Associated Students / Student Union Committee

July 14-15, 2010

Hyatt Hotel, Garden Room III, Newport Beach

Meeting Overview:

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

For those that live in the Southern California area, or for those coming in on Tuesday, we are having a reception at the Chancellor’s office in Long Beach hosted by CSSA from 5:00 – 6:30 pm. This is a great opportunity to see where things happen in CSSA as well as the Chancellor’s office. Please log onto the Chancellor’s office website for directions at: – link is at the bottom of the page.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

10:00 AM AS/SU Committee Business Meeting (See attached separate agenda)

12:00 PM Working Lunch (Provided)

1:00 -4:00 PM Confusion to Clarity: How to Prioritize Scarce Resources

(Workshop presented by Pat Lynch of Business Alignment Strategies)

Pre-Workshop worksheet, information, and survey attached. Please review the information sent previously, complete the worksheet to bring with you, review the video of Dr. Robinson, and complete the survey prior to the meeting.

The objectives of the workshop are to enable participants to:

1. Identify clearly and specifically how their auxiliary units support the mission of

their respective campuses. This will allow them to justify their decisions and

demonstrate the value they provide to the university.

2. Make informed and effective decisions about setting priorities and allocating

scarce resources.

To achieve these objectives, the workshop will address topics such as how to align the auxiliary unit’s priorities with the university’s mission, allocate scarce resources, address the human side of setting priorities, and use appropriate decision-making and prioritization tools. There will be time for break-out groups to practice what they have learned, using “real” issues that they face on their respective campuses.

6:00 PM Group Dinner at local restaurant – 3Thirty3 (

Reservation is for 6:30. Dinner is no host and checks will be arranged in groups of 4. Located approximately one to one and a half miles from hotel on the Newport Marina.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

8:30 AM Questions from Colleagues – Roundtable Discussion (breakfast provided)

If you have a question or a topic you’d like to discuss with the group…this is the time!

-  Bring your topics and questions for the group. What do YOU want to know?

10:30 AM Operational Assessments

Presented by Brailsford & Dunlavey

Program Abstract:

How are you leading your team through short-term economic challenges while planning

for long-term growth? Your organization is complex with extensive physical and

financial resource commitments. Keeping everything streamlined while

strategically positioning for success requires comprehensive planning and keen

leadership. Specific metrics for measuring areas of performance for your organization.

Learning Outcomes:

·  Understand the importance of comprehensive planning, particularly in light of

increasing institutional expectations, aging facilities, and shrinking operating


·  Recognize best practice planning methodologies that address how to establish

priorities, project future needs, optimize financial and physical resources, deliver

efficient and effective services, and demonstrate how your organization is

internally assessing elements of its performance.

·  Assessment criteria to measure outcomes and determine planning successes.

·  Identify resources that attendees may use to assist them with planning activities

on their own campuses.

12:00 Noon Adjourn (lunch on your own)

Associated Students / Student Union Committee

Business Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hyatt, Newport Beach, Garden Room III

10:00 AM

I. Welcome and Call to Order

II. Introductions

III. Approval of Agenda

IV. Approval Minutes of Prior Meeting

V. Reports

A. AOA President’s Report– Dave Edwards, President

B. CSSA – Miles Nevin, Executive Director

C. Legislative Update – Robert Griffin

VI. New Business

A.  AOA-CSSA Liaison

B.  AS/SU Committee Operating Guidelines

C.  2011 Committee Vice Chair

D.  AOA Directory Update

VII. Old Business

IX. Announcements

X. Adjournment

Draft Version: March 2010

Auxiliary Organizations Association

Associated Students/Student Unions Standing Committee

Operating Guidelines


The Associated Students/Student Unions Standing Committee of AOA is established to provide a structured forum to inform, develop, support and represent the particular needs and interests of the professional staff of AS and Student Union organizations often functioning as student-directed auxiliaries on the campuses of the California State University.

Mission Achievement

The Committee’s primary resource to achieve its mission is communication. To that end, the committee will seek to develop an open dialogue, programs and services that allows for the exchange of ideas, the development of system-wide strategy and the education and empowerment of its members.


All professional staff employed at Associated Students and Student Unions throughout the CSU system are actively encouraged to participate in the scheduled meetings, as well as other allied professionals involved in the issues and operations of AS and Student Union organizations. However at its core the Committee shall consist of the professional directors of Associated Students and Student Union auxiliaries throughout the campuses of the CSU, or their assigned designees. Campuses having a combined AS/Student Union auxiliary will be asked to designate two members to the Committee’s core; one to represent the AS and one to represent the Union. It is highly recommended that the Executive Director of the California State Student Association (CSSA) along with the AOA Executive Committee liaisons from CABO and Student Affairs be formally included in the Committee’s core.

A Committee Chair and Chair-elect (in service as Vice-Chair) shall be affirmed by the Committee core for a one-year term coinciding with the annual seating of the President of AOA. The Committee shall also include one or more designated members of the AOA Executive Committee who with the Chair shall serve as liaisons to the Executive Committee throughout the year.

CSSA Liaison

Each year during the Committee’s spring/summer meeting, a Committee member shall be selected to serve as a liaison to the California State Student Association (CSSA). This individual will communicate regularly with the CSSA Executive Director to provide an AS/SU management perspective on policies, legislation, CSU Executive Orders, and other matters coming before the CSSA Board of Directors. The CSSA Liaison will attend the monthly CSSA meetings whenever feasible and provide reports of the meetings’ outcomes to the Chair.

Role of the Chair

1. Call for agenda items, publish agenda, coordinate and conduct committee meetings.

2. Represent the AS/SU Committee on the AOA Executive Committee.

3. Work with Vice Chair to establish annual budget for the Committee.

4. Encourage membership on the committee and attendance at the meetings.

5. Prepare and present an annual report to the AOA Executive Committee and membership.

6. Establish sub-committees to accomplish specific objectives.

7. Maintain history binder and share resources with members as needed.

Role of the Vice Chair

1. Serve as Chair of the Committee in the absence of the Chair.

2. Assist Chair in Committee operation as needed.

3. Coordinate with the Chair the call in early fall for nominations for Vice Chair and other nominations as needed.

4. Serve as Chair of the Committee upon expired term of Chair.

5. Maintain and update membership roster for AS/SU Committee.

Role of Committee Recorder/Secretary

1. Be appointed by the newly seated Chair from within all active Committee members and affirmed by the core membership.

2. Take minutes of each meeting and disseminate to membership for review.


The Chair is responsible for facilitating scheduled meetings and maintaining communication among members throughout the year. The Committee shall gather at minimum twice annually, usually occurring at the Annual Conference and mid-summer. These meetings should, whenever possible, alternate between northern and southern California. Additional programs, workshops, or web-meetings are encouraged in Spring and Fall scheduled with a consensus of membership.


Committee direction is provided through consensus; as such there are no outlined formal voting procedures. Proposed amendments to these Operating Guidelines shall be submitted to the AOA Executive Committee for final approval.

Submitted to AOA Executive Committee for Review and Approval 3/19/10

Pre Workshop Material:

Pre-work for Presentation: From Confusion to Clarity: How to Prioritize Scarce Resources

1. Read the e-booklet From Confusion to Clarity: How to Prioritize Scarce Resources. This is available as a .pdf document

2. Apply the template provided in chapter 2 of From Confusion to Clarity to your own work unit. Please bring your responses with you to the workshop.

A. The mission in step 1 should be your university’s mission. State it as clearly

and concisely as possible. For example, the CSUN mission statement essentially

is to help students achieve their educational goals.

B. Be as specific as possible in listing the services your function provides. For

example, a student union might provide food services, entertainment, and meeting


C. In step 3, keep in mind that there will be few, if any, critical services.

Remember that your reference point is the university’s mission.

3. By June 30th, please complete the brief survey available at It should take you about 10 minutes to complete the 7-item survey. The information you provide will help me customize the workshop to fit your group’s specific needs.

4. Listen to the 35-minute interview with Doug Robinson, Vice President of Student Services at CSULB, as he discusses how to allocate scarce resources in a university setting: (you will need to scroll about 2/3 of the way down the page).

If you have questions or concerns about this pre-work, please contact Pat Lynch by e-mail at or by phone at (562) 985-0333.

Thank you! I look forward to meeting you in July!

Hyatt Regency Newport Beach


AOA AS/Student Union Committee

January 12-13, 2010


Sheraton Grand Hotel, Sacramento

January 12

8:00 a.m. Joint AOA Committee Session for members of the RAC, HR, AS/SU and Executive Committees

Panel presentation on:

·  Records Access Policies

·  Transparency Policies

·  Proactive SB 218 Prevention Measures

·  Standards of Conduct and Commitment

The plan is to broadcast the joint session by Webinar – Sponsored by Alliant Insurance Services

12:00 p.m. Lunch (provided)

1:30 p.m. Panel Discussion: Economic/Enrollment Factors impacting Budgets

Panel Discussion: Dan Cornthwaite, Facilitator-

Panel Members: Dave Edwards, Debra Hammond, Cora Culla, Christina Bowman

Dan led the panel discussion, introduced the panel members and discussed the impact of the budget problems facing 2010 as being “one of the darkest years financially.” He asked each panel member to briefly discuss the following topics and how the budget cuts are affecting their respective campus; including enrollment reductions, caps, budget reductions and approach, layoffs/furloughs, services offered and possible eliminations, impact on capital projects and bond financing.

Dave Edwards (Long Beach): 450k cut previous year, coming year proposed 1 million dollar cut to AS/Student Union operations. Vendors are suffering as a result of the economy and commercial operations are reported to be down anywhere from 15-36%. LB AS/SU employees did not participate in the furloughs as the budget was already approved, however, the employees are participating in voluntary retirements, reduction in hours and time. LB is opening their wellness center in which some of the existing staff will move to that side of the house instead of hiring new staff. They have decided to not fulfill some open positions to help save the budget and they have ramped up their marketing efforts for the Union and commercial/vendor shops. Richard Haller explained that they have scaled back money provided to the campus due to the cuts.

Debra Hammond (Northridge): Went out for bid in July for their new Recreation Center. 62 million total budget, saved over 8 million, paid more in down payment to reduce the annual bond payment by almost 500k. Mandated enrollment reduction of 2k students this year and expected 3,800 reduction in students for this year reducing the number of students from 36,000 to just over 30,000. Summer school went to Extended Learning, receiving a % of expected student fees from Extended Learning. SU lost 1.3 million due to enrollment fees out of a 7.5 million budget, totaling a 23% loss in funds. Based some cuts on assessment of services, i.e. shut down computer labs on weekends, opted to not increase operating hours, no raises for staff or student assistants. Northridge as a campus closed for 14 days and SU participated in 12 out of the 14 days, staff were able to use vacation/cto time. Did not layoff employees this fiscal year but have identified those positions for the upcoming year. Decided not to hire a vacant position and Debra discussed the importance of communicating to the campus as a whole when budget planning and to ensure the campus is not looking at auxillary funding assistance for the general fund. They have implemented time allocation studies aimed to improve the quality of performance for employees.

Cora Culla (Pomona): 30 million budget cut to campus, 9.5% reduction in enrollment, all state supported summer programs were move to Extended University, but were able to still collect fees. Did not participate in the furloughs and increased marketing approach for being open on the furlough closures. Campus wide, some positions were eliminated and other open positions have not been filled. Campus programs have been downsized, i.e. Pizza with the President is now a Brown Bag event and other traditional campus events have been cut. Over 100k reduction in ASi budget that was offset by the money in reserves. The Student Union adopted a 3 tiered approach to cuts with staff reductions being last and program cuts being second to last. Held student leader retreat on campus vs. off campus to save money and have eliminated out of state travel. Tenant space has decreased with 1 moving out and a possible second on their way and now trying to advertise and promote to increase tenant occupancy. The mood of the students is grim and have noticed a reduction in involvement from students who feel as though they are receiving less but paying more. Lack of information has led to anxiety with staff and have made a point to keep all informed. “Super Seniors” are being looked at closely to complete their education and move on. ASi has seen an increase in funding requests and increased interest to collaborate with ASi.

Christina Bowman (San Diego): Facing 10% enrollment reduction next year from 33K to 30K FTE. Took 3% cut from 09/10 budget and facing 7% cut in range of 1.2 million out of 23 million operating budget for 10/11. Did not fill vacant positions instead tapped into reserves to eliminate cuts for students. Did not layoff any FT positions however raises have been placed on hold for 3rd year in a row but kept raises in place for students. Recommended the McMillan matrix Richard Haller introduced at the last meeting for Director’s to use when assessing programs/services. Reduced services but did not cut other than closed the ticket office (another one on campus) to save 50k. Looking closely at employee relations, travel and parties and implementing bottom line budgets for specific events. Operating the alumni center which costs 288k a year to operate for a 3 year period and taking that cost directly from reserves. Did not observe furloughs with the campus and remained open on campus closure days. Aztec shops are maintaining and have not had any back out as of yet. A referendum is on the agenda for March, hopeful for a $94 fee increase for new Student Union.