Group members: Please copy & distribute amongst your ‘team’:



·  Come along to hear some top-class speakers (we've heard them .. they're really good!!) ..... guaranteed to give you good ideas and strategies!

·  Come and spread your circle of friends in the Languages World, put faces to names and share some good ideas with them ‘in the flesh’!

Following the highly successful ‘January Event’ which attracted over 120 enthusiasts ...

You are invited to

/ The ALL London June Event /


Saturday June 16th 2007 9.30 –1.00

to be held at

The Italian Cultural Institute

Istituto Italiano di Cultura, 39 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8NX tel. 020 7396 4409

Tube: Hyde Park Corner (Piccadilly line) – approx 10 minute walk; Train: Victoria

£25 – non-members, £15 – group members, £10 – members / associate members

(or people who join on the day),

Provisional Outline Programme:

9.30 / Registration & tea/coffee and biscuits** – the committee will be there to welcome you!
10.00 – 10.15 / Plenary– Helen Myers, Chair of ALL London. Welcome & Introductions.
10. 20 – 11.10 / Session 1 A choice from 2 sessions: (A) Lead Practitioner Lesley Welsh shares some of her 'wicked' ideas for keeping them all on board OR (B) Presentation and Question Time from practitioners who have successfully used 'alternative accreditations'
11.10 – 11. 50 / Comfort break / top-up of coffee** / chance to ‘network’ / view info sent from corporate members including a CILT stand
11.50 -12.40 / Session 2 A choice from 2 sessions: (A) Lead Practitioner Lesley Welsh (repeat) OR (B) Primary/Transition Languages with Helen Groothues, CILT Primary Team
12.40 / Round-up –Branch notices / ALL events / issue of INSET certificates
1.00 / (Optional!) Meet up at Café to continue relaxed networking! (Book and pay for buffet in advance)
2.00- 3.00 / Optional + free! – ALL Annual Members' Meeting – a chance to express your views and make a difference!

** Refreshments during the morning included in the price


As coffee and biscuits will be provided at the start and break we need to know how many people are intending to attend. There are 140 places, and pre-paid booking will guarantee you a place. Preferably, please send in the application form below to Alison Owen, along with payment by Friday 25th May to secure you a definite place; otherwise send an email with the information to her, but be aware that you will only get a place after those who have paid in advance. We will publish numbers attending on the home page of the website so that you know how full we are getting!

PLEASE NOTE: To cut down costs and administration time, we won’t send confirmation unless you particularly ask for it... assume you have a place if you have paid unless you hear otherwise!

If you need any more information please ask. Thanks.

Application Form
To: Mrs Alison Owen, The Ashcombe School, Ashcombe Road, Dorking RH4 1LY
OR, if no time to send form, email info to her:
London ALL June Event ; Saturday 16th June, 9.30 – 1 pm Italian Institute
Work Telephone Number
Home Address
Home Telephone Number

·  £25 – non-members, £15 – group members, £10 – members/associate members (or people who join on the day will have money refunded if they have paid the non-member rate in advance)

·  £5 extra for pre-booking buffet lunch (this is important to allow the Institute to cater at this rate)

*Please delete as appropriate.

I enclose cheque (payable to ALL-LRB) to the value of £______as payment for (No.)______persons as listed below (BLOCK CAPITALS please):

Name ______Associate/Member/Group / Non-Member / with lunch /no lunch

Preferred Sessions (put in order 1/2/3) : Lesley Welsh ______Helen Groothues ______Alternative accreditation ______

Name ______Associate/Member/Group / Non-Member / with lunch /no lunch

Preferred Sessions (put in order 1/2/3) : Lesley Welsh ______Helen Groothues ______Alternative accreditation ______

Name ______Associate/Member/Group / Non-Member / with lunch /no lunch

Preferred Sessions (put in order 1/2/3) : Lesley Welsh ______Helen Groothues ______Alternative accreditation ______

Please attach details of any issues which you would like us to raise with the national committee on your behalf.