John Couch reported thatthe last meeting of the Steering Group was in May and was very low key. He noted that PACTS have issued a national data analysis online.
    Insp. Dave Osborne gave a report, which had been circulated, on Operation Safeway outcomes. A lot of work had been undertaken looking at the effectiveness of Operation Safeway and the recommendations are that it will continue and will be a joint operation supported by RTPC and TfL. There will be a 3 pronged approached. Every “fatal” with have a mini Safeway operation as community reassurance: Every spike in fatalities will have 2 weeks of Safeway activity and the last approach will be data driven with more flexibility in allocating of Safeway locations. There is Borough data available on where Operation Safeway has taken place. RSOs should contact Insp. Dave Osborne direct for this information.
    Ann Grant has sent the June 2015 minutes for members to see. Some members had not received notification of this meeting and it was suggested that Ann may not have an up to date list. Carol to contact Ann to help update her list.
  2. AOB
    Liz Brooker spoke about 2 wheel London which was launched on 19 June (funded by a number of Boroughs) under the RSGB London banner as it is as London wide initiative. It is an extension of Right Gear campaign and also incorporating cycling. Contact Liz for more information.
    Peter Wilson had met with Mike Esbester recently and suggested asking him to do a presentation. He talks about the history of road safety education, whether it can be evaluated and the political agenda. It was agreed that Carol should invite him to the October meeting.
  3. Date and venue of next Quarterly
    Next meeting of the London Region (Quarterly) will be on Friday 16th October 2015 in Committee Room 4 at the Guildhall.