associated students of asu



NOVEMBER 14, 2008

GPSA Bill # 24

Application Data

Application Title / Guantanamo Insider Speaks his Experience
Short Summary / We have confirmed Captain James Yee, a Chaplain appointed at Guantanamo Bay, who became detained himself, to speak about his experiences from inside Guantanamo. Lawyer and professor Howard Cabot will speak on his experiences representing detainees also. There will be an open question and answer session also.
Application Type / Individual
Requested Amount / $2,000
Referral Source / Word of mouth

Application Team

Name / E-Mail / Phone
raeesabbas mohamed / / 480-246-4166
Name / E-Mail / Phone
Angie Martinez / / (323) 702-7783

Organization Information Please identify your organization below. Only organizations registered with the SORC are eligible to apply. All requests are due on the date listed on our website, late applications will not be considered. You are able to modify your answers until you submit your application.

1.1 / Select your organization or choose other. *
Muslim Law Students' Association
1.2 / Other organization
(If other, please enter organization name.)
2 / Is your organization registered with the SORC?

Event Information Please describe your event below. All requests are due on the date listed on our website, late applications will not be considered. You are able to modify your answers until you submit your application.

1 / Event Start Date *
2 / Event End Date *
(For one day events, enter the start date)
3 / Event Participants *
Who do you expect to participate in your event? (ie: grad students, undergrads, faculty, professionals, community members) From what colleges, schools, departments and organizations? (425 characters max)
This event will bring undergraduate and graduate students from the College of Law, Justice Studies, Hugh Down/ Cronkite School of Communication, School of Global Leadership and likely others as well. We have received positive responses from attorneys across the Valley and non profit organizations that represent international rights and humanitarian causes.

Budget Justification Please provide your total budget for this event, including expenses funded by other sources. For requests over $250, matching funds must be secured and written proof of co-sponsorship is required.

1.1 / Description and vendor *
(200 characters maximum)
Honorarium for Captain James Yee. We have been given assurance from Dean Paul Berman of the law school, that if we fall short he will help out.
1.2 / Total Cost *
1.3 / Amount Requested *
2.1 / Description and vendor
(200 characters maximum)
Soft Drinks and water
2.2 / Total Cost
2.3 / Amount Requested
3.1 / Description and vendor
(200 characters maximum)
Parking and transit validation for visitors. The Law School's Student Bar Association has agreed
3.2 / Total Cost
3.4 / Amount Requested
4.1 / Description and vendor
(200 characters maximum)
Advertising, including colored photo copies, posters, and local ads in papers.
4.2 / Total Cost
4.3 / Amount Requested
5.1 / Description and vendor
(200 characters maximum)
Travel and lodging : Flight from Washington to Arizona. We have received reimbursement approval from the ASU USG for $400 for travel and hotel.
5.2 / Total Cost
5.3 / Amount Requested
6.1 / Description and vendor
(200 characters maximum)
Food; we have received reimbursement approval from ASU USG for $200, and The Law School's Student Bar Association for up to $600 for this purpose.
6.2 / Total Cost
6.3 / Amount Requested
9 / Total Cost of Event *
(Sum of Total Cost fields)
10 / Total Requested from GPSA *
$250 maximum for events without matching funds, $2000 maximum for events with matching funds.
11 / Matching Funds
Please describe all matching funds you expect to receive and the organizations providing them. (425 characters maximum)
the ASU Undergraduate Student Government = $600
the ASU LAW Student Bar Association = $600
Dean of the Law School = $1000