SEPTEMBER 20, 2012 9:00 AM
Call to Order: President Ricky Byrd called the General Meeting to order at 8;55 AM. He asked for a moment of silence for our POA/MIAS
Prayer: Opening prayer was conducted by Jimi Sowell.
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Eric Truesdale.
MINUTES: The minutes for the General Meeting held on September 15, 2011 were presented by Secretary Sharon Sanders. She reported that the Minutes were posted on the Website and copies would not be provided. Everyone was given a chance to read the minutes. President Byrd asked for a motion to approve the Minutes. The motion was made by Larry Townsend, Lumbee Tribe and seconded by Sandra Grissom, Vance County. The motion passed unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Teresa Ball presented a written report dated April 1, 2012 to August 31, 2012. The Balance forward was $40,895.22. Receipts totaling $5828.00 (Memberships, Registration, Guest fees) and $2040.00 (Scholarship auction and donations) were added to have total revenues of $48,763.22. Total disbursements were $3,975.58 with an ending balance of $44,787.64. There are 35 paid county memberships with 69 members. Teresa reported that one scholarship from Gaskins County has not been paid. Teresa reported that a large number of counties have not paid dues. She reminded the membership that dues were due in July and could be paid any time. She announced that we had 78 members in attendance which was the largest attendance of record. Ricky Byrd asked for a motion to approve the report. The motion was made by Ann Knowles, Sampson County, and seconded by Milton Parker, Bertie County. The motion passed unopposed.
There is no Unfinished Business.
Education: Eric reported that the Training schedule has a small problem on Wednesday, but we recovered. We have Prosthetics, TBI, and Mr. Wipperman today.. On Friday morning we will have the Town Hall with the VA representatives. He asked that all questions for the Town Hall be given to him by Thursday night. He reported that the committee is looking at SMC. Katrina Eagles for Appeals, Ischemic Heart Disease, MS. and Fiduciary. The committee tries to plan ahead because it is often difficult to get presenters. Certificates will be given out on Friday morning.
Website: Eric Truesdale reported that the Minutes are posted on the Website. Any PowerPoint presentations he gets ahead of time will be posted. The ones that he gets at the conference will be posted. He gets calls from members who have lost their passwords. He gives simple passwords that can be changed. The Website address is Go to the Website and register. He will get an e-mail to verify that the person registering is eligible to be on the page. He reminded everyone to check the Website.
Budget & Finance: Teresa Ball stated there was No Report.
Conference: Teresa Ball addressed the fact that there had been some problems with rooms. She asked the membership to please let her know of any problems. She reminded the Association that the Banquet would be at 6:00 p.m. The next Conference will be held at Atlantic Beach at the Clam Digger. The dates are April 16-April 19. The room rates are $65.00 plus 11.75% tax for a total of $72.64. The next Fall Conference will be Sept 17-Sept 20. The room rates at the Crown Plaza will increase to $92.00 plus tax for a total of $102.81. Teresa reported that the Education Committee had gone on a tour of the Village Inn in Clemmons. The Inn has been completely remodeled since we were there in 2008. The room rates there will be $63.90 plus 11.75% tax for a total of $71.41 per night. Teresa asked for a vote on who would like to come back to Hickory and who would like to go to Clemmons. The Association voted to have the Conference in Clemmons.
Scholarship: Ann Knowles reported that her Committee met to decide the best way to choose the recipients. She asked that each county be sure to denote the county on the front of the application. She asked that members speak to the school counselors because many people do not know about this scholarship. Give both applications to all veterans. Please get the applications turned in as soon as possible. If you get one by March 1st, it can be submitted because that is the deadline in the Procedures. She thanked the members for participating in the Auction. She asked the members to bring a gift that represents their county and a gift that they would like to buy. She thanks Ricky for his hard work at the Auctions.
NACVSO: Ann Knowles reported that we have a new NSD, Stacy Default. Her e-mail is . She has just taken over and has asked if you have a problem that you e-mail her. She will get back to you as soon as possible. Please remember that she is also a VSO and she has no control over General Council. She reported that the next NACVSO Training will be in Reno June 1-June 7, 2013. The room rate is $69.00 Sun.-Thurs. and $85.00 Fri-Sat. classes start on Monday a.m. The test is on Thursday. In 2014, the Conference will be held in Grand Rapids, MI. The dates are early June. NACVSO would like to return to North Carolina. Ann reported that NACVSO allows her to be a representative in DC quarterly. She will attend a meeting on Oct 10th to discuss electronic filing for CVSOs and VSOs. She will be giving a report on her return.
Historian: Ann reported that she was given this job because she was the senior. She reported that she had the books up to date and she ask Ricky to appoint a new Chairman.
LEGISLATION: Ann Knowles reported that things were bad in Raleigh. There is a bill HR 5928 that would allow us access to VA records without a POA. She asked the membership to contact their representatives to ask them to support this bill.
HOSPITALITY: Bob Ogle reported that there were some drinks left from last night. He reported that it was Ricky and Mike Ayers birthday.
He invited the Membership to come to the Hospitality Room after the meeting to have cake. He asked the Membership to let him know if there was anything they wanted to Hospitality.
CHAPLAIN: Gary Raiford was absent. Ricky Byrd reported that there was an outstanding Prayer Breakfast on Thursday morning. He thanked Jimi Sowell for stepping in and filling in for Gary. Jimi agreed with Ricky that it was a special morning and stated he wished more would attend.
MEMBERSHIP: Connie Phelps reported that she had only been notified of one new member. She did not bring gift bags for new members that were at the meeting because she had not been sent the information. She will send the gifts to the new members. She once again asked that the VSOs notify her when they, but asked the members to please contact her when a new member is hired.
New Members:
Tammy Crawford Alamance County
Randy Smith Hoke County
Sheila Setzer Jackson County
Maurice Halstead Warren County
NOMINATIONS: Daren Graves stated that the Nominations Committee had no report. He stated that new officers would be elected at the next conference. He asked the Membership to let him know if they were interested in serving. He reported that the Organization would love to have “new blood” in leadership rolls.
WOMEN VETERANS: Brenda Dubose had No Report.
VISN 6: No Report, but President Byrd announced that Jim Prosser has volunteered to chair the Committee.
NEWSLETTER: Douggy Johnson was absent No Report. President Byrd asked for a volunteer to become the new Newsletter Editor.
25th ANNIVERSARY: Ann Knowles asked the membership to come with gratitude for where the organization started and where we are today. There will be surprises.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Ricky Byrd told the membership that it takes the Membership to make the Association successful. The Organization is looking forward and wants NCACVSO moving forward. He thanked everyone for all the support he has received He stated that we are a family and we need to help each other like family.
BYLAWS and POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: Larry Townsend reported that in January 2013, a new Constitution and Bylaws will be published to be voted on at the next conference. It will be posted on the Webpage. Larry called for the Board to meet following the meeting for clarification of a matter.
President Byrd called for a motion to accept the Committee Reports. A motion was made by Elaine Howle, Rowan County and seconded by Kathy Hutchens, Caldwell. It passed unanimously.
President Byrd asked if there was any New Business to be brought to the floor. There was none. He asked Eric Truesdale to return to the podium for any announcements.
Eric Truesdale announced that the Training would begin at 10:45 a.m. He reminded the membership to get him the questions for The Town Hall on Friday.
President Byrd asked for a motion to adjourn. The motion was made by Larry Townsend, Lumbee Tribe and seconded by Sharon Sanders, Cumberland County. The motion passed unanimously.
Jimi Sowell closed the meeting with prayer.
President Byrd closed the meeting at 10:00 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon S. Sanders, Secretary NCACVSO